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June AA Thread

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    June AA Thread

    BG: I too am going away next week...we'll leave Sat. early am. I'm going to try to on to this thread while I'm away.

    Yes, it's great to out there & real. I can't even imagine what I looked like when I drank. For one thing, I was always hung over & trying to hide that fact.

    Everyone has something they are dealing with as revealed by your neighbor. I'm sure you helped her a lot.

    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012


      June AA Thread

      still here day 21 .....3 weeks yeah


        June AA Thread

        Witts: Good for you. Each sober day that passes is a stronger day. The urges & cravings reduce. That said: I try not to say: "I'm cured." That won't happen, as evidenced by my relapse of last summer. I can let no complacency creep in otherwise I'll drink. But, for today, I'm very happy to be a sober person. No hangover, no headache, nothing but purpose & clarity. Take care, Mary
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          June AA Thread


          good on ya witt! it does get easier, but it is never easy. one always has to guard against that first drink.



            June AA Thread

            ps have a good trip mary! "see" you all when I get back!



              June AA Thread

              Witts End your rocking!

              happy travels Mary, and yes to answer your question I'm getting a lot out of AA. I really lucked out to find a wonderful group and they are even close to home which is nice.
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                June AA Thread

                thanks everyone no I will try not to get complacence I'm still doing 1 day at a time 1


                  June AA Thread

                  One day at a time is all we can do. Hang in there.
                  Love and Peace,

                  Sobriety Date 12.07.2009


                    June AA Thread

                    still here day 23


                      June AA Thread

                      Deter: A home group is very important. That's where you make the connections that are so necessary for recovery.

                      Witts: Yay! It gets easier every day. You'll learn a lot from being sober.
                      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                      October 3, 2012


                        June AA Thread

                        Thanks everyone can't believe how clear my head is


                          June AA Thread

                          Hello there!
                          This week-end I am attending a winter retreat, about 80 people!
                          I am so looking forward to it....
                          I am also the cook for the week-end!!!
                          Can not wait to fast forward through all the steps, game drives, camp fires etc.
                          "See" you when I get back!
                          Sol xxx


                            June AA Thread

                            Hi all just a little update !

                            Feel like i have made the 1st step for myself, got the form from Y.M.C.A hopeing they will accept me, if not there are other homeless place i can go to,have to start living somewhere for me to get a place, so my daughter and son can come and visit me. been really hard this year going without food, hot water , living in the dark. You know i said to my daughter today any difficult situation rise above it , it will make you stronger. I know i have to do the same now. :h
                            Formerly known as Teardrop:l
                            sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
                            my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !


                              June AA Thread

                              wow catch...I am hoping for nothing but good things to come your way, and you know the way for good things to come, you MUST be sober. you are on the right track! my home group has a bunch of guys from the local homeless shelter and there is a lot of sobriety in that group. some of them have come back from the dregs, down and out and wanting to die, to now being happy, joyous and free in their hearts and minds. you can do it too!!! lots of love your way.

                              take care all! i'm back from a road trip and it was great to see family and friends. no desire to drink, I lost 5 more lbs while on vacation, and I feel so good!

                              on a sad note, a friend of mine's 22 year old son died in a drunk driving accident while I was home. he was drunk and thrown from his was only him, and his car. there for the grace of whatever go I.


