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Tuesday April 4th - 50 Days AF!!!!

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    Tuesday April 4th - 50 Days AF!!!!

    Hi all, am very happy today!!

    Had a bit of a flip out last night - think it was my medication - felt all tingly and like I was walking on foam! Kinda fun

    better today but think I may be going up again - oh well, at least I know what's hapenning, though problem is at this point I don't want to stop it!! I can see whay lots of bipolar people don't take thier meds - ut I am (don't you worry!!).

    have a great day


    "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon

    Tuesday April 4th - 50 Days AF!!!!

    Cashy - big congrats on 50 days!! :goodjob:
    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


      Tuesday April 4th - 50 Days AF!!!!

      It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
      James Gordon, M.D.


        Tuesday April 4th - 50 Days AF!!!!

        Congratulations Cashy 50 days!

        Funny how you should touch on people not taking their meds..... ahem.... I didn't take mine Monday night because I was still suffering terrible headaches from Sunday morning. I am convinced it is the meds because it just feels "chemically" if you know what I mean!

        In fact to be honest, I will be seeing my doc on Thursday (I even changed the appointment from today (Tues)) and I want to tell her how I feel about things now... and that is that I don't want to abstain. I don't want to continue with the Revia (I don't feel good on it anymore) and I want to do it another way..... ie moderation without the super-strong drugs. I am, in fact, copping-out of the plan my doc has for me. I can't do it. It's too hard. Not the fact that I want to booze myself up is NOT that..... it is the fact that I do not feel good, I have a lot on my plate just now and I DO want to be able to sit down at the weekend and have a glass of wine. I am so mixed up and don't know how to handle this. It feels like if I could just have a month "off" while I move house then, once I am settled, I can focus fully on some sort of moderation plan. I know she will think I am a timewaster and I feel bad about that.


        Have a great day everyone.


          Tuesday April 4th - 50 Days AF!!!!

          I have been in your head space Bluebell. Don't give in so quickly - you don't have to abs for ever, but those few drinks are not going to make any difference whatsoever to the hard time you have ahead, and in your heart you KNOW that!

          I'll PM you my work e-mail, perhaps we could have a chat?

          Lotsa love

          "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


            Tuesday April 4th - 50 Days AF!!!!

            I have emailed you.



              Tuesday April 4th - 50 Days AF!!!!

              hooooge congrads to you Cashy!!

              and Bluebell, no fair beating yerself up....we like you too much for that kind of behavior.
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Tuesday April 4th - 50 Days AF!!!!

                excellent jod Cashy. No booze and no ciggies.
                You're body must be in some sort of heaven.

                I've promised myself (again) that I'll get where you are one day soon. (well, in 47 days )
                Bluebell. I know you're under a lot of pressure. I truely hope that you find your way to where you want to be.:l

                Hi D. Get well soon mate.

                I hope you all, and all too come, have a good day.


                  Tuesday April 4th - 50 Days AF!!!!

                  Great Job Cash!!!!!
                  I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                    Tuesday April 4th - 50 Days AF!!!!

                    Hi Cash///fantastic//day 50...amazing and so encouraging for the rest of us.

                    I,ve reached day 44(today) and it feels good.Nearly caved in Saturday whenout watching a group with all friends sipping(as opposed to glugging)wine!

                    I set out to fo 40 days as my goal AF! and WOW i got here!!!!!!!!!!!

                    I am hoping to moderate BUT not feeling confident to try that yet....

                    ..TO BLUEBELL..good Luck and hope you get moderating for the house move and arrive in your new home feeling good.

                    Think many of us relate to the"I'll start again next month" ideas,,,but my experience now tells me Why Wait??

                    hope it all works out for you Bluebell and be assured you give so much of your honesty on here has really helped me.

                    Regards Cassy


                      Tuesday April 4th - 50 Days AF!!!!

                      Cassy..... yup, I'll do it next month..... seems the easy way out. My mind is turning as the day progresses. Things are getting back into prospective.

                      "I get by with a little help from my friends" should be my new signature!

                      Best of everything to you Cassy and congratulations on day 44!:goodjob:


                        Tuesday April 4th - 50 Days AF!!!!

                        Good for you!!

                        Just hit 50 days this morning too. Now I want to celebrate, but need to learn how with out the booze. Chocolate helps, but if I keep eating it everytime I have a craving I'll out grow all my clothes!
                        AF again since 3/13/2014


                          Tuesday April 4th - 50 Days AF!!!!

                          Go buddysmom!!!

                          Do something cool - get a massage, facial, whatever!

                          "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                            Tuesday April 4th - 50 Days AF!!!!

                            Hi Everyone!

                            Cashy! Congrats! :thumbsup That's awesome!

                            By the way, It's the Tues, the 3rd, not the 4th~ you goofed me as it's my b-day & I thought I plum woke up & missed my day! And since I have a bit of the AF days-don't like the horror of waking up & realizing I've missed a day! LOL:H

                            BB-talk to your doc. I've read that you really should not do any major changes in your life within the first 6 months of sobriety. So if your plate is full have a talk about what other options there might be for you.

                            Spending the day rearranging our bedroom. Had hubby move furniture & now I get to spring clean that room. Achhoo.

                            Have a Great Tuesday!
                            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                              Tuesday April 4th - 50 Days AF!!!!

                              Hi Everyone, Congratulations Cash on day 50- you should be proud of yourself. Congratulations also Buddysmom on day 50 - what an accomplishment! Bluebell- sorry you are feeling so stressed. Hang in there you are stronger than you think . Hope everyone has a great day. Aquamarine
                              AF SINCE 3/16/2016

