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Misty Monday.

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    Misty Monday.

    Good Day to you all.
    I had a shitty weekend, but for some reason, I feel good today.
    My granddaughter's been in the hospital since Friday. She has a kidney infection and was very sore, not too poorly, but ill. She's a lot better now and will be home today or tomorrow.
    I'm an optimist believe it or not, so I always knew it was just a minor thing, but my daughter and my wife and her mother have been so worried.....Also, my car broke down on Friday. More bills! So what did I do? Yep. Friday night after vsiting, I got drunk. Stayed drunk on Saturday. (Other relatives were on visiting duties so I didn't get to hospital on Saturday.) I sobered up yesterday. It's all the usual blur, but I have a new resolve today.
    I'm going to read the book again, re-supply the cupboard with my supps and I'm going to do my 30 days AF. There, I've said it.
    One more week at the grindstone, then I'm off for a week. This would normally mean at least five days of drinking. However, my dad and two of my sisters are going to spend three days walking in the Highlands with me. Fantastic!
    Thank you all so much.

    Misty Monday.

    HI Popeye,
    I'm so pleased to hear that your grand-daughter's OK - it's so hard when young ones are ill.

    Glad to also hear your new resolve - go for it. We are all here for you!!

    That hiking should be great - clear the head well

    I've had a tiring but fun weekend, and am back at work today - enjoying my lunch at the moment.

    I am going to have to find my last post to find out how many days AF i am - getting slack on that!!

    Lotsa love

    "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


      Misty Monday.

      49 Days AF - 50 tomorrow!!!

      Must start talking in months or weeks or whatever!

      Also 49 days without a ciggy!!!!

      What a happy little body I have!!!!!


      PS Bluebell, sorry could not come round for the kids - licence not back in the post yet!!!
      Otherwise I would have, not probs!
      "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


        Misty Monday.

        Afternoon folks!

        I'm afraid my energy levels are at zero today. Had a very stressful, busy and tiring weekend, getting rid of furniture, cleaning, clearing out things and (on top of all the millions of other "usual" things). Woke up Sunday with a stiff neck and massive headache. I think it's maybe a viral thing because today I have a bees dick worth of energy. I am running on auto-pilot. And, of course, this is the day my car decided to beak down just as I was leaving for the school run, trying to get the kids there on time to catch the bus for their school swimming lessons...... missed it of course because the RAA took forever. My home phone broke somehow too...... the batteries are defunct so that was another thing buggered. I managed to get myself to the shopping centre and buy a new phone but couldn't decide so, walked around and around and around from phone shop to department store to phone shop...... trying to decide which phone jumped out at me. By this time I was about on my knees so bought a ..... wait for it.... SAUSAGE ROLL. Then, I bought a phone.

        I think that's all for now folks......

        PS Cashy......thanks for the thought.:l


          Misty Monday.

          Popeye, that must have been very difficult for you. But you know alcohol isn't the answer, it just takes you farther into that awful place.:h
          Enlightened by MWO


            Misty Monday.

            Bluebell, that sounds like a really bad day. Glad you survived it. Bless your heart:h
            Enlightened by MWO


              Misty Monday.

              Morning Popeye, glad the weekend has gone, sounds like this one just brought you to your knees eh, but true MWO style you are back, upright, proud and fighting.
              Hope your wee tootie feeling a lot better and home now, you feel so helpless when it's the bairns not well, bet you wished you could have taken the pain and the infection for her.
              Where about in the Highlands are you all hiking? If it's Ross-Shire then I will be the one with a Satori in hand !!!

              So glad you are feeling better today.

              Lorna xx
              Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                Misty Monday.

                Popeye! I am so sorry.. I didn't mean to ignore you. I was so wrapped up in my own stress that I forgot to say hello.

                Here's a wee cuddle to make up for my rudeness :l .

                Hope your grandaughter is on the mend now and that your hike in the heilands is braw.

                SK - thanks, it just take days like this to realise how good the good days are! Actually, I seem to be able to put things a lot more in perspective these days when things happen that weren't actually in the plan!

                It's only money...........:nutso:

                G'Day tea!


                  Misty Monday.

                  Glad to hear your granddaughter is ok and that you are feeling
                  better. Have a good day.
                  Best wishesxx


                    Misty Monday.

                    Popeye, I'm so glad your little granddaughter is on the mend, it must have been a very worrying time for all of you.. Don't worry about your slip, at least you have the inner strength now to see it for what it was, and the resolve to do something about it, good luck on doing 30 days AF...

                    Cashy, big congratulations to you for 49 days AF and ciggy free as well... Its hard enough to do one, but two at the same time, I take my hat off to you...

                    Aw poor Bluebell, I think the postman just got fed up with delivering bad luck parcels and decided to dump them all on your front door step, what a horrendous time you have had, still, that sausage roll must have made up for all the angst, ha ha ..

                    Well the sun is shining in this part of the UK today, so I am off for a walk in a little while to get some nice fresh spring air...

                    Catch you all later,

                    Love, Louise xxx
                    A F F L..
                    Alcohol Free For Life


                      Misty Monday.

                      Bluebell, "It's a long way to the shop when you want a sausage roll".

                      Love ya

                      "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                        Misty Monday.

                        Morning All!

                        I think there's something in the air....some kind of cloud .....cause my son jumped into my bed early this morning after my hubby left & fell into a deep sleep & later called to tell me saying he PEED in my bed! Lovely. Things just got worse after that. Daughter needing this-that not being ready-morning from hell. Had to rearrange my whole morning schedule.

                        P-cloudy skies are always temporary. Luv that optimistic attitude!
                        49-Congrats Cashy!

                        Have a Great day To Great beginning of a Great week!...or something like that.... (positive thinking)
                        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                          Misty Monday.

                          Hi everyone, Starting over again, trying to be AF. Drank over the weekend , mad at myself, husband not talking to me but determined to try yet again. Sorry to hear about your granddaughter Popeye but glad to hear she is doing better. Bluebell sounds like you had an exhausting weekend - hope you can rest a bit today. Cashregister wow, 49 days, that is really admirable. I'm inspired- can't seem to quite get to a month but trying.SeaBreeze I had the same type of morning getting the kids up and going hope the rest of your day is smoother. Well hope everyone has a good and happy day. Aquamarine
                          AF SINCE 3/16/2016


                            Misty Monday.

                            Sounds like everyone had a rough weekend - I hope today goes much better for everyone.

                            Cashy - Congrats on 49 days! That's awesome.

                            Well, my weekend was very uneventful...lots of exercise so now lots of soreness! No idea how I got so out of shape (ok, I do, but still...)

                            Big hugs all around (whether you had a bad weekend or not!):huggy



                              Misty Monday.

                              Popeye, It is so hard when a little one is ill we feel helpless even though you had positive thoughts I am sure the angst worked its way into you body i can feel my fists clench when the little ones are confornting illness or pain. Plus the car thing that sucks please can't we have a break???But its off to the highlands for you may your strides be great as I know they must be. Rudemama

