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Jazzy June ~ Week 1

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    Jazzy June ~ Week 1

    Had some spotty showers here this afternoon papmom but no storms yet. I'm ready for a cool off too
    This extreme weather sucks the life out of this old lady :H

    Siren, I was 16 when my niece & nephew were born. I changed their diapers, babysat, etc, etc. It's just funny to see them 'over 40' all of a sudden :H :H

    Witts end, nice to see you here as well! We have a nice group of supportive friends here. Hope you stay in AF land with us!

    Welcome home cyn!
    I would be totally crippled after such a long car ride - ouch. I hope you feel much better tomorrow

    Had a nice afternoon with my daughter & her crew. My grandaughter is a 2 year old dynamo - I kid you not!!!!!

    Have a great evening everyone!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Jazzy June ~ Week 1

      Good morning...

      Chilly here, 42 degrees, had to turn on the heat! Planted tomato plants, parsley, basil, and some flowers, more than I bargained for. Also, had my first bike ride of the season, just around the neighborhood. It was fun.

      Really fighting depression again...know it has to do with my Dad's illness, I am so bummed out. It will be good for me to go to work, I'll have to think of other things. On the bright side, I slept really well, could have slept all day!!

      Pap, it is good to have a nonproductive day, in my opinion, we all need them. Nice to just BE. The cooler weather is coming, believe me. It is refreshing.

      Lav, glad you had a fun day with family yesterday.

      Rusty, those online CEUs are convenient.

      Cyn, wouldn't it be nice to just go on a trip that you liked? Hopefully one is in your future. Sometimes I like being home, doing what I want.

      Welcome new people. Tell us about your journeys.

      To all, have a great day.
      Formerly known as redhibiscus


        Jazzy June ~ Week 1

        Well good morning June friends!

        Dark & damp here today but relief from the 5 day heatwave is on the way

        Nothing super special goingg on with me today. First Curves then whatever!!!

        Dill , wishing you a lovely last day at work today!

        Have a great day everyone!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Jazzy June ~ Week 1

          Cross posted once again Star
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Jazzy June ~ Week 1

            Happy Monday all,have a great alcohol free week!!! Off to work,great job everyone on alcohol free weekend!!


              Jazzy June ~ Week 1

              Morning all -

              Dill!!!!!! Hope this last day is wonderful!!!!!

              Hello to all newcomers - this is a safe, protective thread - I hope that it helps in your journeys. Please do tell us about yourselves.

              I have looked and looked through the last week, but I seem to be missing the information about your Dad, Star, and your kitty, PMom. I get the feeling that there are some crises out there - so sorry, and let me know what's going on. Big hugs to you both -

              Huge storms rolled through yesterday one after another (right after I watered the new grass of course). It was pretty wild -sunny one moment, then dark as night and filled with crashing thunder and lightning the next. My dogs are fortunately fine with storms, but I was worried about the neighbor's dogs - who get terrified - since I thought she was away. As it turns out, she had come home and I didn't see her -- more time wasted worrying! I was in a lot of pain all day long, so did what I could, but it was not a banner day by any means...

              Getting ready to leave tomorrow to be with my Mom for her birthday. After Saturday's drive, going on a plane doesn't seem like such a bad option...

              Wishing everyone a good day - take care of yourself Star - and congrats again Dill - hold fast, all those who are new - ODAT!
              to the light


                Jazzy June ~ Week 1

                hello everyone
                day 5 for me feeeling good at the moment bought a whole heap of sweets yesterday to help at night
                will have to watch the weight (worry about that later ) need to do week 1 af goal no 1
                goal no 2 week 2 af till we get to june af


                  Jazzy June ~ Week 1

                  :yay: Siren has joined! Hello to All new folks :l

                  Hiya Jazzy Juner's ~ I will spill the beans I promise. I just have a enough energy to do a fly~by...

                  Congrats Dill, I believe you are officially a free bird! Party time :day5:

                  Ok, will catch up and do a proper tamarra.

                  xoxoxoxoxo, P.
                  "People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone."
? Audrey Hepburn, Actress and Philanthropist :heart:


                    Jazzy June ~ Week 1

                    Hi everyone.

                    Just call me spam slayer - that's what I have been doing the last 2 days. I belong to bunches of forums and don't see spammers like I do here - ridonculous!

                    How's every birdie doing?
                    Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                      Jazzy June ~ Week 1

                      Good morning to all...

                      Hey new people, don't know anything about you, so would love to learn about who you are, what brought you here (AF I know) and a little bio. We share our lives here, good and bad, as our journeys continue. Don't know what you mean about spammers.

                      Dill, are you finally free? Whoopee!!!

                      Cyn, another trip, have fun. Hope your mom is well.

                      Lav, have a great day.

                      Pap, Rusty, and all, have a great day.
                      Formerly known as redhibiscus


                        Jazzy June ~ Week 1

                        Good Morning Jazzy Friends,

                        I arrived safely in Minneapolis on Sunday, and had a lovely visit with my dear friend, Susan, on Sunday. We just hung out and played with her two little boys and spent some time chatting with her husband. Like our now-absent friend, Ladybirdheart, she's an energetic cougar who married a man 7 years younger thans she is. :H She confided in me that her husband was a binge drinker, and he decided to quit drinking in February. Just did it cold turkey. It was interesting talking to him. At 36, he's a successful real developer and a workaholic. His father quit drinking at 40, only because his mother was going to divorce him. My friend's husband told us: "I am not a normal drinker. Normal drinkers don't go for weeks and months and then go out on a binge like I do. And I just couldn't take the hangovers anymore." I thought it was amazingly mature of him to share that with me. Work is going well here. My new clients are brilliant, young, female engineers. The CEO has a PhD, and is a woman.

                        A big warm welcome to Siren and Witts End.:welcome: Yes, please tell a little about doesn't have to be a novel, we just care here. As Cyntree said, we are a safe, protective thread. Siren, I read your posts regularly. Witts, I read your first posts as well.

                        Star:l:l.....I wish I had some words of comfort for you. I will say a prayer for your dad that he is comfortable. How I know what it's like to feel that depression as both my dad and mom battled cancer. I was depressed A LOT. I felt so helpless. You are right in that your work will take your mind off of it.

               are officially retired. What are you going to do on your first day of freedom? If you tell me you are going to babysit your grandkids, then please do something lovely for yourself later.

                        Pap:l, how is your kitty?

                        Cyn-Enjoy your visit with your mother.

                        Perse-inquiring minds want to know about your news.

                        Lav-I hope you have the whole day to yourself.

                        Must get ready for work. Happy AF Tuesday. :-0)


                          Jazzy June ~ Week 1

                          Good morning June friends!

                          I see sunshine, cooler temps, more seasonable weather today - yay!
                          The excessive heat & humidity had me dragging.

                          Dill, hope you get a chance to check in today & tell us how wonderful you feel right now

                          Star, hope you are well!
                          We sure have been a tight knit family here on this thread. I look forward to sharing all the news each day!

                          cyn, hope you have a nice visit with your Mom. How great you two get to spend time together!

                          Perse, waiting to hear your news - don't keep us waiting :H

                          witts end, congrats on 5 AF days, that's awesome!
                          I induldged in the sweets in the beginning too, don't feel guilty about that. I eventually used a bit of L-Glutamine to break my new found sweets habit ~ it all worked out.

                          Siren, spammers pop up from time to time. When I see them I just call them on it then press the ignore button

                          Greetings to Papmom, Rusty & everyone. Have a terrific AF Tuesday!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Jazzy June ~ Week 1

                            day 6 is here
                            done day 1
                            doing 1 week
                            next week 2


                              Jazzy June ~ Week 1

                              Hi Everyone!!

                              Dill!!!!! How was your first day of freedom?????? Hope you are feeling excitement for the next phase of your life!

                              Star-I'm so sorry you are feeling so down. Do you think the lack of control has something to do with it plus the fear and worry? At least you are sleeping. Keep up the gardening and biking. They will help. :l

                              Rusty-loved your description of your visit with your friend and your new clients. You are just on fire girl!!

                              Pers-enough!! Spill it!

                              Siren-hi-don't know you as I don't read the other forums. PLEASE tell us about yourself and how you slay the spammers.

                              Wittsend-I'm sorry-I don't understand your posts.

                              Great weather yesterday and today. Loving it!

                              Nice nite of quilting-very productive. Not much else to report.
                              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                              KO the Beast!!


                                Jazzy June ~ Week 1

                                papmom3;1515573 wrote:

                                Pers-enough!! Spill it!
                                I concur!!!

                                papmom3;1515573 wrote:
                                Siren-hi-don't know you as I don't read the other forums. PLEASE tell us about yourself and how you slay the spammers.
                                I have over shared so much in the last 24 hours!! Let me sum up

                                My husband left me and this makes me extremely sad.

                                My friends and family aren't there for me like I think they should be.

                                I feel lost and am looking for direction.

                                I feel extremely lonely right now.

                                This is the most times I have said 'I feel' instead of 'I think' in a really long time. I'm not good with emotions. I feel them, I just don't usually express them.

                                I slay spammers by calling them out and reporting them.

                                Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.

