Mick - has the weekend sorted out the chaos at home? I hope so.Can't think of any other
advice about the pong and color. You might have to check out some heavy duty cleaning products.
Yah - sounds like you are glad to have Maddie (and all the spices) home
Cinders - havent heard from you for a few days. You OK? I know weekends can throw people off MWO
Lav - grandchildren worn you into the ground. I just hope you had some relaxing time. I saw on another thread that you did a trip to IKEA with YB - you sly old devil!
SF - everything OK with you? Church, family? Treadmill (or was it a step master?). I can't stand (pun :H) those things.
Pauly - hows it going?
PPQP - you on hols yet?
My Aussie mate - Blonders?
Thanks for the feedback about Xmas plans and my sister. I ended up calling her and having a long chat - not about Xmas but just about family and stuff. I need to make more of an effort to just phone her up as she has her own worries and demands. I know she cares about me and loves me.
I also had a lovely walk on Sunday - a 5 minute drive from home and then a trail over hills and through forests with great views. Just went by myself.
But today has been busy and emotionally exhausting. I recognise that Monday evenings are one of my 'flat days' - and a year ago I would have coped with pouring some wine and then chugged (literally) through the tasks before me. Thats what some call a 'functioning alcoholic'

Well I don't do that now so I have to ride this flatness out. Some stress at work - which could reflect on me - not anything I have done but just how I am assessed by others and it is worrying me. Plus daughter has a lot of homework and she is stressed and tired.
So I better cook some brain food! :H
Lots of hugs for a booming AF week ahead as we launch into August:happy: