howdy doody ABeroooooos!
after 8 hours of driving, here I am at another hotel. weeeeeeeee thud. need to stretch a little.
....ok that's better. hooray to No Sugar!!! and I love your name btw.
yes, the online world is a fascinating option for research but you need to discriminate with caution. this is one of the reasons I spend many an hour here: Home - PubMed - NCBI
researching medical trials and data from properly conducted studies. not from trends, hype, ideological or sales driven sources. I'm only interested in the hard, cold facts on nutrition.
YAH, i don't have a huge aversion to legumes/beans but there are certainly better foods with much easier digestion and much higher nutritional density. if you are eating beans as a protein source consider that a 1/2 cup serving has a measly 4-9 grams of protein and a huge whack of carbs, which is not a very good trade-off. 1/2 cup of cottage cheese will yield 28 grams of protein by comparison. beans also are packed with natures own pesticides (lectins) as well as other enzyme binding chemicals which can inhibit vitamin/mineral absorption. you can make them much more digestible and reduce the lectin load by soaking them for 24 hours in water. ideally, sprout them! I absolutely love lentil sprouts.
the sprouting process makes them tons more nutritious and digestible to boot.
yes, stress factors in modern life are a modifier that needs to be taken into account. this is why the importance of sleep in a 'really' dark room, avoiding blue wavelength light an hour or two before bedtime, making time for 'play', debriefing your day with friends/family are important cofactors in the paleo lifestyle. it's not just diet.
I'm sure that driving and being on the computer for very long hours is taking its toll on me. with that, I'm off to find the hotel gym and do something to simulate running from a sabre-tooth tiger!
be well my friends