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july week 2

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    july week 2

    CONGRATS on the safe arrival of Harvey Lee Witts
    Raising 3 boys? I wish them the best!!!

    Dill, I fixed the washer problem, thank goodness.
    Don't know where that nastiness came from but it's gone now.
    I have heard of the cabrio - nice

    I should pull the plug on this day - good night all!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      july week 2

      dill I was a 5.0clock starter


        july week 2

        Good morning to all...

        Witt, congrats on Harvey Lee. It is nice getting to know you. I feel your confidence growing as your AF days pile up and you continue to post.

        Lav, good to know how to clean my washer if that ever happens.

        Dill, I want to pick blueberries and make jelly, something I have never done. I am sure I can google it. However, this week is busy at work so that is what I am doing. Hot and steamy here. Love it.

        With all this rain my flowers are spectacular. Hydrangeas, lilies of all kinds, I love mid summer. Enjoy your day everyone.
        Formerly known as redhibiscus


          july week 2

          Good Morning Friends,

          Witts, I was a 4:00 starter, that's when I got home from work and started to make dinner. But I was moving that time up on weekends. I realized I needed to get it under control years ago as I could see it was just progressively getting worse. Losing whole evenings, phone calls I couldn't remember, etc.

          Lav, thanks for the PM. I'll get back to you on that later today.:h

          Gonna be another long day with g-kid care, but it is getting easier as it is becoming "habit" now. (Hey, I've had worse habits!!:H:H At least this one won't damage my liver!)

          Star, I'm really enjoying Night Road. Have you read that one?

          Happy AF Hump Day!

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            july week 2

            Good morning group!

            Enjoying some quiet time for coffee before the girls wake up

            Severe storms predicted for later today, swell. I wouldn't mind If they would just break up this excessive heat & humidity. Oh well!

            Think I'll get myself to Curves then see what develops

            Have a great AF Wednesday!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              july week 2

              Good morning July friends!

              Lav and Dill-nice to hear you are seeing the positive in taking care of gkids for extended times instead of it being an imposition. Your relationships with them and your kids should be so much better for it-almost like the families of old where multigenerations lived under one roof. Kudos to your daughter Lav for going for a PT degree! That is wicked hard now adays-you have to get your masters and doctorate now from what I understand. So different when I was in school and could have gotten registered with only a bachelor's degree. Best wishes to her.

              Dill-:H We do make an odd couple!! She drives me crazy but for some reason we remain friends. It's the dogs for sure. I'll be handling her 7 month old BC puppy in obedience and then when she turns 1, we'll start agility. I've always wanted to run a BC in agility and now I get to do it at no cost to me and get to give her back when the class/trial is over. Best of both worlds LOL!! I actually got a chance to see the inside of a Caravan with all seats out and empty and was surprised to see how much room is in there. So, yesterday I told her to bring everything needed for 5 dogs to the dry run next Monday and we will see if we can indeed fit 8 dogs plus gear in the van. She is in a tough situation where the person dog sitting for those left behind can't handle a couple of the dogs. The pack dynamic is worse than what I have and this person is NOT a dog person. So my friend needs to leave the easiest dogs behind. It will be interesting for sure!!

              Witt-congrats on #13!! So happy to hear he is healthy and robust and that mom is doing well. Bet you can't wait to visit this weekend!! You are doing so well -I'm very proud of you!!

              Star-hoping you are feeling better today. I know the processed food I am eating is making me feel like crap but I can't stop. I have no desire to go food shopping and try to cook healthy. I tried a week ago and both the pork and steak I cooked came out so dry on the George Foreman. I give up. I wish I could afford a food delivery system but with those prices I could hire my own chef!! I just need to find one more day in the week to do the things I know I should do for myself!!:upset:

              Whoever was asking-yes, I started the Amoryn. It can take up to 2 months to see any effects and so far nothing. In fact today I woke up with a very upset tummy so called in. I'm sure it's stress and just loathing of my job. I also think something is going on with the school-the enrollment numbers are horrible for the summer and fall and I think there was a huge meeting of all the directors yesterday. I've also heard some conversations which worry me. its a very unsettling feeling. I don't think my job per se is in danger but I worry about my boss and some others. I'm still trying to figure out an angle with retirement but unless I come up with another full time job that pays somewhere near where I am it isn't going to work-I'll still have to work 2 jobs and on the weekends.
              Anyway I will take advantage of my "sick day" today and try to get some dishes and laundry done. I'll need a new washer soon so I'll look into the Cabrio-I do love Whirlpools.
              Have a great day everyone. Rainy, warm and muggy here. AC is back on.
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                july week 2

                morning all your right can't wait to see the new addition and have a cuddle and to catch up on the others

                sorry your having problems with insecurity with work
                I was a stay at home mom but my husband worked and he's a work alcoholic and he's starting to go back to work again even thou we have enough to do around the farm ......but he likes being needed by our sons can do the job as good as him......keeps him happy thats the main thing

                I'm lost on what the dogs are all about .....will have to go back and see

                have a good day everyone


                  july week 2

                  don't try to figure out the dog thing Witt-it's very complicated :H. Bottom line: I'm going up to Maine for an agility trial with my 3 dogs (I only run one in agility) and my friend is coming with me and bringing possibly 5 of her 12 dogs. She has a pet sitter coming to take care of the ones she leaves behind (but the woman is really just a friend, not a real pet sitter). We are renting a 30 foot trailer at the grounds of the trial. It's going to be very interesting!!

                  As far as work goes, I changed jobs in January after trying for 3 years to leave the job I was in. I had been passed over for promotion twice and the work was boring. The job I took in Jan has ended up not being what I thought it would be and I'm not happy. Now I'm getting a weird feeling that there might be some trouble due to low enrollments. No one but the admin staff are protected by unions so if the President decides there is a rationale for non performance then he can let people go with short notice. Just a feeling I have so we'll see. Frankly, if I was the one to be let go I would not be sad but enrollment numbers aren't my responsibility.

                  Anyway, that's it in a nutshell.
                  New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                  "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                  KO the Beast!!


                    july week 2

                    Good morning to all...

                    Congrats Witt on the birth of your new grandchild. How wonderful. My husband is a workaholic too, and sometimes it gets annoying! The alternative would be worse, someone who doesn't work at all.

                    Pap, wow, sorry to hear about the job. I have had some stress at my job lately with drama, but have chosen to just ignore it, do my own work, and keep out of the negative talk. Glad you have something to look forward too, a trip is always refreshing, and your interest in agility sounds like a great time ahead. I have been eating clean this week and slowly feel better. I have to be so careful now and it is a new world for me. I had salads for lunch, fruit for snacks, and veggie omelets for breakfast. Today we go out for a lunch meeting and I am not sure what to do depending on where we go. I guess my path will be to keep it simple and unprocessed, and read labels.

                    Dill, yes I read Night Road and a bunch of others by Kristin Hannah, at my little library. I have to go to the main one to read the rest of her books, that is how much I got into them. I really like Magic Hour, don't ask me why. It was just intense, like a Lifetime movie. Night Road too.

                    Lav, read a link you posted on another thread and it was awesome. Where do you find this stuff? What a good researcher you are. Thanks for all the info you share. I really get a kick out of the thread with Mick and his jokes, he is a riot. We are so lucky to be able to share with all these great people who are trying to live an AF life.

                    I am so looking forward to the weekend, we are supposed to have perfect weather, so get ready those out East. 70s, low 80s and nights in the 50s. I turned off the air last night and it was so refreshing.

                    To all, have a great day.
                    Formerly known as redhibiscus


                      july week 2

                      Woke up to a perfect summer morning with a cool breeze blowing through my window. I didn't want to get up but once I did I pretty much went straight outside and started trimming and pulling weeds.

                      Star, I'll definitely pick up more of Hannah's books. She's a very good author and I thank you for the recommendation.

                      Pap, I was the one asking about the amoryn, so thanks for the update. keep me posted. I'm sorry work is so stressful for you. I wonder if enrollment is an issue at other colleges as well as yours. With the economy the way it is, with so few real jobs out there, maybe people simply can't afford to go to college. Loans are easy to get but the reality is, the folks graduating can't find work and they are saddled with huge debts in the form of school loans. Maybe folks are looking at that and saying what's the point in a college degree if it doesn't result in a job?

                      Witts, I live on a farm too and hb is a work-a-holic. This place keeps him busy in his 'retirement', that's for sure!! We have a few head of cattle and raise hay. We have a veggie garden and fruit trees. Do you garden? Mr. Dill is the gardener here, but I help a little bit.

                      Lav, I hope you are OK. Will you be going to your brother's funeral or is it too far?

                      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                        july week 2

                        Good morning all!

                        I had most of a post written earlier but then Matilda jumped on my laptop & the post disappeared :H

                        Dill, there will be no funeral for my brother I am sad to say.
                        My SIL is totally agnostic As far as my brother's wishes - who knows?
                        I am purposely choosing not to let this bother me - I could very well get myself depressed & anxious over this whole thing. I am quite sure I am done with her now. My nephew called me & he feels the same way about her & that's a shame but it's her doing.

                        Star, did you happen to see my quote from Hippocrates?
                        'Let they food be thy medicine & thy medicine be that food'.
                        I think Hippocrates knew what he was talking about
                        Glad you are finding some relief!

                        Papmom, I hope you enjoy your doggy trials.
                        As far as work goes - I don't think there is such a thing as a 'perfect' job. Just do the best you can do & try not to worry about the rest. Seriously, it's better for your soul that way!

                        I am trying to keep my granddaughter occupied while my daughter gets some study time in this morning. Currently we are watching 'Poppycat' on TV :H

                        Have a god day everyone!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          july week 2

                          Woke up to a lovely perfect summer morning!

                          Dill, glad you like the books, they are thought provoking. How cool to live on a farm, it sounds so beautiful. I am really getting into nature and hope to spend a lot of time outdoors this weekend. Bike ride this morning, pool this afternoon, botanical gardens this evening. Taking care of little kids, I'll bet you will be outside too.

                          Lav, I love that quote and totally agree with it. I went out for lunch and had a salad with and so far so good! My husband took me out for dinner and more salad with some left for lunch. I am planning on making those awesome black bean burgers with the recipe you turned me on to. What are some other summertime vegan/vegetarian favs of yours?

                          Hope your day is better, Pappy. I know you love your doggies and they are such great companions. Have fun at agility.

                          Savoring a freshly ground cup of coffee (I have time I'm off today) and enjoying the beautiful universe. Hope you all feel healthy and have a great day.
                          Formerly known as redhibiscus


                            july week 2

                            Good morning all!

                            I guess the sun is over at your house Star, lucky you!
                            Skies are overcast here again, flashflood watch is up.......same old story

                            Food has become an adventure, a hobby a chance to stretch my creative thinking skills :H
                            I had a big push on GF eating this week since my daughter was here for dinner Monday thru Thursday. Last night we stir fried bite sized pieces of chicken breast, added a bunch of veggies including some yellow squash right out of the garden & added some La Choy stir fry sauce (MSG free). We served this over rice noodles - yum

                            OK, a little more coffee & I'm off to Curves. I have a kid-free day today - I just may take a nap :H

                            Have a great AF Friday everyone!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              july week 2

                              Yes Star, I am spending a lot of time outside these days. It's been a beautiful day so far. I've been watching the kids on their bikes and then on the swingset, eating popsicles. It's just too nice a day to be indoors. Your plans for your day sounded wonderful!

                              Lav, not even a memorial service planned? When my brother died there was no funeral. He was not a religious man, He wanted his remains to be cremated and then scattered in the Valley where he had spent a lot of his time as a teen. So the family gathered, ate breakfast together then went to fulfill his wishes.

                              Happy AF Friday everyone!

                              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                                july week 2

                                My brother gets nothing Dill - his wife made sure of that!

                                We've had about 3" of rain here today - enough already!!!!!
                                The weeds in my garden are hiding the veggies, I can't get out there to pull them. Crap.
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

