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Another August week 1

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    Another August week 1

    Another week the time is flying

    Have a good day

    Another August week 1

    Good morning...

    It is pouring here, long work day ahead. I was off early yesterday, did some weed pulling and I am sore today. Ow.

    Fighting some depression, don't exactly know why. Lav, any good new web sites or links? The peaches look pretty good. Hope your day is great.

    Witts end, lots of visiting with family, sounds good.

    Off to exercise, at home, need to work on working through the pain.
    Formerly known as redhibiscus


      Another August week 1

      Good morning friends,

      Not a drop of sunshine here either Star but no rain yet.
      I'm sorry you are feeling down. Battling depression & anxiety has been a life long job for me. I am happy that I have found what works for me.
      First, no AL of course.
      Amoryn, natural mood stabilizer
      Vit D3 - 3000iu every day. It's the cheapest antidepressant around.
      Hitting Curves at least 3X/week - good for the body & the soul.

      Chopra & Oprah have just started a new 21 day meditation challenge - you can hop in on that:

      I am 100% sure that long standing anxiety & depression turned me from someone with little to no interest in drinking to the disaster I was at the end of my drinking career. Keeping depression & anxiety out of my life is top priority. Hope you feel better soon

      The girls are sleeping in this morning, they both need it too.
      I guess I'll pick more peaches with Lily before the rain starts then figure out what to do with them. I'm not a big fan of canning food ~ too much work :H

      Have a great day everyone!
      Hope you are enjoying your new grandbaby Witts

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Another August week 1

        Love the fresh peaches, Lav. I think fresh peaches just off the tree are such a treat! You know, canned peaches, to me, don't even come close to the flavor of fresh, in season peaches. Our tree this year has been producing really well.

        Star, sorry you are down. Rainy weather doesn't help, that's for sure. BTW, I really like Love Anthony, if you are looking for a good read.

        Witt's thanks for starting the new thread. Enjoy that grand-baby!

        Papmom, Rusty, Cyn, et. al., hope you are all well.:h

        My day today, and yesterday as well, were just crazy busy with grandkid stuff. All good.

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          Another August week 1

          Good Evening August Friends,

          Witts....thanks for starting us off on a new week. I'm glad you took your beaut of a ute to Brisbane.

          Star:l Sorry you are feeling low. It's such a miserable feeling. Have you thought of any activities you might want to get involved with? I fought the blues today, too, but I'm not sure why.

          Lav-loved the pics of Ms. Lily and the peaches. How cool that you have peach trees on your property.

          Dill-you amaze me with your resilience.:h You must have the strength of Adonis to take care of your grandkids 24/7 like you do. When is your next date night/day/morning with Mr. D?

          I spent a quiet day here at some work done, and despite sleeping 8 hrs. last night, was oddly exhausted today, and took a nap. I really think it's because of the long commutes and hours I've been putting in....I tend to get depressed when I'm really tired but I fully expect to be back in the happy saddle tomorrow.

          I hope everyone is having a peaceful evening. I'll see you in the morning.


            Another August week 1

            Evening everyone

            Had a nice day ......hubby may not be pleased with bank card

            Sorry for those who are suffering depression hope you have a better day tomorrow


              Another August week 1

              Witts-thank you for starting us off on a new day....your day is probably over and you're probably sleeping so it sounds like you had a lovely but $$$ fun. Your HB will get over the shock of the bank card, I'm sure.

              Star-I think I know why we are/were down. It's the weather. It was cloudy and rainy off and on here yesterday, and I so wanted to see the sun. Now it's another cloudy day and I am so hoping the weather gets better. I am going to head to the gym right away and see if my mood lifts. Hope you feel better today, too.

              Happy AF Humpday, friends!


                Another August week 1

                Good morning friends & Happy Hump day

                Today is day 2 of rain & no sun, oh well. I counter that by turning on all the lights & running up my electric bill :H

                Off to Curves now then back for more Lily care

                Greetings to everyone & wishes for a good AF Hump day!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Another August week 1

                  Sorry you have another rainy day
                  We have had a fabulous winter( spring) ......dread summer coming will be hot

                  I now have 70 days up ......3j corrected me ...thanks ....who would have thought it 70 days

                  I have to thank you all Here for that never would have done it without you all
                  Hope your feeling better star

                  Have a good day I'm going back to Brisbane again to-day and holiday is going to be extended for another week will be babysitting while parents away ......will be good there good boys

                  Have a good day everyone


                    Another August week 1

                    Witts-CONGRATULATIONS ON 70 AF DAYS!!!:yay::yay:. You are so amazing in that you are so committed to an AF life. I net your grand kids love having a sober grandma. :-). Safe journey to Brisbane in the Witty Ute.:H

                    A warm shout out to Cyn, Pap, Dill, Star and Mr. G!

                    It was lovely here today. Feeling happy once again and got lots done today.

                    More commuting for me tomorrow. See you all soon.


                      Another August week 1

                      Good Thursday Morning, Everyone,

                      The weather is supposed to be lovely here today, but alas, I will be in Chicago overnight, and dealing with a very touchy client relations issue. I have a meeting with my client's boss, the VP, and the purpose of the meeting is to tell him that my client is not doing his assigned duties, despite much help from me. This has been weighing heavily on my mind for over a week. Today's the day. Wish me luck and say a prayer for me, please. I could not be thinking clearly if I were hungover, that's for sure. The only way to tackle this problem is AF. So I'm doing it.

                      Hugs to everyone.

                      Dill-if the weather is nice, I say it's a perfect date for some "me time" with Mr. D.

                      I hope everyone has a lovely AF Thursday.


                        Another August week 1

                        "Some changes seem negative on the surface but you will soon realized that space is being created in your life for something new to emerge." ~Eckhart Tolle

                        What is the something new that emerges when we give up our old friend alcohol? I think it's more than one thing! The best thing is the feeling of confidence, improved mood and good health. The mornings without hangovers are also a huge bonus.

                        Witts, what changes have you found? 70 days? FABULOUS!

                        Rusty, I'm glad you are feeling brighter once again! Safe travels to you.

                        Lav, have you felt any difference/improvement in physical strength or endurance since you have been so consistent with your trips to Curves? How far do you have to drive to get to Curves? I think the nearest one to me is about 12 miles.

                        Star, I hope you are feeling better!

                        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                          Another August week 1

                          Hey all...

                          Rusty, glad you are feeling better. I am too. A few days off work. I think, no, I know I am getting burned out. The weather the next few days is supposed to be perfect, sunny and 70s, so I am going to enjoy myself outside as much as possible.

                          I think self care is so important on this journey. Lav, I know you are into eating well, (I guess we all are) and exercising. I am too. If I get overtired or eat badly, I get down and feel sick and crabby. So,

                          Wittsend, good for you on 70 days. Take care of your body, eat well, take time for yourself. Otherwise, you can be at risk to make poor choices. Have fun on your trip.

                          Dill, hope you are getting the great weather the next few days too. A trip to the library will be in order, too.

                          I guess Pap as gone the way of Chill, LBH, and others. Miss them.

                          Have a great day.
                          Formerly known as redhibiscus


                            Another August week 1

                            Cross-post, Rusty!

                            Good luck today. It may be uncomfortable but facts are facts, eh?

                            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                              Another August week 1

                              Dill-:h thank you for this quote today. It's never been more true than the last 16 months of my life. "
                              Some changes seem negative on the surface but you will soon realized that space is being created in your life for something new to emerge." ~Eckhart Tolle
                              Star-I totally understand work burn-out. I think I am feeling the same way. I am looking forward to the long Labor Day weekend.

                              Lav-your extreme babysitting is nearing its end. Bittersweet, huh? Love to spend time with your daughter and Lily but there can be too much togetherness at times, right?

