Its a long weekend here - Queen's Birthday on Monday. Thats the English Queen - but at least we get a day off work and school. No rest for this wicked one as I am flying to Europe on Wednesday (straight through via LA - yuk!) - its mostly work related and will be very hectic. Hence why I am so busy at the moment. But I did watch a movie last night - in bed.
I probably will not post much when travelling - also only taking the I pad and I hate typing long posts on it.
So how are we today (Tonight?) Bear? You had lots of advice - Mick's idea was super.
My Mum also had a severe stroke like that and was paralysed - and like you did Mick, she perservered with daily repititive tasks to get all her faculties and use of body back. It was quite amazing -although I was just a wee lass, I can recall her determination. I like to think I have some of her quiet strength. She always said to me that it was the trying to do something that mattered - even if you didn't get the 'top' results (that was her advice when I was a maniacal student trying to do assignments). Poor Mum - I sure tested her:h
No weepiness at the moment please!
Hey there LTLW - looking forward to your trip? Hope the anxiety you clearly had these last few weeks is a bit less.
Hi PPQP - busy weekend? Sounds like you had a frantic weekend - so try to chill

Kuya - are you off to the Pools? Yes, its hard to know what to get young teenagers. But I am sure you will have a lovely birthday with your wee girl

Cookies and Curves Lav? Sounds like a lethal combination but the first bit sounds yummy.
Hi there Det - rushing around?
Gidday Mr G!! Is it getting chilly across the sea? Which part of Oz are you in?
YahYah - hope your sister if OK. Do they know what caused the ulcer. I thought ulcers were well controlled these days.
SF - hi there too. Sounds like you have been doing a lot of soul searching as well as not being well.
And masses of good wishes to all else - including the lurkers!
I must get some breakfast - I have tea here for you all but no coffee made yet