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Jazzy June ~ Week 1

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    Jazzy June ~ Week 1

    Lav, they are not just close, they're living here! It's non stop around here.

    My DIL is supposed to get a psych or mental health eval but she is not stepping up to that, either. I think she is bipolar or something along those lines; dramatic mood swings for one thing. No one can do for her what she must do for herself. Last probation meeting she missed, my son actually went out of his way to go early in the morning and pick her up to go there. She refused to go. Probably afraid of the drug screen I would guess.

    Sunny here, the perfect June day. Nice to be AF and aware.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      Jazzy June ~ Week 1

      morning everyone day 9 is here still af


        Jazzy June ~ Week 1

        Dill, you'll not be lonely - that's for sure
        Do you have access to a pool for the kids this summer? Have some day trips planned? Do you have an ice cream maker? :H :H
        I'm sure you'll fill your days with great stuff!
        I hope your DIL reconsiders.....she can change if she wants to change. Are her parents around & of any help or shouldn't I ask that question. (Feel free to ignore)

        witts end, you are doing just great! Any special plans for the weekend?

        I'm just hoping this rain stops. We've had about 3" today - enough!!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Jazzy June ~ Week 1

          Well good morning all!

          Neighbor's dog was outside barking at 4:15 this morning - crap
          My dogs are already napping but I'm not.
          Yesterday's rainfall total was 4" - that's a lot of rain!

          Not sure what I'm doing today, we shall see. Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Saturday!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Jazzy June ~ Week 1

            Good morning to all...

            What perfect June weather! I was able to garden a bit, and hope to do more today. First thing first, strawberry picking with a friend. I have to leave soon and hope I get bucketfuls. I bought Bisquick and will make my husband's favorite strawberry shortcakes from his childhood to go with the strawberries. Yummy. With the house open, it feels like the outside is welcome indoors. The birds are so chirpy, it is just perfect outside.

            Dill, lucky you to be retired. Wow with the grandkids living with you, but I would do the same thing. I have a friend who is caring for a grandchild due to parental drug use. Lots of people act bipolar when doing drugs. Get them off the drugs, then see if their mood is more even. You are so right in understanding that she has to want to get treatment, no one can do it for her. So, here you are expecting peace and instead you are more active and vital then ever. Just think how wonderful it is that you are AF. So glad you are going to have more time to be on the thread, we missed you.

            Lav, still no rain. The meterologists keep predicting it, but I watered yesterday, thank goodness. All my plants are making a nice stand, still looking healthy and strong. Made that delicious vegan lasagna last night from that website you gave me. Thanks again. What have you been investigating lately? I still do not know what I am allergic to formally, but my own observation is no nuts, no swelling. Do I really need to go to an allergist? I guess I will, but realize what to avoid.

            My dad is suffering after a second surgery, I feel so helpless in not being able to live closer. Offered to come, but he refused. He is just in alot of pain, I don't understand why they don't manage his pain better. It seems that the pendulum has moved again regarding pain meds. At one time they handed them out better, but now they act like everyone is an addict. Hope I don't ever need them. Scary.

            Pap, you are in my thoughts, hope you are having a decent day. Let us know if you can.

            To all, enjoy your Saturday.
            Formerly known as redhibiscus


              Jazzy June ~ Week 1

              Star, I only wish I could send you some of the 4+ inches of rain we had yesterday!
              It remained cloudy most of the day today but dry. Tomorrow is looking better

              About allergy testing.......
              I think it's useful, especially if you tend to have severe reactions. Once diagnosed you will still need to steer clear of the offending substance. Nuts, nut oils, nut butters, nut milks, etc are in many prepared foods. Soy could also be a problem. Soy actually causes gastric distress (just like dairy) so I consume very little soy.

              I would tell your parents to call the surgeon & keep calling him/her until you get an appropriate response. No one should have to suffer needlessly from pain. Pain management was my specialty. Seriously, tell them to keep calling!

              Apparently my garden held up OK thru all the rain, I'm happy. Now if I could just keep the bunny rabbits from destroying the rest of my eggplant plants.....

              Have a good night everyone!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Jazzy June ~ Week 1

                still here for af june
                busy trying to weed the garden


                  Jazzy June ~ Week 1

                  Stargazerlily;1517203 wrote: My dad is suffering after a second surgery, I feel so helpless in not being able to live closer. Offered to come, but he refused. He is just in alot of pain, I don't understand why they don't manage his pain better. It seems that the pendulum has moved again regarding pain meds. At one time they handed them out better, but now they act like everyone is an addict.

                  There is NO reason for this. It boils my blood that medical professionals allow people to suffer needlessly. I had medical POA for my mom when she was battling cancer. The last few days of her life the head RN
                  came in and proudly stated that my mom was no longer needing her pain meds as she hadn't asked for them (she was no longer speaking at this point). I said, clearly she's in pain, HER BODY IS DYING, & she CAN'T ask for them! She needs to be on them till the end, in fact ramp it up sister! Fortunately, she also was on hospice and they are very liberal with pain meds. Does your dad have an advocate that he has appointed? He can sign a HIPAA release and allow you speak to his docs about any of his medical matters if he/you want this. I am sorry you all have to go through this. I have a really big mouth when it comes to this stuff so I'd spout off ~ it's a worthy cause if your comfortable doing so...Best wishes. Honestly, my solution to this is to require every person in the medical field to be hooked up to simulated pain machine for a few hour increments every month...that would breed some empathy for sure!

                  It sounds like you've got your hands full Dill. I hope your DIL gets her wake up call soon. Kids should do the trick (it worked for me!), but not always. How are you holding up? Are you getting any 'you' time?

                  Any sign of sunshine in your slice of paradise Lav? It sounds like we all have gardens (mine is only partial 'garden' ~ some veggies in the ground and all the rest are potted flowers). Glad your survived the flood

                  Well, still dealing with doctors and relentless pain. I think I mentioned that its very likely to be Rheumatoid Arthritis. This SUX for so many reasons. I hate the idea of being on drugs the rest of my life. The constant pain, well that speaks for itself. Its a scary illness in that it can also attack organs and kill me, essentially. Fortunately, the treatment is getting more and more advanced.

                  M step~momma overdosed on several prescription drugs including my dads muscle relaxants today. She promised to help an elderly friend put together and run a 2 day garage sale. She only made it thru the 1st day...guess who got to do day 2? Yep, yours truly. I just didn't have the heart to let her do the thing all by herself. But she's ok now, and in a rehab facility for a month I think.

                  Kudos WittsEnd for your success! It gets better and better. What have you been up to?

                  I wonder where the rest of the gang is? Hello everyone and Happy Sunday!

                  I swear, it NEVER gets old waking up hangover free...priceless. P.
                  "People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone."
? Audrey Hepburn, Actress and Philanthropist :heart:


                    Jazzy June ~ Week 1

                    Good morning kids!

                    Ms Matilda got us all up at 5:45 this morning....really!
                    Cloudy so far but the forecast says it's going to brighten up at some point.

                    Perse, RA is difficult to manage but you do have the benefit of better drugs these days. When my Mom was diagnosed with it back in the early 80's there was nothing very effective on the market. Her pain was managed with Percocet because she also suffered with numerous spinal fractures R/T osteoporosis & that caused more problems.
                    I was always very aware of my patient's pain levels & made sure they were as comfortable as possible. The bigger problem is with the MDs refusing to order appropriate pain relief.
                    I hope your step-mom is OK.

                    Greetings to everyone, hope we all have a great day

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Jazzy June ~ Week 1

                      Good morning to all...

                      Lav, cloudy here today, we are due for rain this evening. Perfect gardening weather!!! I picked almost 11 pounds of strawberries. My back is aching from all the bending over, then I spread more mulch and weeded at home. It was awesome. I slept like a baby last night. I agree about the allergy testing, it is important. The pain med issue is something else. People are treated like criminals if they are in pain. My dad does not want me to help right now. He is old, but not that old, I guess.

                      Pers, how horrible to want to cut off someone at the end from their pain meds. Hospice has done so much for treating people humanely. You sound like a warrior for your mother. She was lucky to have you advocating. Sorry you are in so much pain. I do not have rheumatoid arthritis but have it in my hands and recently is has worsened. I find that certain foods help and others hurt. I wonder if they will give you nutrition suggestions. Have you noticed this with food? My husband, who is juicing at least for one meal a day, has been using ginger as he has noticed it helps with inflammation he has due to arthritis. Not even a cure, don't get me wrong, but it helps. Good to hear that the treatments are getting better. You are right about another thing, it is awesome to wake up feeling great, it sets the tone for the entire day.

                      Pap, where are you, let us know how you are doing. We care.

                      Dill, hope you have a great weekend.

                      Hello to Rusty, Witt, and everyone. Have a great day.
                      Formerly known as redhibiscus


                        Jazzy June ~ Week 1

                        Star I am so sorry to hear about your Dad. You and he are in my prayers.

                        Pers, Wow! I hope your step mom is OK! Were you at all surprised by this turn of events?

                        Hi Lav.

                        Witts, fantastic!!!! Keep it going!

                        My son has a 12 hour shift today and works an hour from here. That means Mr. D and I have a 14 hour shift!:H

                        Have a great AF Sunday everyone.

                        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                          Jazzy June ~ Week 1

                          Hi Star, have you seen this?
                          Anti-Inflammation Diet For Dummies Cheat Sheet - For Dummies

                          Dill, I know the pain of those long, long days on kid duty. Be grateful you have an assistant. I try to get YB involved here helping with the kids when he's not too busy fluffing up his ego

                          I did get a bit of mulching done but it's no where near done - it can wait.
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Jazzy June ~ Week 1

                            still af and feeling good just taking it slowly and not overdoing anything because when I'm overtied that is one of the triggers when I'll drink and go and binge drink
                            so slow and steady this time round


                              Jazzy June ~ Week 1

                              Good plan witts end
                              Identifying your triggers & being prepared with a solid plan will help you reach your goals!

                              YB stopped in looking for lunch & dinner which I supplied but not until I directed him to the mulch pile :H
                              He did some but was crippled up pretty quickly so I let him off the hook - the rest can wait :H
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Jazzy June ~ Week 1

                                Hey Jazzers - home once again, and this time for a few weeks at least.

                                Dill - you are wonderful wonderful to be trading in a peaceful retirement for family assistance. Your son and grandkids are soooooooo lucky. But I have to say, I have no idea how you and Lav do it - 14 hours with kids would absolutely do me in.

                                Lav - sorry about all the rain, hope all is drying out for you now. Thanks for the anti-inflammation link, I'll check it out.

                                PMom - so very sorry to hear about kitty - darn, these transitions are so hard - my thoughts are with you.

                                Star - I know how helpless it feels to be far away from a parent that is suffering. I'm so proud of you that you are staying close to yourself, noticing food issues, being in nature, keeping active. Great job ---- you and your dad are in my prayers.

                                Rusty - your new clients sound fabulous! You are truly attracting wonderful things to yourself.

                                Perse - sounds like you have been going through so much for a long time. Good luck with the pain

                                Hello new folks - great job keeping on the path, keep up the good work.

                                I had an interesting time away. Family dynamics are always food for a lot of thought. Two of the matriarchs of the family are becoming very fragile; it may be the last time that I see them, and that felt very strange and sad. My own mother seemed more fragile this trip - that's the first time I've noticed that; she's thinner and says that she has little appetite. Sometimes I wish I were close enough to come and cook for her a few times a month. Hard to be far away, but at least I was there for our joint birthdays.

                                Wishing everyone well - take care all -
                                to the light

