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AA Thread - August

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    AA Thread - August

    Hi Everyone: I thought I'd bump this thread up to the top so that there might some interaction. I just got back from an am meeting. I don't love getting up & out so early but am ALWAYS happy when I go. There was a speaker whose message was: "I couldn't cope w/life on life's terms, but now I can show up for life." My biggest learning in AA has been struggling to accept life on life's terms. It isn't always easy, as there are always those curve balls. But, I'm realizing, as I look around me, that everyone has his/her struggles. Take care. Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012


      AA Thread - August

      hi guys...weve been off for a bit, eh? oh well, life on life's terms, right!

      I've been enjoying some quality time with my sponsor, and a few meetings lately. with my hip fracture, I just can't sit for very long, so I have been to about 3 meetings this week. its been nice because everyone is so nice and welcoming to me even though I haven't been to any meetings for so long (before last week). I got my 10 month coin a bit late, but that's ok. its purple and shiny

      im just getting through the days of bed rest and swimming my butt off. thank goodness this is summer! I should get off the crutches the 27th, but will have to take it easy for a while...oh well, it's temporary! ive met a lot of older folks at the pool who are suffering with serious illnesses and so many of them have positive really helps me to see that I can make it through this, and go on to live a great sober life!

      peeeeeeace to all!


        AA Thread - August

        BG: You're handling this physical difficulty in such a positive way. If you were drinking? Goodness knows! I'd be starting (drinking) early & ending late. I used all kinds of excuses to drink...even injury & illness.

        One of my closest friends is moving, & I helped out last night. It occurs to me that I wouldn't be doing anything if I were drinking. I just wasn't able to be there for friends. Drinking took up all of my energy & time.

        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          AA Thread - August

          hiya Mary and Betty!

          boy, what a weird meeting today. the discussion was on faith, HP etc and I was asked to share. I ended up doing my best to explain my reason-based (not faith-based) HP in what turned into a kind of a mini psychiatric presentation. when I finished and asked someone else to share there was dead silence..... so I said 'oh great, I've destroyed AA'. at that point they all burst into laughter and lifted the mood back up. whew! one of the more spiritual/religious gals thanked me afterwards for my share and that she really liked it. again... whew! it's a difficult path to navigate between being honest about my personal program while knowing there are so many there that are clinging on by faith, and I certainly don't want to make them uncomfortable. seems to be working so far.
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            AA Thread - August

            Deter: I live in a very liberal part of the country...western MA. Therefore, people are not nervous about expressing their version of a HP. I too can get into doubtfulness, so I try not to overthink or pressure myself into some kind of HP mold. There have been times when my little dog has served as a HP for me, as he doesn't argue & just listens when I work through a prob.

            This is a program of rigorous honesty. As long as I'm not hurting someone or putting someone down, I feel I can express myself. One of the main reasons I drank was because I didn't do that. I bottled up an awful lot & second guessed everything so as not to upset or offend anyone.

            I believe what I believe & my beliefs are always evolving. I haven't had the experience of an AAer say that what I believe is wrong or not enough. I have heard incidences (even right here at this thread), but Bill W & Dr. Bob meant for AA to be inclusive.

            You're doing fine.

            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              AA Thread - August

              I hear ya det! I never want to offend anyone or be flippant about anyone's faith, it is not my place to judge and I hope that other people can be respectful of my non-belief as well. I get mildly offended when atheists get bashed in meetings, but I don't stir the pot because it really isn't any of my business what other's think or believe, but I do worry it could turn a newcomer away...if I hadn't been totally ready to try ANYTHING when I first came in, and someone would have been outwardly hostile to other beliefs, I would have run away is a delicate line. I think "working the steps" helped me to be able to let go of any ownership of other people's feelings about my beliefs (or lack there of!), and to just go about my business in my recovery and do the best I can to be the person I want to be, and that is the non-judgemental (unless you are an a-hole!), loving positive person I feel I really am inside. I can now say that I am ok hanging out with people who don't even believe in evolution, and I don't get sweaty and weirded out by them!

              take care all!


                AA Thread - August

                also, we can be the people that newcomers can look to if they don't have particular beliefs or any at all. we are there for a reason, and that is to pass it on so we can keep it.


                  AA Thread - August

                  mary, thank you for the encouragement...I try to keep a positive attitude, but of course, it isn't always sunshine and rainbows. some days are better than others, just like it is in everyone else's lives, right? :H I really do appreciate the kindness, it helps to lift me out of the funk when I start to get sucked into it! as dg would say, one thing I know for sure, I'm not going to drink!!!!:thanks::l


                    AA Thread - August

                    i'm not trying to promote this or be dogmatic, i just found it to totally explain my beliefs and feelings about "spirituality" and our relation to the universe and the world. it's really beautiful, so if you want, check it out

                    Is your spiritual home right here on Earth? | World Pantheism


                      AA Thread - August

                      thanks you two! you're so sweet and helpful. had a very nice meeting today. I shared from a more emotional/philosophical way and was thanked by one of the regular chairpersons. I don't expect anyone to thank me for a share...I'm just sharing from the most honest place in myself that I can muster. all smiles here happy to say! 120 day chip tomorrow. yay! been at this point many times before but not at AA. I really do enjoy the group consciousness and think it helps me a lot.

                      will check out that link now...
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        AA Thread - August

                        Betty, I'm really liking the pantheism philosophy! thanks much
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          AA Thread - August

                          you are welcome...i'm not a "member" or anything, a friend just sent me the link and I found it perfectly described my feelings on the subject

                          congrats on the 120 days :l


                            AA Thread - August

                            Hi Guys: The last speaker meeting I went to was really great. The guy really addressed the newcomers w/much good encouragement & suggestions. One of the things he said that I took to heart was that he can feel himself getting "stale" when he continually goes to the same, comfortable meetings over & over. The meetings aren't getting stale...he is. I have found the same thing. Going out of my comfort zone in terms of meetings has been very empowering for me. I want to continue doing that. This is a simple program but not easy. It goes against my unhealthy desire to isolate & only do what I feel comfortable doing. I hope all is well. I like this discussion of HP. It's very helpful to me. Mary
                            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                            October 3, 2012


                              AA Thread - August

                              Mary, excellent point on dragging ourselves out of our comfort zones. it's critical to shake things up from time to time. I finally got my bum motivated to start exercising again and I'm loving the mental state it provides. I like to vary my exercises too, both mental and physical.

                              love to all,
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)


                                AA Thread - August

                                Deter: I think I drank in order to try to keep the status quo. Anything upsetting or challenging was a reason to drink. It got to the point where I couldn't go out of my comfort zone at all. Even driving a car became difficult for me.

                                Now, it's so much more beneficial & in the long run, easier to rise to the challenge & take on whatever is coming at me. Putting it off & avoiding doesn't do anything for my spiritual or emotional growth.

                                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                                October 3, 2012

