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Another August AF-Week 2

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    Another August AF-Week 2

    Good Monday Morning, Friends!

    You can either cry alone or laugh with the rest of the world.
    I loved this saying, which was the philosophy of the grandmother of one of my former clients, Charlie, who ALWAYS had a smile on his face. He was in sales and people were drawn to him because of his positive attitude, which he got from his grandmother. Charlie told me that his grandmother would rather laugh with the rest of the world. I thought the quote was pertinent for us today, especially when it came to AL, for many of us. We sat there alone, drinking, thinking we were at peace, when really we were alone, crying for a change. Glad that's all behind us now.

    Dill-thanks for popping in, you trooper.

    Lav-I read on the Daily Thread that you got a new TV at IKEA and you are now 1,601 days AF!!:goodjob: CONGRATULATIONS!

    A shoutout to Cyn-let us know about how your new job is going. We miss you. Big hellos to everyone else. Happy AF Monday!

    Another August AF-Week 2

    Good morning kids!

    Hi Rusty, that's a great philosophy....just wish everyone would adopt it & stop being so miserable

    Well, I did go to IKEA in Maryland this weekend but they don't sell TVs there :H
    The TV was purchased at Costco (in Delaware where there's no sales tax, yay).

    It's funny about my quit time. Quitnet keeps a count going for you & it's nice to see it when I log on there each morning. I wish MWO kept a count going for us as well. I always found it motivating to see the numbers rise. If anyone wants to keep their own count going, use this:
    Date Duration Calculator: Days between two dates

    Starting out with another hot, humid & overcast day
    I hope we at least get some decent Fall weather here because this summer has been yucky.

    Greetings to everyone MIA here.
    Check in papmom & cyn ~ please.

    Have a great AF day one & all.
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Another August AF-Week 2

      Geez, I'm a dumbass, Lav. :H I meant to say, "I'm glad you had a great time at IKEA and GOT a new TV," and of course that you made YB haul it in and set it up. I got my two new HD TVs at Costco, too, but I paid Wisconsin sales tax! Smart went to DE to get yours.

      Quitnet sounds like a great tool, thanks. I love JackieClaire. She was one of the first people to welcome me to MWO. Her second name kinda rings a tune with me, too. I will have to calculate my number of consecutive AF's almost 15 months. My last quit, for sure. I do not have another recovery in me.

      Wow, I've got to get going or I will be late for work.

      I'll be back later, though.


        Another August AF-Week 2

        Good morning...

        Great on the long quit times, life improves as AF time adds up.

        Rusty, I think as AF time built up, Chill, Pap, LBH, just don't feel the need to post anymore. It is not a concern to be AF, and moving on is part of their journey. I know it was nothing you posted, because you are not controversial that I have noticed.

        Lav, successful shopping trip, a new TV sounds great. Sorry the weather has been so crummy. Here in the Midwest, we have had mostly warm sunny weather. Last summer was difficult. The great thing about living healthy is that no matter what comes up, you can handle it. Drinking, nothing is managed well.

        Dill, hopefully things will slow down and you'll be able to post today.

        Lake Michigan was gorgeous, too cold to swim though, for me. Today is my last day off, I will be on my own, library, bike riding, maybe pool time. I need to take it easy or will be exhausted when I go back to work. Have a great Monday, all.
        Formerly known as redhibiscus


          Another August AF-Week 2

          Morning all
          Still in Brisbane
          Off to the echa (show)
          Had a interesting day yesterday
          Went to the top cafe for coffee overlooking Brisbane
          Then had a relaxing cruise on a ferry to south bank off the the art museum where they had a quilt show on quilts made From the 1800's
          My son and wife said for me to ring when finished and we would meet up gain
          Did the show only to realise couldn't find my phone so asked the attendant where the was a public phone .....none okay what now ........walked and up the street asked a couple of people and no response ( didn't offer theres ) so walked a bit further found a library and went in there ..... Still no ..... But I think the attendant felt sorry for me and let me use the phone on the desk ......who to ring all no's are on my phone so tried the daughters house phone wouldn't let me out of the state rang no 5 son's no only to get answering service so left a message for him to get in touch of no 1 son as I didn't have there no's ........but then I realised while waiting my lot never answer no's they don't know ????
          Then I thought I go up to the main shopping area ( which was across the river ) I went
          Found a Telstra ,Optus,and Vodafone shops all next to each other okay what now .....finally got the courage to explain my predicament and she gave me a phone to use ..(in Telstra) in touch with daughter and she was going to ring no 1 son .......and went outside to wait ...then after a awhile .......the walked into Optus and managed to get on my face book ( with there ipads they have set up ) and said help need someone to get in touch with no 1 son but didn't know if the message was sent as it didn't come up on my page went back out and looked at Vodafone and asked then..... ( i had no way of knowing if they were getting through )
          if could use there phone and rang daughter again ......she said just go and wait apparently no1 son was going between the library and shops looking for me ........15 mins later he showed up .......then all after noon other family members kept ringing to find out ......apparently it did get on Facebook ..and even after no 1 son got phone call looked at ans said don't answer no's don't know ......all I could say was see....
          .. Thought left phone at home on charger only to get there and find not there well went through everything and started ringing all the places we went to see if it had been handed in somewhere phone ....had to go to no2 sons place .....arrives there and went through all my bags and emptying everything to see if I could find it .....finally emptied my hand bag and it.s still heavy and there right at the bottom was my phone .....had it all a long is never dull ......really did want to buy a new phone .....when rang hubby and explained what happen .....his reply was did you do that on purpose ( loosing it knowing I wanted another ) I said no all 's good found it ......
          Hope today works out better at the show and there are interesting things to see and demonstrations


            Another August AF-Week 2

            Hi all. I know, it's been a hell of a long time since I posted. I am desperate to get back on track. Today is the first day sober for many moons. I just woke up this morning and said to myself that I cannot do this to myself anymore. I'm scared but hopeful. I've stuck to my plan today, I know the road ahead of me as it's certainly not the first time I have tried to get out from AL's spell, but I figure with my birthday coming up on Friday, now is the time to change. I look forward to waking up unhungover for a change as I remember that feeling is the best in the world and long to feel good in the morning again instead of dread and guilt. You have always been here to support me MWO and I am so happy to see familiar faces like Star, Lav, Det, Rusty. Sounds like Pap and Chill haven't been posting as much but if you're out there, I'd like to say hello and wish you well. Also nice to see some newer peeps...I look forward to getting to know you more as we travel this path. Blessings and good night.
            Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



              Another August AF-Week 2

              Just said Hello to you in the Nest Blondie - welcome back
              You have your plan in place - great! Stick around now!!!!

              Witts, I can honestly say that what you went through with your phone sounds exactly like something I would do :H
              Sorry you had such a long confusing day but glad it all worked out OK for you

              Star, hope your last day off was a good one!

              Rusty :H
              Now that we all have my shopping straightened out :H
              I actually live about the same distance to the DE Costco as I do the one in PA so it's a no brainer going there for big ticket items. I bought a Vizio & so far I really like it - yay!

              I watched my granddaughter while her mother went in for a test tonight. She said she got a 98 - woo hoo!!!
              I had EB here as well so the kids entertained each other pretty well,

              I am tired after hot flashes driving me out of bed at 4 am. Going to call it a day now!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Another August AF-Week 2

                Thanks Lav! You have always been here to offer encouragement and I am very grateful for you!And everone else too! Second day sober for this sistah! Wish me luck. I'm feeling good about this. Off to work. Have some vacation time coming up starting Thursday. Birthday is Friday. Another year gone by but life is good, especially sober!
                Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



                  Another August AF-Week 2

                  Good morning to all...

                  Welcome BlondeAFAmbition. You DO have another quit in you, you have the tools, know that drinking is not the way to a healthy life. What a great present to give yourself for your birthday, health, sobriety, and honor. I think planning is the most important way to success, and filling time with positive activities, people. If it is OK to ask, what helped you last time and what happened that you went back to drinking? Glad you are here to share.

                  Lav, I am lucky, hot flashes are intermittent right now. Going back to work, they may come back, just have to see. I did have a great day off, did what I wanted, when I wanted. Ate lightly, so felt healthy. I am a little sore today as I spent lots of time doing yoga, swimming, bike riding. I may have overdone it.

                  Wittsend, I have a purse that hides things from me too. Crazy, but true. I have looked for something, couldn't find it, then discovered it WAS in my purse. Your kids sound like they are there for you, what a day. Hope today goes better.

                  Well, off to eat breakfast and back to work. Have a great day!!
                  Formerly known as redhibiscus


                    Another August AF-Week 2

                    Greetings friends!

                    What a horrendous day weatherwise.
                    Severe T storms, flooding & tornado watches up

                    I'll be back later to let you know what happens.
                    Have a great AF Tuesday everyone!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Another August AF-Week 2

                      Witt's, all's well that ends well!:H:H Your story really made me smile. I went to visit a friend's elderly mother yesterday and when I got home I realized that I left my purse there! Lucky for me my wallet with cards, money and driver's license was in my pocket, as were my car keys and phone. So, no hurry on getting my bag back. Will retrieve it in a few days.

                      Lav I appreciated the link to the Rick Hanson essay on peace. Thank you.:h j

                      Rusty, I am sure you are NOT the reason our friends have quit posting. I think they have simply moved on to another place in their lives. I do miss them too, but all good things come to and end. I for one am happy this little thread is still here!

                      Blonde, I am very happy to see you again. What a great birthday gift to yourself.

                      Star, I'm glad you enjoyed Lake Michigan. I appreciate your reminders to focus on the positive. I'm needing that reminder lately.

                      Enjoy the day, AF!

                      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                        Another August AF-Week 2

                        Dill, sign up for Rick Hanson's newsletter, it always has something interesting to offer

                        Just so everyone knows I still see chill, papmom, TDN, LBH, Kaslo & others on Facebook nearly everyday. They all seem to be OK, busy & just living life. Get yourselves on Facebook if you want to see for yourselves
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Another August AF-Week 2

                          morning all
                          am having a nice relaxing day to-day went to the echa some show brisbane has every year come home very tied and it hadn't changed from the last time i went ( 6 yrs ago ) bit disappointing
                          the weather here is absolutely gorgous i dread the thought of summer ...we are still in winter ...didn't really come
                          the boys are playing quietly the moment
                          have a good day everyone


                            Another August AF-Week 2

                            Good morning to all...

                            Dill, hope you are able to feel more positive...know your situation is complicated, I understand. I really try to focus on things I like to do, this summer swimming, bike riding, yoga, being outside, talking to friends. I know it sounds selfish, but sometimes you just have to do what you like. I realize you have to babysit a lot, which makes it even more difficult.

                            Lav, wow, you are really having rainy stormy weather a lot this summer. How do you contact people on facebook when real names are needed? Did you pm them first?

                            Wittsend, glad to hear you are enjoying yourself.

                            To all, have a great Wednesday.
                            Formerly known as redhibiscus


                              Another August AF-Week 2

                              Good morning friends!

                              Guess what I see outside my window?
                              Sunshine & 59 degrees :yay:
                              I think this crappy weather pattern has finally left the area.

                              Witts, glad you are enjoying yourself & having nice weather to boot!

                              Star, yes, I've received lots of PMs from folks re Facebook. If anyone wants to contact me on Facebook just send me a PM
                              We never mention this place, we just share the rest of our lives. There is an interim Facebook group started a while ago by Nelz but I don't do much on that. He started that group after MWO had a day offline & a lot of people were feeling panicky.

                              I am going to get in touch with papmom. I saw her online last night at 11 pm. I was up late because I had consumed too much caffeine...... Not sure what's going on with her lately.

                              OK, I'm off to Curves then back her for some work. Watching my granddaughter tomorrow for my daughter's last day of class. I know she's happy this summer session is ending

                              Have a great AF Hump day everyone!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

