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Thursday 5 April

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    Thursday 5 April

    Quick everyone... catch up.... it's Thursday already!

    Good morning!

    Since my appointment is now next Tuesday, I feel as if I have a bit more breathing space. I started taking the Revia again yesterday as it occurred to me that my stiff neck, headache, feeling unwell could have just been due to a virus! Who knows? Anyway, with the extra few days I have to "play" with before I see the doc I will continue on with the Revia and see how I feel. I would love it to be okay. I really hope I felt yucky last week because of a virus. It didn't occur to me till yesterday (when I was feeling a whole lot better) that that's what it could have been. We shall see.

    I feel as if I should give so much detail as I know that there are people out their either toying with the idea of taking Revia or, who already are. I know when I was researching things I wanted to absorb as many of other people's experiences as I could. Well, that's a good enough excuse to yack on :H .

    Hope everyone has got their Easter eggs in, I have, including a Chocolate Bunny who is carrying a basket of eggs (that it probably laid so there Kate and the other doubters... Bunnies do lay eggs - told you).

    Happy, happy Thursday to you all!

    Thursday 5 April

    Hi all - sorry I've been MIA's been busy! Nothing special has been going on, but with one thing and another the day is over and I'm crashing into bed before I know it. (luckily, being so busy has kept me occupied and away from the liquor cabinet!) Anyway, since I've missed most of the week, I figure I'll just jump ahead to Thursday and start again.

    Congrats on all the various accomplishments I've missed lately, and hugs all aorund on general principle. Have a good day/evening!


    p.s., where did all the nifty new smileys come from?


      Thursday 5 April

      For Paul



        Thursday 5 April

        Maybe that should have been a PM.

        I'm not one for listening to other people talking down to other people in a condescending manner under the guise of "guidance".

        Yup, none of my business as it wasn't directed to me but why do I feel that I have just witnessed a little boy getting a row?


          Thursday 5 April

          Hello all,
          Day 5 today.
          You read me right Brigid. You got me thinking, properly, about the reason for my lapses. I've come to the conclusion that it's a combination of reward, lack of self-belief, and complacency. Nobody likes to fail, but I manage to talk myself into a drinking session far too easily. I find myself expecting to fail, which makes giving in so much easer.
          Last weekend, I was truely humbled by the support I received from so many of the people that I have come to admire. I don't want to drink again. I dont know the mechanisms that make me think it will be OK to do so, because it never is. I have renewed determination firstly, to get 30 days under my belt, then carry on. I'm really looking forward to a sober summer. It's been so long.
          Thanks Brigid for everything you said. Nothing harsh, just realistic and challenging.
          I like a challenge.

          Have a great Thursday all.


            Thursday 5 April

            Hi Bluebell.
            It was just a bit of helpful advice. It's OK.


              Thursday 5 April

              Sorry for poking my nose in Popeye but I think you are fab and felt a bit uneasy at what seems like an incredibly humiliating post aimed at you ......

              PMs are great for saying things that maybe should be said in private.

              Love ya Pops :l


                Thursday 5 April

                Happy Thursday all!

                Welcome back Noella, Hi About Time, Bluebell, Popeye - and anyone coming later! Whatever preceded your post Popeye, glad to hear the determination in your voice - I too look forward to an AF summer - it's amazing how seductive those images of cocktails on the beach, wine spritzers on the patio, beer and bar-b-ques, etc. can be - I just need to keep reminding myself that one of those and the day is lost - ruined completely, so the seduction this year is going to be ginger ale with crushed ice, a slice of orange and a dash of grendaine, tonic water and lemon, bitter lemon, soda water and lime.... and BEST OF ALL - a clear head to enjoy the rest of the day!

                Keep smiling and 'cheers' to a happy, AF summer! (think I need to go and put the patio umbrella up - at least it will keep the rain off until summer does show up! )

                Love to all...
                :rays: Arial

                Last first day - 15th April 2012
                Days 1-7 DONE
                Days 8-14 DONE
                Days 15-21 DONE
                30 days DONE
                60 days
                100 days


                  Thursday 5 April

                  Morning all. Finally another day one AF for me. I had a great Feb. going then in March had some issues at work, then over 20 days on the road including 10 in Germany. So of course I re-started drinking beer everyday. Now after 28 days of continuous drinking I again attempting the AF path.
                  It seems that first day is the most difficult, but wow, do I feel better today.
                  Peace and Love,
                  Love and Peace,

                  Sobriety Date 12.07.2009


                    Thursday 5 April

                    Only have a moment to say:
                    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                      Thursday 5 April

                      Go Popeye and CPN! glad you've found your resolve and are fighting hard.
                      This will be my first AF summer in longer than I can recall....spring too come to think of it. Too many wonderful things to enjoy to feel like I'll be "missing anything" by cutting the drunken-stupor from my life. I have a wine tasting dinner Saturday and I haven't yet told my wine club that I'm abstaining....they'll figure it out then I know it will be a really tough night but Dx will be by my side abstaining also and if it gets too much to bear I'll just leave. Really been thinking hard about going or not for several days now but I'm ready and I know I won't blow it. Honestly can't wait for it to be over though! Cheers all, it's a glorious morning.
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        Thursday 5 April

                        Bluebell, I hope it was just a little virus and the Revia works wonders for you! Good for you for keeping on trying that option
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          Thursday 5 April

                          Phil, nice to see you back!


                            Thursday 5 April

                            Hello you all,
                            Everyone so far sounds good today.
                            I just love waking up with a clear head.
                            I have tried to be AF many times before, but this time is so much easier.
                            No cravings or desires.
                            Reading Allan Carr's book helpe me a lot.
                            Plus, you all are so encouraging...many thanks!


                              Thursday 5 April

                              Mona Cat, I love that cats face on your avatar, and such good news.. I'm so glad you are finding it easier this time to go AF.. Keep it up..

                              Love, Louise xx
                              A F F L..
                              Alcohol Free For Life

