I am still a bit anxious, I think that some exercise would help me, and remembering to breathe,that I don't have to do everything now.
Evening meeting tonight and I am hoping it finishes early so I can go off to rollerderby training afterwards - fingers crossed - I'm packing the skate gear just in case.
Other than that still getting used to nice atmosphere in new job - a few issues that I need to tackle about how our team works with other teams, particularly one run by my friend - not sure if that makes it easier or harder.
I'm feeling really fat and bloated today - been eating badly for a week(hormonal) I'm going to buy some fruit and veg tomorrow and make sure I eat it. I also have a meeting in my home town tomorrow afternoon so I plan to drop the car at home and then cycle into town.That's a way of sneaking in 20 minutes of cycling - and a trip to Primark as well!Just realised I'm coming at the eating/exercise above from an angle of making myself feel good and looking after myself,rather than I MUST do this. Baby steps.
Have a great day everyone.