Don't think the sleep helped in the beautification department and can't feel any new brain cells

Hi there Darkest Diamond - you are well on the right path, will be almost day 3 for you soon. Lots of good advice on the Newbies thread and us old timers can share a secret or two. We are a pretty determined lot but we have our crappy days and some more than others, cravings, as well as a bucket-load of other issues! Lots of humour here though even if we come from different cultures, nationalities, time zones, genders (although there seem to be a lot of us old gals !), religions, - but we all have appalling drinking histories, and decades of collective experience of living with addiction and afflicting it on hapless others - esp those we love most. Some of us use the word alkies (I do) with abandon but others are not so comfortable - but I don't think we get into fights over this. You will understand some of the Anglo-Celtic in-talk (from Bear, MicK) but sometimes the Americans (like YahYah, and Lavande, Cat, Cinders, SF) confuse us ('hump day' was one that got me) and then we get the weirdos from the real, lovely gorgeous part of the world (here! Kuya is part of this loveliness) ) and across the ditch (MR G and Blondie). There is a Canadian contingent as well (PPQP) and we have some based in continental Europe from time to time.
There is a creature called Det who live in an air conditioned cave and hunts garlic monsters!
Thats an introduction - sorry if I have left anyone off the synopsis - but I warned you all that my brain cells have not increased overnight.
Have a great sober week all!