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af Sunday 2 June

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    af Sunday 2 June

    MAE ALL...

    TT...thanks for the "special" coffee. Yup we got our sun yesterday which saw a successful compost workshop at the garden. We're heading into thunderstorms and rain for the next 3 days so keep the coffee coming. Is it tomorrow you're off on your trip? Ahh, so you're one of those passangers!

    Witt...good morning and good job on getting to day 3. I found my day 3 to be the toughest so hang in there it does get better.

    SF...I concur with the group, lovely post. When I started on MWO I posted my story. Thought that's where I was supposed to start. Stopped in the newbies nest for a bit but found my home here and never looked back.

    YahYah...go glad sis is doing better. You are sounding downright positive with that optimistic attitude. Keep up the good work.

    Det...sorry you have to work today and I'm actually surprised there isn't more trade shows on Sundays. Hope you find some good meetings on your travels next week. It's funny but it feels like coming home when I go to out of town meetings.

    Gman...good to see you. Hope you have a magical day/evening as well.

    Lav..."The mulch pile is comfortable where it is :H" I can just picture you walking out with your coffee and asking Mr. Mulch if he's still doing ok. So did you manage not to buy back your cookies at the bake sale?

    KY...congrats on 9 months and what is it for the SF now? I think a lot of people found it hard to hear about drinking when they were first quitting but I found the honestly really helped me get real about my situation.

    Mick, mick, mick...what can I say except maybe "Does the right one taste the same as the left one?" Hope you're enjoying your travels today. Personally I'm taking it easy and just enjoying TT's coffee.

    Bear...even face to face things get misunderstood and I think that's only human. My emotions and personal experiences finds me hearing what I want to hear and not really listening. That's another gift MWO has given me, the ability to listen and hear what is being said. Congrats on day 7, one week done and dusted.

    Cinders...I too agree with the acceptance goal. Once reached a lot of the struggles disappear, it just may take some longer to get there than others. Thanks for popping back in with the jokes as I have time on my hands to read them.

    Well that's all I got for now. Tummy trying to tell me something so must go deal with that. Have a great AF Sunday all and all to come...PPQP


      af Sunday 2 June

      You know what the barrel of a gun tastes like.
      This gives me a sad.
      Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


        af Sunday 2 June


        Sorry for that. Just cut and pasted from a site. I should have edited.

        AF April 9, 2016


          af Sunday 2 June

          Cinders;1514285 wrote: Siren,

          Sorry for that. Just cut and pasted from a site. I should have edited.

          No need to edit the truth. It's just sad, isn't it?
          Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


            af Sunday 2 June

            hidy ho ABeroooos!

            well, at least i got a very nice hotel room for once. here's the resort at Squaw Creek CA very near to Olympic Villiage where they train for the winter Olympics

            my boss called as I was on my way up and had me go to the supermarket and buy all the booze for the hospitality suite tonight. felt really weird with a huge shopping cart full of al. but nary a craving for some odd reason. yay!

            mega kudos on the AF times to Kuya, Bear and Witts End!

            love the funny pics!

            you's understandable we'd be militantly protective of our AF time now that we've finally made the toughest decision of our lives. what we once fought bitterly to have in our body, we now fight valiantly to stay the f*ck away from us. makes perfect sense to me! I'm grateful there is this place to enjoy such things and keep the ranks strong.

            well, I watched the final episode of Firefly last night. they only made 14 episodes. dammit! oh well. guess it's back to Star Trek the original series for me. if I had a 12 inch B&W tv it would feel even more authentic

            I have to deal with a bunch of drunk clients tonight...... ommmmm ommmmmm

            be well everyone
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              af Sunday 2 June

              beautiful spot Det! best seen without booze marring the view!


                af Sunday 2 June

                Actually, to add on to that PPQ and Det ( nice view Det BTW) what is very symptomatic of recovery is the inconsistency of our moods.
                One day I was totally mellow about booze talk, a few days later and it irritated the hell out of me.
                I am finding now more a feeling of indifference but that also makes it more of an effort to be responsive in support.

                As Lav reminds us ..... We change positions and opinions.....and that is OK.


                  af Sunday 2 June

                  Kuya...Congrats on 10 months! I agree with the "acceptance". Acceptance gets you to quit for good.

                  I opened a student guide from my Massage Therapy organization. It went right into "Fear". I related it to my quitting drinking and thinking I would not be able to cope with life. I am also reconsidering continuing school, because I think "Fear" is what grabbed a hold of me.

                  Getting the concept of not ever and a tough one to deal with....since I relied on it for so long. Acceptance still is something I need to set in concrete. Thank you for pointing it out.

         glad to hear that your sister is on the mend and business is picking up.

                  Bear....the moderation voice. It still gets me in a tizzy sometimes. But, then I really think it through. Sure, there were those very times I moderated....evidence that I can. What a joke...99% of my drinking was not moderated. I usually just laugh at the thoughts and my sober self....has a little talk with my drunk self. The sober self is always stronger....because it is always right. There is absolutely nothing a drink can do for me....except ensure I will most likely be puking by the end of the night. Such a classy vision

                  Cinders....I look back and there were so many times that I had good reason to stop. It did not stop me either. I just always wonder why it took so much misery to finally quit. Now I recognize AL as a drug...that I do mix well with....


                    af Sunday 2 June

                    Ah, long day but fairly nice

                    Det, I really, really wish you didn't have to have such a close physical presence to AL.
                    I know it's for your job & all but still.....
                    Very nice pic!!! Enjoy that view

                    kuya, I never talk about drinking/not drinking, smoking/not smoking when around family or friends. I simply listen & observe & it's very apparent that everyone I know drinks a lot less than they used to drink & has stopped smoking. The older ones are worrying about their health & the younger ones just don't have the interest that my generation had. The times are a changin
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      af Sunday 2 June

                      It is a good thing to see Lav . My daughter of 14 has NO interest in any drugs, nor do the majority of her peers.

                      The campaign here against smoking has been very successful is called 'Not Our Future' and ads feature music and other popular youth role models.
                      The massive increase in cost ( from $8 a packet to $22.50 ) in the ten years I have been here while income has only risen 10% in the same time has seen a massive reduction.

                      The same efforts are being made with alcohol.

                      SF .... What helps me enormously is to view myself as fluid and ever changing. I am not a fixed entity that has lost booze, I am an evolving personality that has outgrown the need for it.


                        af Sunday 2 June

                        these posts are amazing and exactly the kind of thinking that I need to refer back to when I am struggling to challenge my little BS voice. There is a lot of wisdom here and I will refer back to this. So much to think about, it's amazing how people I have never met in 3D know more about me than many in my life and offer such great support.
                        one day at a time


                          af Sunday 2 June

                          Thanks Bear - on behalf of all of us.

                          We need to also keep working on own face to face relationships - these ultimately are what we live with - as I am sure you will agree!

