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Wednesday 4 April

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    Wednesday 4 April

    Morning Everyone!

    First of all thank you to everyone who gave thoughts and advice to me yesterday whilst I was going through a bit of a "time". I feel a lot better today and have decided to speak to the doctor (appt tomorrow), explain that I didn't feel good on the meds, feeling stressed at moving house and am going to ask if there are other options for me. Sounds simple. All that worry again over nothing. Well, we will see what happens tomorrow!

    :l to you all for your support.

    Now, then. Hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday. I am planning to! I think it was Popeye that said what a difference a day makes! I still have the same amount of things to do as yesterday but today, somehow, it all doesn't seem so unsurmountable!

    Life is good.

    Wednesday 4 April

    Happy Wednesday

    Hi Bluebell and everyone to come -

    A wet, grey morning here in my part of France, but I'm on holiday from school so no complaints! Glad life is looking better, Bluebell - I know you've been finding it tough - you're right, it's amazing the difference a day can make! - good luck with the doctor - it will be interesting to hear what alternatives she suggests ...and good luck with the house move - having moved 11 or 12 times I know what it's like!

    Anyway, a thought for the day:
    "If you play it safe in life you've decided that you don't want to grow any more." (Shirley Hufstedler, b. 1925)

    I wonder how I'm going to grow today...?

    :h to everyone - have a brilliant day.!
    :rays: Arial

    Last first day - 15th April 2012
    Days 1-7 DONE
    Days 8-14 DONE
    Days 15-21 DONE
    30 days DONE
    60 days
    100 days


      Wednesday 4 April

      Thanks Arial, As it turns out, I had a call from the Health Centre saying that my doc will not be available tomorrow, would it be ok if I saw a substitute. I said no and said I would make an appointment for next week, when my doc is back. Talk about spooky. This afternoon I was feeling a bit confused about what I actually wanted to say to her and now this.......... I am still not drinking though. It's a strange old time. I am glad I am not seeing the doc tomorrow.... I don't feel ready.

      I love your thought for the day.

      What part of France are you in? I have been to Paris three times and loved it there. I suppose Paris is the typical touristy thing but I have always had a little dream of living in the french countryside ............. ahhhh! Anyway, have a great rest of the day!


        Wednesday 4 April

        Good morning Blue and arial and all to come,
        it is still dark outside (daylight savings) but there is also a gray, rainy day waiting. It's been raining cats and dogs for 24 hours. I don't mind, it helps melt the rest of the snow.

        Bluebell you cannot do it all in one day, just take a breath in and out and in and out.
        Arial, enjoy your time to yourself and go have a fresh baguette with cassis for me, will you please.

        Wishing you all a wonderfully contented, grateful day.
        Hugs Lori
        *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


          Wednesday 4 April

          Hi Everyone, It's a grey rainy day here, and cold. Glad to here you are feeling better Bluebell. It is so true that a day can make such a difference. Hope all have a great day. Aquamarine
          AF SINCE 3/16/2016


            Wednesday 4 April

            Morning! Rainy here, but at least it isn't snowing - YET, but it is predicted. Had a bit of a rift with my boss yesterday. I hate that. Has left me out of sorts and a bit quiet. Everyone seems to be tip toeing around me.

            Desk is piled high, so I think I will re-assign this stuff to others, complete with impossible deadlines, like he does to me! :quoted: I am evil!

            Best get to it!

            Hugs, :l

            "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


              Wednesday 4 April

              Good morning Absville! well, I wish it would rain here in the high desert, but not likely.
              Starting to feel better after this nasty cold...must be the garlic therapy
              Bluebell, maybe a little time to meditate is what you needed? At any rate, be well everyone.
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Wednesday 4 April

                Hi All:

                BB~Glad you're feeling better about your appt. Now maybe you can do a litle research & print out a few things ( ie. Topa if you want to go on that) or the supps.That way you have things to talk about with your doc. I actually printed out the MWO pages & showed my Dr. once at a follow-up visit. He actually had me on Topa before I heard of MWO. So I started MWO after being on Topa. Good luck w/appt.

                Arial, Lori, Aqua & best: yeah we got the dreary day here as well. Not much motivation to keep Spring cleaning.

                Have a Great One!
                :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                  Wednesday 4 April

                  Hello All,
                  Day 4 today and feeling fine. Better than fine actually.
                  Another beautiful day here. I actually got my jacket off and had a seat in the sun. It really is heart warming.
                  I'm glad everyone seems happy today and D is a little better.


                    Wednesday 4 April

                    Pop, it's nice to hear you feel better. Good idea, I am going to find a few mintues too for a sun bath.
                    Sea, what did you do for your birthday, hope it was peaceful?
                    Determinator, where do you live?
                    Best, bring some food to the office to share, and all will be forgotten, just watch!
                    Lori, I am laughing out loud about your Moese quote, how true.
                    BB, now you can get your thoughts together and make some notes on what direction you want your doctor's appt to go. Hey hon, moving is really stressful. I have done it too many times, and the thought of it makes me cry. My sympathy to you, just take it slow, and try to organize yourself. It's a great opportunity to get rid of stuff you do not need. I know it's hard to part with stuff, but it makes it easier. I would just say a little blessing over stuff I had to let go off....."thank you for serving my family, now go along and serve another family". Hope that helps you BB.
                    Hello to Arial, Best and Aqua, and good to day to you all.
                    Oh it feel so great to wake up with a clear head, doesn't it Popeye?!


                      Wednesday 4 April

                      Hi everyone,

                      Still new and getting to know everyone's personalities and stories. I'm on Day 4 AF too, Pop. I feel so great, I need to keep this in mind when the weekend gets here. If (no, when) I make it through tomorrow, Day 5, it will be the most consecutive days in 2007 for me.

                      A nice spring day for me - busy at work and have a long meeting after work that will go until 8 or 9 p.m. tonight.

                      Happy Wednesday everyone,



                        Wednesday 4 April

                        Monacat, I'm in Reno Nevada.

                        Hi Journey!! welcome to the most AB FAB place on the net!
                        thanks Popeye, yes, feeling tons better today....wooooo!
                        love and health to everyone!!
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          Wednesday 4 April

                          Hey all, just checking in real quick, hope all is well!!!
                          It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                          James Gordon, M.D.


                            Wednesday 4 April

                            Hi All,
                            Phew, I have just returned to my Oregon office from Forth Worth, Texas, Seattle, WA London, Rome, Florence, London, San Fransico, Seattle, Portland, Denver, Seattle, Long Beach - All in three weeks, But Gosh - Day 95 Af for me and I am serious - the last 5 days have been more difficult than the first 90 days - It hardly seems fair! Admittedly there has been a great deal of stress - and lack of sleep - during this time - ALSO - the crazy folks everywhere I go think they are being special and offer free alcohol - every flight and every evening out come the bottles! What is with that??? Anyway- Thank God and thanks to all of you I am still AF today.

                            Had to vent here cause it has truly been a testing - thanks for listening!! I think I am back in my regular routine again for a while -thankfully!!



                              Wednesday 4 April

                              Hi checking in to say hello. Monacat - happy to see you again.
                              Rivergirl...that has to be some kind of record! wow. I am trying very hard to get lots of sleep because, like stress I think that makes me want to drink more and eat more!
                              Congrats on 95!!!!! That is so great!

                     can do day 5! You are doing great. The first few days can be so tough. It just feels so strange not to drink. Just keep working on it and coming here.

                              Night everyone! Sleep well-

