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Misty Monday.

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    Misty Monday.

    Good Morning All! Happy April, now that the week end is behind us!

    Popeye, glad you have the resolve to pick yourself up by the boot straps and get back on that horse, eat your spinach, pop Blutto in the eye, save Olive-oil (I would bet she was extra virgin :H ) and be the hero we all know you are!

    When it comes to small ones Kidney problems are very scarey. So happy your grand daughter is improving. I myself am recovering from a bugger of a bladder infec. 2 rounds of antibiotics and just my luck, the one that is working makes me quezzie and gives me a bit of a head ache. :yukko:

    Way to go Cashy! 49!!! :yougo:

    Blue Bell, you need the :goodluck: squad to come to your house.

    Sea, wish I was there to help you. We'd do a laundry marathon, make some coffe, hang the sheets outside so they would smell good. One of my twins had trouble with peeing the bed till he was in about the 2nd or 3rd grade. Seemed like a big deal at the time. He's 22 now. I'll bet I changed his bed 5 times a week. Just remember "This too shall pass!".

    I, gratefully, had a great week-end, with the exception of one damper. Went with my my 24 yr. old back to the hosp. for a follow-up cat scan of his chest . He had a severe MRSA infection. Hopefully we will get a good report. I rested alot, cleaned a couple of closets. I made Imagine's Encherrita's, (check out her recipe on this site- DELISH-serve with sour cream)and made a kick ass Black Forest Cake saturday night. I drank my club soday with a little lime from my best chrystal. (caught the hub sniffing it when he didn't know I was watching) I didn't say anything. And I feel good this morning.


    "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


      Misty Monday.

      Hello again.
      Thanks for everything.
      I had a great day at wotk today.
      We arrived at a one day job expecting all the material to have arrived for us to get a good start. The sand didn't arrive till 2 o'clock and then the wagon was too big to get in the gate.
      It's a beautiful day here. The job is in a lovely farming village. I was sitting in the van while everyone else was sleeping, watching the birds pair up and build there nests, when a shepherd pulled up in the field 15 feet from me on a little quad bike. There was a sheep in a litttle trailor that it was towing. There and then it gave birth to two lambs. I thought it was beautiful, but the men I work with are all townies, so they did'nt really want to watch.
      I haven't seen a sheep give birth since I was a young boy. It made my day.
      My granddaughter is a lot better, but it looks like she might have to stay in another day.
      The car isn't ready yet....the guy ordered a wrong part...but I don't mind today.

      What a difference a day makes. So true.
      Thanks again.


        Misty Monday.

        you are blessed with new life:h


          Misty Monday.

          it rings so true Popeye...a day can be an amazing world of it's own.

          sounds like a real mixed bag of ups and down across the fruited all of you that are down, I say fear not as your "up" is coming. and to all of you that are up (Cashy et al) I say good on ya and up all the way! Hooray!
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            Misty Monday.

            Glad to hear you are doing better Popeye!!

            Had my doctors appointment today, first one since quitting drinking and quitting smoking. I have lost 15lbs, and I am definitely doing a lot better. Day 80 AF today, glad about that, never thought I would be able to say that a little while ago...this is all thanks to the wonderful support of you guys of course!! Thanks everyone, you all mean so much to me.

            It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
            James Gordon, M.D.


              Misty Monday.

              what a wonderful triumph Victoria!
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Misty Monday.


                I am so impressed with your success!



                  Misty Monday.

                  Here is wishing you all a better day tomorrow. Pop, glad the child is doing a bit better. Bluebell, what a day for you. Hope you are not getting sick. Cashy, 50 days is awesome, way to go. Wee, sun in the UK, isn't that something.
                  I am back to bed, I have the GI flu. Oh well, it's a great way to stay AF, no temptation to drink, when you feel this bad.


                    Misty Monday.

                    Victoria, That is just amazing. Good for you, and to have gotten a grip at this young of an age is such a gift. I knew I had "issues" at your age but I completely blew them off thinking it was okay because I was still in my 20s.

                    Popeye, what an amazing site of nature you saw this morning with the sheep. I would love to visit Scotland.

                    Good night all in absville from your friend in mods land.
                    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                      Misty Monday.

                      Victoria, you're doing so well. I'm really proud of you sis.

                      Lushy. Yep, it was good.
                      I've still got a smile on my face.


                        Misty Monday.

                        hi popeye ,hope your grand daughter is on the mend and out of hospital

                        well done victoria and cashy ,i can only imagine how good you feel ,i am starting day 2 of 30 days AF and i am feeling positive ,i cant remember the last time i went 2 days AF but i have spent a lot of time reading posts on this site and i really want to do it,


                          Misty Monday.

                          Lovely reading here. Thanks to all of you for sharing.

                          Popeye - I have limited knowledge of sheep but have spent a lot of time with angora goats. To me, one of the best smells in the world is the smell of a new born baby kid. It emerges from mum - mum cleans it up - it stretches it's limbs and suddenly it's on it's legs and faces life. It's a thing of unbelievable, exquisite beauty.

                          If you're fortunate enough to be part of the process, even as a witness ... be thankful.

                          Those city boys don't know what they're missing ...


                            Misty Monday.

                            Hi Mo.
                            The baby got out of hospital today all smiley and full of beans. (just like her grandad )

                            Tawny, I can't understand why the guys at work were so uninterested, even disgusted by such a beautiful experience. Nature at it's finest.

