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Ahem..... Friday 6 April

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    Ahem..... Friday 6 April

    Good morning!

    This is Good Friday. Let's hope it is a good Friday for everyone, even though it feels like Saturday because it is a holiday.

    Now, what have I been up to? Ah..... nothing much.

    Okay, over to you all!

    Ahem..... Friday 6 April

    Good Friday, I'm recovering from a cold and a bike accident

    Well that's my exciting week. Just back from holiday, but had a bike accident last week. Nothing broken, but traumatised shoulder and blue all over. And to top it all up, I've got a cold and fever now, too. Great ey? But on the plus side, my 200 mgs Topa is doing a great job (even better than 175 mgs). I'm almost AF. Yesterday I did not even touch my regular glass of wine. Mamma mia ...

    Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


      Ahem..... Friday 6 April

      Geez Paddy, hope you feel better soon. Rough way to spend holiday/vacation. AF is great.

      Blue hope your week picks up
      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


        Ahem..... Friday 6 April

        I was going to come in and say it is not Friday but I will spare everyone that this week.

        Paddy, wanted to say sorry about your accident and hope you are on the mend. Glad to hear the topa is working wonders for you.

        Blue and all of the rest of you lovelies in abs land, have a great and happy Easter.
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


          Ahem..... Friday 6 April

          Paddy! What a time you've had! Hope you feel better soon. Congratulations on being almost AF!

          Thanks Beaches.

          It is Friday Lush. Have a great holiday and I hope the Easter Bunny lays lots of nice eggs for you and yours.


            Ahem..... Friday 6 April

            Hello All.
            Sorry to hear you're not well Paddy and well done on the tipple front.
            I've got work today, but with a bit of luck it should be a nice quick shift, then I'm off for a week.
            As you may know, my grandaughter was in hospital with what we thought was a kidney infection. Well, the Health Board phoned my daughter yesterday and told her that some tests had come through and it wasn't a kidney infection. It was meningitis, which is a srious, often fatal disease. Fortunately, the antibiotics that they were treating the 'kidney infection' with seem to have sorted things out.
            What frightens me, is the fact that she was ill for more than a week before she was taken to hospital. Firstly, when my daughter tried to make an appointment, she was told she could have one in three days. Not good enough. Secondly, my wife took her to see the health visitor who's response was 'It'll just be wind'. Not good enough.
            An ad campaign was run here for years about the symptoms and importance of early detection and treatment of this bug. Fever, rash, sore back/neck. All these were present. In fact my daughter mentiond the rash during a hospital visit and the word 'meningitis' flashed through my head, then I, that would be the first thing they'd look for.
            I don't want to moan about it because everything seems OK now, but it was pure luck.
            Thank God.
            Sorry for ranting. I got a fright that's all. I knew she'd be OK.
            Day 6 AF today. I feel strong and happy.
            Anyone travelling during the hols, take care.
            Have a happy (and holy) Easter.


              Ahem..... Friday 6 April

              Hey Pops,
              You have every right to rant here about this. That is so scary. Please keep us posted on your granddaugther. I hope she's alright. I am so glad that at least, even though the doctors had the wrong diagnosis, that they had her on antibiotics all along.
              I am thinking of you and your family.
              Thank God she's ok and great job on the AF days.
              "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                Ahem..... Friday 6 April

                Hi Beaches,
                She's fine now apparently. She's back home and giggling away. They say they'll keep an eye on her progress.


                  Ahem..... Friday 6 April

                  Wow Pops, that is scary stuff. I am so glad they put her on antibiotics and that happened to be what she needed. Wow. Shows you really have to speak up for yourself and your children when they are sick. You have a great Easter and holiday too!!!
                  I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                    Ahem..... Friday 6 April

                    Popeye, meningitis is one of my biggest fears in life for my children.... it can just creep up unexpected..... thank God that your grandaughter was treated quickly (although, as you say she was sick for over a week before hospitalisation). Maybe it's just as well you didn't know at the time... if it was me I'd be panicking. It's great to hear she is giggling and, obviously, feeling better.

                    Have a wonderful Easter time!


                      Ahem..... Friday 6 April

                      Popeye - I'm so glad your grandaughter is well, despite the doctor's efforts! I fully understand your rant as my niece ended up in intensive care as they messed around with stomach bugs etc. for months - yet another load of antibiotics - it turned out she had celiac's (sp?) disease. So hugely frustrating and worrying, - so great to hear that your grandaughter's back home and playing happily - many :l to her!

                      And Paddy - take care of yourself! - glad nothing's broken but it sure sounds painful! Hope you recover quickly.

                      To everyone else, have a great start to the weekend - contratulations to everyone's nearly- AF/AF days - 40 days AF for me today and loving every minute of it (except maybe that little niggle which calls out every now and again, 'drink me! drink me!, but it's stamped out quickly!
                      :rays: Arial

                      Last first day - 15th April 2012
                      Days 1-7 DONE
                      Days 8-14 DONE
                      Days 15-21 DONE
                      30 days DONE
                      60 days
                      100 days


                        Ahem..... Friday 6 April

                        Morning all on this Good Friday !

                        Paddy - sorry about all your bumps and fevers and colds and ....well, hope you are better soon. Vacation is not for everyone

                        Popeye- glad she is better now. That is a scare and I would be mad too. You have every right - sooo happy she is better. Hope you have a short shift today.

                        Hi lushy bluebell beaches and arial(big congrats on 40 days af!!!! :goodjob:

                        I'm at work and busy today. I have a conference in Miami next week - lots and lots of receptions with alcohol. Alcohol is just part of the conference I think. This will be my first AF conference in well, ever. I think I will be just fine - but please think good thoughts for me anyway. It is next Mon - Thur. 400 people drinking poolside...and me

                        Have a great day -


                          Ahem..... Friday 6 April

                          yeah! 30 days AF for time flies. The first week seemed to take forever. (I'm trying to catch up to you Arial) Lisa I sooo relate to the work conferences and their neverending association with alcohol. Be well guys and gals, extra good vibes for Paddy and Popeye.
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            Ahem..... Friday 6 April

                            Hello Everybody~

                            Boy I'm off to a late start. Everybody has day off & everything & anything went wrong this morning (one of those typical mornings). Am taking kids to have their yearly pictutres done this afternoon.

                            Paddy~hope you feel better soon
                            Pop~you have every right to be worried. Children are so vulnerable & innocent.

                            Hellos to BB, beach, lushy & lisa (big thoughts your way)

                            Congrats to Deter (yeah :yay: 30!) & Arial (yeah :happy: 40!).

                            Happy Easter Weekend!
                            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                              Ahem..... Friday 6 April

                              Hi and happy Easter weekend to you all,

                              Well i have ended up having a lazy day today...which i have rather enjoyed, the weather is glorious here and enough to put a smile on anyones face.
                              I did try to go to the gym but they were closed due to a i decided that i was destined to do nothing today!!!

                              Paddy....poor you!! I hope your feeling better soon mister...and Pops how scary that they didnt recognise it as menengitis, especialy as you said the symptoms and what to look out for have been drummed in to us so much through advertising.....Im really glad shes ok.

                              Hope youre all having a lovely day


                              Lou-Lou x x x
                              "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky

