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Mindful May- Week 4

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    Mindful May- Week 4

    Happy Hot Saturday mindful ones!!

    Sorry I was MIA the past couple of days. Not sure why except time seemed to get away from me. Doing a lot of worrying about kitty. He's pretty much stopped eating even with the appetite stimulant. But, he's still jumping baby gates, getting up on the bed and generally appears comfy. However, I know that without food his days are numbered. He did eat a little tuna today but not enough to make a difference. He won't eat any of the 4 types of cat food I have for him. He does seem alittle confused and definitely wobbly. I think i'll have to make a decision this week but I really hope he makes it for me. None of my cats have ever just passed peacefully in their sleep. I've always had to have them PTS and it is just gut wrenching to try to make that decision. I know he won't improve but if he's comfortable and not suffering I feel he should get as much earth time as possible. So confusing.

    Star- I'm so sorry to hear the news about your dad. Please do keep yourself healthy and strong so you can be there when needed. :l

    Dill!! OMG, one more work day!! How can that be?? You have no idea how envious I am but I also know you have put the time and work into your career and that you deserve this very much. I wish we could throw a physical party for you but a virtual one will have to do!!

    Lav- my back is much better. The aleve and ice did the trick. I even went to agility class wed nite and it was fine. My Achilles however is a different story!! I'm going to be starting a regimen of stretching and BID aleve for at least amonth to see if I can reverse the inflammation. I'll also add in heel raises to strengthen it. I have a 2 day trial in 2 weeks and I just don't want to be in agony on the way home like I was last June. I'll be bring plenty of ice and ace wraps for sure!!

    This weekend I am staying home and in the AC. I've got 2 running right now (soon to be 3) and dehumidifier. Gone will be the months of 35 dollar electrical bills that's for sure! The heat won't break until Monday. I'll try to get some laundry, dishes and my June budget done. My neph mowed and trimmed the yard yesterday and it looks great but it's way too hot to go outside and enjoy it. However, I may not be able to resist getting the hose out for DD!!
    That's about it for now. Will check in later on.
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      Mindful May- Week 4

      I seem to always come in at the tail...are we in June and no one will see this?

      A quick hello to all.

      So sorry about your dad Star. Sending xoxoxox's your way :soothe: Things like this alway illuminate how important it is to lavish with love every moment we can.

      I have somethings I want to share, but perhaps will wait until the proper June thread we always do weekly threads (rather than monthly)?

      Take care friends...P.
      "People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone."
? Audrey Hepburn, Actress and Philanthropist :heart:


        Mindful May- Week 4

        Started the Jazzy June thread this morning one has seen it yet
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

