Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.
John Lubbock
Star, I lose interest in the garden around this time of year. The weeds are just more determined than I am! I think that Mr. Dill is overly ambitions in the spring and then at this time of year we have more than we need. I don't have time this summer for picking and canning so I'm afraid we will have some go to waste. I wish that he would down-size and just plant enough to pick and eat!
Lav, overcast here, too. I am so glad we had that time on the lake last weekend. I did exactly as the above quote said and it was wonderful. Watching the clouds, listening to the waves lap against the reminded me of the MWO CD's, but better!
Witts, why does Mr. W have a pump up and running? Do you have to irrigate your garden for lack of rain?
I have a spinach/rice casserole in the crock pot for dinner. Have a great AF Hump Day everyone!