Cat - you take care - and rest up well. TLC this weekend methinks. I hope by the time you read this that the dizziness has passed.
Lav - have you melted yet? Or is that the ice cream I am thinking about?
Confession - I looked up ice cream makers on the internet.
Sorry that your garden is being wrecked by the heat.
Pauly - great to see you here with a positive outlook - you stick to your guns girl!
Mick - Sat nite up in the tropical North. I reckon you can have some icecream too.
Here we just has some snow falling but it did not settle. Fire is blazing, heat pump is burning up the electricity and we are all snug and hibernating today.
Bear - hope you are trundling along fine during the weekend.
SF - hows the son with the teenager mouth and attitude. yep they all get that at times/weeks/months/decades. Or express things in different ways. My girl tends to go sad, silent and weepy rather than noisy or aggressive - but we are on a good roll at the moment. Can change quickly of course.
Cinders - how's your weekend - with all the family what-have-you's? Hope you are getting some time to yourself.
Bonjour or is it bon soir PPQP!
Well I had better say bye-bye for now and youall have a great 'ooze' free weekend and Sunday when it comes to you.
