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Jazzy June - Week 2

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    Jazzy June - Week 2

    Rusty, I'm so glad you are back! I missed your upbeat, cheerful posts. You'll be in my neighborhood tomorrow. I'm about 45 minutes outside of Dayton, as you may remember. If I weren't on constant kid duty I'd try to drive in to Dayton to meet up. Maybe someday...

    Cyn, thank you for your inspirational message to Witt's. I know it was meant for Witt's but it hit the mark with me. I have often admired Chill for her closing the door and not going back. Lav, too. Witt's take Cyn's advice...keep your eyes on the horizon.

    Star, did you ever read that book I mentioned a few months ago: Proof of Heaven?
    Just curious.

    Lav, Pmom, greetings.

    Happy Humpday everyone!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      Jazzy June - Week 2

      "You can't move forward to the next chapter in your life if you keep re-reading the previous chapter." Author Unknown. Isn't that a great quote? My neighbor shared it with me this morning. She said it was a propos for her sister, who has an AL problem, and has alienated the rest of her family of five sisters and mother because she keeps ruminating about things that happened years ago. When my drinking went from moderate to problematic, I used to do the same thing. She has been to two inpatient rehabs but has returned to drinking almost immediately after getting out of rehab. I really like her sister. She's smart, funny and kind. She is married to a wonderful man who does not drink, has a healthy and happy daughter, and lives in a $2 million dollar waterfront condo.

      Dill:h Awww.....I missed you, too! How I wish I could treat you to a wonderful dinner tomorrow night!!! I would drive over to wherever you are, and yes, I remembered that you were close to Dayton. We have to eat dinner at the hotel (Hilton Garden Beavercreek) and then we're going to a Dayton Dragons baseball game (SNORE!!!) I hate baseball. It's about as exciting as dryer lint.:H The catch is.....we have to attend the WHOLE conference (including the game) or the company won't pay for my airfare. I just re-read your post to find that your DIL is in jail. Maybe it's for the best and she'll get the help she needs.

      Witts:l I, too, would follow Cyn's advice. Eye on the prize. Like Lav said, we all have down days. Ann Landers had this great quote. I don't know what country you are in, but Ann Landers wrote an advice column for years. She was a non-drinker and she had this great quote: "People who use alcohol to drown their sorrows should know that sorrow can float." We're here for you when you have good days or bad days. Lean on us. Lots of strong shoulders here.

      I had a bad day on Monday. I got some negative feedback from one of my regular auditing clients, and I immediately received a call from my "boss," asking for an explanation. It's not a showstopper jobwise, but it ticked me off SO much, because this client lied about some things I had said. So, I made the decision to fire this client. I said to my "boss," "Give this client to someone else. I don't need him." I'm done dealing with Art, the company president, a crude, puny, guy with a Napoleonic (short-man) complex. Art, you piece of sh*t, you are done like dinner, Weasel Boy.

      Well, I should get to the gym. I have missed you guys.:h I hope everyone is having a restful night.

      I have to be up at Rusty O'Clock (3:30 AM) to catch my flight so probably won't be back until Friday. Love you guys....really, I do.


        Jazzy June - Week 2

        The ones with 'short man syndrome' are the worst Rusty :H :H
        Glad you kicked the little turd to the curb, good for you!
        I don't envy you having to sit thru a baseball game, yuck.....boring. At least you can play on your iPhone to pass the time :H
        Have a safe trip!

        Hi Dill! Has the crappy weather reached yuo yet? It's supposed to arrive here tomorrow afternoon/evening. Hope I don't lose power as usual

        Looks like my Christmas amaryllis is going to bloom tomorrow. Better late than never, huh? :H
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Jazzy June - Week 2

          Hi Lav, no the weather has not hit yet, but it's due to hit overnight sometime. The winds are supposed to be wicked! Your amaryllis is going to bloom tomorrow? That seems incredibly late to me! What's up with that?

          Rusty, I'm with you on baseball...boring!! Loved your proactive approach to handling Weasel Boy!!! You go, girl!!!:H Oh, and thank you for the quote. Interesting food for thought.

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            Jazzy June - Week 2

            Hi! all thankyou for your kind words
            I made another day and thats great
            And rusty I will keep my eye on the prize a life of af


              Jazzy June - Week 2

              Good morning to all...

              I am up at Rusty O'Clock, around 4 a.m. Hey Rusty, loved the way you handled that dude with short man syndrome. I have had to deal with some men like that myself, not fun. Thought about the quote you shared and agree that we have to let go and move on. If we don't, we are stuck in the same pattern, whether it be drinking or another situation. Resentment and stewing about past wrongs is a great way to keep drinking and living in the past. What a waste of time. It is easy to get into that mode if you are IN IT. Meaning actively drinking. I love the way you are reaching out to people more and more. You are truly able to be your best self, AF. Don't get mad at me but I love baseball games. I wish I could go for you.

              Dill, I DID read Proof of Heaven, and found it interesting, although hard to get through as the author wrote like a scientist. However, he BELEIVES in something now, in a higher power, life after death, not just science. It was a miracle for him, he had to get really really sick and have a dramatic change in his life to believe in something besides himself. I do think that if you get too much into science and rationality, you forget that life is a mystery, and everything is a gift from God, the Universe or whatever you chose to call our Creator. He realized that we are more than just physical, there is spiritual too. It was a good read. Did you read it? What are you reading now? I have found an author I like, Kristin Hannah, and am on my third book. Great fiction.

              Lav, we finally got rain and some big storms, although the worst was not in my area. It will be interesting driving to work to see what branches came down.

              Wittsend, encouraging you on your journey, you are doing a great job. It is so wonderful to wake up feeling like a million bucks, I continue to focus on the positive.

              Hey all, I do miss Chill. And LadyBird. I appreciate all of you and your willingness to keep the thread going!!! Have a great day, to all.
              Formerly known as redhibiscus


                Jazzy June - Week 2

                Good morning all,

                Ms Matilda let us sleep until almost 6 am, yay!

                Awaiting the arrival of these storms with 1-4" of rain & damaging winds, possilble isolated tornados. Doesn't sound like a whole lot of fun

                Glad you didn't have any storm damage Star.
                Having this super clear head for some time now is wonderful but I've also come to realize just how much I ignored in the past, while drinking. For example, my younger brother & his wife have been living on the west coast since the early 80's. I have come to notice they have really turned into a family of tree huggers, their kids too. :H
                That is fine, it's their choice! BUT it is not OK to post something controversial on Facebook & not expect some responses radically different & then get all upset :H
                I found myself essentially 'arguing' with them last night because they really were being rude & thoughtless. I think I'm done with them, they have gone over the edge

                Greetings Dill, Rusty, Papmom, witts end & everyone checking in today!
                I'm heading outside to make sure nothing has been left out before the storms arrive.
                Will check in later, assuming I still have power

                Have a great AF Thursday everyone!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Jazzy June - Week 2

                  Hey Jazzters -

                  Was going to post at 10:30 last night, but fell asleep at the keyboard, oh well!

                  Lav - good luck with the storms, hope that you don't lose power. We've gotten a ton of rain, but no really terrible blows - amazing for this part of CT! Hmmm, yes, getting a FB account is on my list; got a few things ahead of it though.

                  Rusty - good going on taking action, that sounds just great. Hope the baseball game was bear-able!

                  Star and Dill - I started Proof of Heaven last winter in AZ - have misplaced it in the move back, so will look for it. I noticed in an airport bookstore while traveling last week that there is another book like 'Proof..', but this one is written by a woman MD, sounds similar. Would be interesting to check out.

                  Right now I'm trying to finish 'Quiet', the book explaining Introverts to the world. I initially downloaded it on my computer, but I'm not too comfortable with that, AND I would like Mr Tree to read it as well. We are both models for our types: he's and Ex and I'm and Int. As in diametrically opposed. We are in such proximity right now that we are noticing a lot of things that need to be, shall we say, figured out. We approach everything about as differently as can be; but that's just an opportunity for growth, right? And a chance for me to practice BOUNDARIES...

                  So, about the floor in the bedroom that was uncovered after yards and yards of horrible chocolate-colored carpeting was taken out. We had been told, by someone who knows the house, that the floors underneath were wood, the same oak that is in the rest of the house. Well....MOST of the floor is oak, except for the parts that are patched with some kind of crappy 6" pine. That was a surprise. The contractor tried to convince Mr Tree to get a floor person in right away - patch and stain the floor, sand and poly it, all before we moved the furniture back in. I said no, and I'm so glad. I shopvac'ed the floor, vacuumed it, and then washed it (and the closet walls), and we moved back in that night. We've ordered area rugs that will cover most of the offending spots, and for the rest I'll rough the plank up with a palm sander and stain it to match the rest of the floor. Chaos over, savings $2,000, good for me. Can I call that a win for BOUNDARIES?

                  Had PT this morning, then went for a lunch with someone I write for, but she didn't show, I knew that it might be cancelled, but I didn't get the word. Guess I'd better get to work now, since it's 2:30! It'll be a late night...

                  Wishing all a great AF evening - Witts, you just keep keepin on - cheers to everyone -
                  to the light


                    Jazzy June - Week 2

                    Hey cyn,
                    I'm falling asleep earlier than usual myself lately but I know it's due to Ms Matilda's insistence on waking up the chickens
                    Sorry your lunch date bailed on you, that's kinda rude.

                    Good job on saving floor $$
                    Having perfect floors was never a high priority for me. Having kids, dogs & now grandkids & occasional grandogs here as much as I do precludes having perfect anything :H

                    I heard a while ago that an 18 yr old employee of the zoo was hit by lightning, so sad. She was transported to the hospital, I hope she's OK. That zoo is a mere 5 miles from here & we've taken the kids there recently to see Jimmie the giraffe.

                    Storms are over for now, may be more later ~ can't wait!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Jazzy June - Week 2

                      Greetings AF Ones,

                      Hey Lav, that storm came thru here this morning about 4:00 am. I slept thru it but we did get an inch and a half of rain and the winds were pretty strong, according to Mr. Dill. Nothing really out of the ordinary tho. How was it in your neck of the woods?

                      Cyn, very good choice on the floor! It sounds like you put a lot of work into it and saved a bunch of money.:goodjob: Keep working on those boundaries, I think your are getting the hang of it! I always like it when you mention your boundaries theme because it reminds me to be mindful of mine as well. If you can remember the title or author's name on that book you saw at the airport, let me know so I can see if it's available at my library.

                      Star, I'm glad you enjoyed "Proof" on some levels. I liked the science stuff, but that's just me. You like baseball, I like science! But more than that I found his life story rather compelling...the part about being adopted and dealing with those emotions as an adult and then jumping into the bottle (very familiar) then getting sober. I would have liked him to write more on that particular aspect, but that could be a subject of a whole 'nuther book!! Right now I am reading a reference book that the "Proof" author mentioned called Erasing Death. It is not a novel and I doubt you would enjoy it. It is about resuscitation science and after death experiences that result because of improved resuscitation science. Thanks for mentioning the novelist, Hannah, that you are currently enjoying. I'll search the library. Any particular title you prefer?

                      Hey Witts, hope week 2 is going strong.

                      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                        Jazzy June - Week 2

                        Hi Dill,
                        The storm blew through here between 9 & 10 this morning. No damage to speak of here but sadly there was a horrible event just 5 miles from here. The little zoo that I've been to twice this past month with the grandkids had a lightning strike. A 19 yr old intern was hit & she's in critcal condition. How sad is that?

                        Speaking of boundaries............I just sent YB home wondering why I don't want to go to a retirement party with him for his former coworker, really!!!
                        He doesn't understand how I might feel uncomfortable suddenly showing up after I was banished three years ago, really??? Are all men this insensitive or am I just stuck with a real ass clown?

                        I am on a mission to restore my dignity, he can go by himself

                        Waiting for the next round of storms tonight, yay (not).
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Jazzy June - Week 2

                          Thanks dill week 2 finished starting week 3 now
                          Had one bad day but all good and quiet at the moment
                          I just get up set when my sisters think I'm ripping them off and question and critise everything They even doubt the solictor
                          but nice and sunny here hoping to plant some seeds (veges) and do some baking have a group coming for the week-end and camp fire dinner to-night (love camp oven cooking The men do it ) and the mess is outside


                            Jazzy June - Week 2

                            Hello From Beavercreek, Ohio, Friends!!!

                            Dill-I got out of going to the game...YAY!!! I will try and get my hands on Proof of Heaven.

                            Cyn-GREAT job of speaking out on the floors:goodjob: AND setting boundaries. I admire you. I bet the floor will look great when it's done. Too bad about your lunch date. Did you ever hear from her as to why she didn't show up?

                            Star-thank you always, for your kind words about me reaching out. Yes, now that I think of it, I really AM seeking out healthier people. I was not always stuck in that fugue state....the hamster wheel of emptiness. Good for you that you like baseball. Does your husband enjoy it as well?

                            Lav, I'm flummoxed as to why YB thought you would want to go to the retirement party. Regarding whether all men are that, I think both men AND women toss out those carrots.....not because they sincerely WANT you to accompany them....but it's so they can relieve their guilt about not being fully present in your lives. That way, when they are not making time for you, and they know it, they can say, "Well, I asked you if you wanted to go to the retirement party, and you said no!!!!!!" Does that make sense?

                            Big hellos to those MIA: Papmom, Perse, Sooty, TDN, Witts End, please check in when you can! I miss Chill and LBH, too.:h

                            Well, I stuffed my face with kettle chips today so MUST get to the gym now. Hope everyone is having a happy AF night.


                              Jazzy June - Week 2

                              Oooppp....cross post, Witts! Congrats on your continuing AF time!:goodjob:

                              Do you feel comfortable telling us where you live?

                              Sorry your sisters are not being supportive.:l


                                Jazzy June - Week 2

                                Good morning kids!

                                Overcast but not raining & 59 degrees at the moment - yay!
                                What a crazy week of weather we've had here.

                                :H Rusty, YB wants me to fix all of his problems, doesn't he?
                                He showed up when his gall bladder went bad last Fall, he showed up when he popped the button on his new pants last week & now he's looking for help getting thru a social situation where all of the guys will be showing up with their wives. Screw that
                                I am so damn tired of feeding his overly inflated ego, just not going to do it anymore!!!!!!

                                OK, time to haul myself to Curves then see what develops for the rest of the day. Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Friday!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

