Mick - hope you had some fun on your birthday and did not do too much running around. Same advice on not running around too much goes to our PPQP and Lavande - but it sounds Lav that you have come to a balance in that area.
Bear - welcome back and I hope you are getting good feedback from the new books. But remember the bottom line is to quit the demon drink. I read a lot of self advice and spiritual type books, saw counsellors for months before my final (she hopes) quit - but I am double minded about this. Here is my take on it...
I found I kept looking for more advice, the right AA meeting, a medication, an insight - and if I did that - then I told myself I would ' really' quit. But until then - then why not have a few glasses (bloody large glasses :H:H) of wine, a slurp of the wine before I threw it in the cooking etc. It was almost like if no-one else saw the wine except myself - it didn't matter

But what I had to finally do was just quit. Really really want to. So I guess the resources I described above were part of the arsenal I stock-piled in my quit but it was also a delaying tactic for me. NB - For me - not necessarily for others.
I am not saying this applies to you - its just part of my process. I am glad I did all the reading etc and I still do - (altho now mostly on MWO) but i thought this might be of interest.
Anyway hope the CBT is productive - it should be!
Sorry to rabbit on about me today folks but we all do from time to time!
You all have a fab day or night - as evening will be in northern climes to the west of me - and a great weekend. My shopping trip will be low key - my daughter doesn't live to shop - she is very focused in what she is after - so that is a relief! My partner G. is shifting part of a big tree that came down in the big winds we had here this week.
