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july week 2
july week 2
Witts-thanks for getting a jump on Week 2. I guess it IS Monday in Oz.. Witts, I saw you posted on the AA Thread. Are you going to AA?
Lav-I read your post on the Daily Thread....that you had some positive memories of your brother and you were choosing to focus on the positive instead of the negative moments. I commend you for having such a classy and mature philosophy about his life and his passing. Sending healing thoughts your way.:l
I have to finish some work before I go to bed. See you tomorrow.
july week 2
Good morning...
Lav, so sorry about the passing of your brother.
Rusty, glad you had a great Sunday.
Dill, hope you like the book.
Wittend, you are doing great.
Papmom, sounds like you had a little time for fun.
I must have eaten something and have had problems again with swelling, so felt like crap yesterday. I just can't eat any type of processed food all of a sudden, and had a few over the weekend. Plus, I was told to do specific things in my room for dust mites, and just did not take the time. Yesterday I washed everything in hot water, bought new pillows and covers for them. I am better today but have to go to work, so explaining my absence on this thread.
To all, have a great day.Formerly known as redhibiscus
july week 2
I learned that very often the most intolerant and narrow-minded people are the ones who congratulate themselves on their tolerance and open-mindedness.
Christopher Hitchens
Hello and thank you Witts for kicking off week two from down under!
Rusty, it sounds like you were reading all over the boards yesterday; visiting other threads and our old stomping grounds, the Newbies Nest. I have days when I 'need' to spend my time like that, cruising the forum. I very often read on the AA thread and find it one of the most helpful because of its determination and focus. I would like to post there sometime but haven't worked up the nerve somehow, and I know that sounds strange. I don't attend AA but I am a believer in the program and I also like the concept of the steps and the higher power. I think we humans all need to believe in something higher than or at least outside of ourselves. Oh, and I have been wanting to see When a Man Loves a Woman, too, but have had the same feelings of anxiety about that, too.
Pap, I'm glad you put your foot down about the dogs! That sounds quite un-doable! Would your friend consider taking just one or two? Could you handle that? I must say, you and your hoarder friend seem like you make an odd couple. This trip could be the pilot to a TV series!
I was looking for some kind of inspirational quote for the week, but once again, came across one that struck me for personal reasons in my own virtual world. So, I posted it as food for thought.
Lav, :l.
Cyn, Star, et. al., Have a good AF Monday!Dill
Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!
If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.
july week 2
Cross-post, Star.
Sorry you aren't feeling so great. Thinking of you.:lDill
Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!
If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.
july week 2
Good morning all!
Thanks for starting up week two Witts
Dill - guess who I immediately thought of after reading your quote? If you guessed YB you are correct!
There is absolutely nothing wrong with cruising the forum from time to time. You never know when you are going to read something that hits home with you!
Star, sounds like you are suffering again, sorry to hear that!
I have had no choice but to become a label reader.....for survival. Processed foods are tough on a lot of us. I hope you can soon pinpoint exactly what you are reacting to so you can eliminate it once & for all.
Greetings Rusty, cyn & anyone checking in today!
I have a busy day ahead, lots on my to do list. Starting today I will be watching my granddaughter Monday thru Thursday evenings while my daughter takes an A&P class. This is a very intensive 4 credit course, 5 weeks long. She is making a career change, going into physical therapy & I wish her luck.
Have a great day everyone & thanks for the well wishes.
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
july week 2
hello everyone
lav I have a granddaughter...maddie here 4 days a week Monday- Thursday ...she is so quiet I hardly know she's here
expecting no 13 to-day mother going in for a ceaser so will be on tender hooks for the day waiting
Rusty I don't go to AA ......must have commented I'll have to check
thanks dill
july week 2
Ha Witts, that's funny that you didn't know it was the AA thread. But it's not a mistake for you to post there. They welcome everyone who is seriously committed as you are. I went and read the AA thread after reading Rusty's mention of it and I thought you fit right in!! I like the folks on that thread. If I had more time for posting, I'd jump on there I think.
Lav, I had a candle going this morning before daylight that I lit for you and your bro. Every time I looked at it I thought of you. It was kind of cool, really. I wonder if you felt my caring thoughts? Hope so.
Good night all and bon reve rose! (:lMiss you LBH. Thanks for sharing that saying and for all your contributions to our lives.:l)Dill
Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!
If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.
july week 2
Good evening friends,
Thanks Dill, I am feeling warm thoughts from my friends, it really helps keep me calm & centered
Witts, you are expecting another grandchild? How nice
I had a nice time with my granddaughter tonight! The girls will actually be staying overnight tomorrow night so I'm looking forward to that as well.
I put a notice on Facebook about my brother yesterday. I have had warm responses from LBH, TDN, papmom & several others from MWO. It's nice to feel part of a warm worldwide family.
Hope everyone has a good night! Still hot & humid here, big T storms in the afternoons don't bring any relief, ugh.AF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
july week 2
Up early today and after getting g-daughter safely away to daycare we started making our raspberry jelly. It's in the waterbath now.
Granddaughters over night Lav? I bet they'll love that! When you see LBH, TDN, and others on facebook, do they have their real identities or their MWO identities? I've often wondered that. It seems so un-anomymous to be on facebook!!:H
Witts, did #13 arrive? How did you EVER have time to drink? Were you a daily all day drinker or a daily evening drinker?
Have a good AF Tuesday, one and all.Dill
Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!
If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.
july week 2
Enjoy those raspberries Dill - mine were destroyed last summer after the poison ivy growing in there nearly killed me.
I really enjoy having my daughter & granddaughter over night - fun girl stuff
All of us on Facebook use our real names, none of us ever mention MWO on there.
Nelz did form an MWO interim group on Facebook but I don't bother with that much. He did that a few months ago when this website was having so many problems.
We can't wait to hear your news Witts!
Now - for something completely unrelated :H
My washing machine has developed a not so nice odor
It's only a few years old, I never leave damp clothes sitting in it - I've never dealt with this problem, not ever. I googled for a fix & now have hot water, white vinegar & baking soda running through a cycle. Afterwards I'm supposed to run a cycle with cold water through & the problem should be fixed. I hope so anyway :HAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
july week 2
harvey lee was born at 4.00pm healthy 8.7 lbs ..all is good with them ... there 3rd boy
going to see them at the week-end when mums out of hospital
so may be off line for a couple of days ... I'l take my ipad with me just in case
Lav did you go with the washer
I ended up with 3 granddaughters yesterday ... all on school holidays
have to clean up to-day ... hubby coming home from his week of camping and bring home a whole lot of washing ......
dill we all have the same goal to be af thats why it's easy to fit in and be accepted
july week 2
Witts, congrats on Harvey Lee~ Glad all went well!
Lav, my washer gets that way from time to time. I have a special cycle on my machine that is specifically for cleaning the washer itself. I just put in a cup of bleach and start that cycle. I love my washer. It's a cabrio by Whirlpool. Ever heard of it? It uses less water than the average machine and has no center agitator. It's so roomy I can do a king size comforter in it.
Good night all.Dill
Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!
If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.