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Another August AF ~ week 3

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    Another August AF ~ week 3

    Thanks everyone
    big day to-day shopping
    manged to get the washing done and the floors washed was surprised as to the colour change after washing floor ....but all good cant say to much as bankcard has a big dint in it .......well he did say buy some clothes


      Another August AF ~ week 3

      hi everyone!

      Dill-so glad you were able to get together with your former colleagues-how nice that they celebrated you!!

      Star-How was back to work? It going to get very warm here starting tomorrow and I dread turning on the ACs again. I love fresh air but hate the muggies. double edged sword.

      Lav-I think you have the best of both worlds now. Would you say you are happier than you were 4 years ago-before YB acted on his craziness? Even if you are not, you are in control now and go in any direction you want.
      Now, what do you mean by format? The machine is a Singer Quantum Futura CE 200. That's all I know. Oh, and it has to be connected to my laptop. I'll definitely have to download the patch for $99 if Singer still offers it OR try to find a windows XP laptop on Freecycle just to use for the machine. I dropped both the Quantum and the Serger off to get cleaned and oiled. When all is said and done I will probably spend close to $200+ just to be able to use the machines but I still think they are worth it. there are quite a few CDs with the machine and I can't wait to download them when I can. She left some samples too and they are really cute and look very professional. yep, new hobby!!

      Witt-Welcome home!! Hope you don't overdue it with the cleaning!!

      Rusty-Utah!! Oh I can only imagine how beautiful it must be!! No fires where you are I hope? Will you get to enjoy yourself or is it all work?

      I just have one question for everyone: Is it too much to ask that your work be at least 50% of what gets you up in the morning? I thought today would never end and I could barely keep my eyes open. The only motivation I have to keep going is a pay check. I wish that were enough but I really miss the challenge and energy of working with the public. Sigh. At least I have my PT job which I adore!
      That's it for now. Might have news later in the week but don't want to say anything right now.
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        Another August AF ~ week 3

        Good morning friends & happy humpday

        Still cloudy here but no rain yet. Not sure if I'm on boy watch this afternoon or not. My son really has a huge problem with mandatory OT at his job in DC, ridiculous really.

        Papmom, all embroidery/sewing machines like yours & the big embroidery guys that I have use a different format - language. My Toyota machines use .dst format. I think (but not sure) that your Singer machine uses .pes
        There's a lot of info/help here: My Machine | SINGER Futura Support
        Have fun with your new hobby, you will find it addicting! Embroidery goes nicely with your quilting

        Wishing everyone a great AF Wednesday!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Another August AF ~ week 3

          Happy Hump Day Evening and Thursday Morning (to Witts End) to Everyone,

          Got home safely from Utah and left again this morning. Working in central Wisconsin the rest of this week and staying at a lovely Cambria Suites. Nice new client. They distribute handcuffs, batons, and other weapons for police departments across the world, and I would imagine, some adult bookstores in Indiana.:H

          Dill-I forgot to mention how delighted I am to hear that that your former colleagues honored you at a special luncheon.:yay::yougo::applaud: What a truly unique way to thank you for your contributions and friendship. You deserve all the accolades.

          I have been so blessed to have these ladies in my life.
          You are paying it forward on our thread, dear lady. This thread is nothing without you.:h

          Witts-you've been a busy beaver with all your shopping. Let us know when the bank card bill comes through. LOL.

          Lav and Star-I think Lav was VERY smart in not divorcing YB. I've always thought that way even though some people here have said, "why don't you get divorced?" Well, because it would have devastated Lav and YB financially for sure. Lav, you've set boundaries, emotionally and physically for YB, and yourself, and came up with the best solution. As far as not dating, like you, I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything.

          Lav-I wish I could bring you our sunny weather. Hope kid-watching today went ok.

          Pap: I thought of you last night. You said you love to watch "Suits." Well, I'll have you know I have ditched NCIS for Suits and now I am hooked. Thank you! ((HUGS)) As far as 50% of the reason for getting up being my work......well, I suppose, but I'm not sure what you mean? If you mean the other 50% being because I would have a family and that would be the reason, then, yes, I guess so....but frankly, since I got out of the automotive industry, I find my work much less challenging. Am I bored? Yes, a lot of days. SIGH. But, I find the positives in that aspect, as I have more time to work out, I'm wayyy less stressed out and it FORCES me to push myself to continually improve my work with my clients, and find satisfaction OUT OF WORK. Your boss is FINALLY happy with your're proving yourself worthy of her respect, so just hold onto it for dear life, and try to find passions outside of work. Well, Pap, you have passions outside of work, and I don't. I wish I did. I'm working on it, though.

          A shoutout to CYN- Cyn, I miss you. Please check in.

          Mr.G-where are you, my favorite composer of music? Pop by and say "hello."

          Ok, must do some work now.

          Lots of love,



            Another August AF ~ week 3

            Good morning to all...

            Rusty, you appear to have a better work/life balance now, and CAN exercise on a regular basis, see family and friends, shop, have some fun. I think life is about balance and work can never be all that we want. Darn it. The job I took a few years ago has its ups and downs, but compared to my other job working with an unpleasant person, it is soooo much better. Plus, four days. I like that.

            Pap, you DO have lots of interests. I need to get more too. It is an adjustment with a new job and takes time. I know that you do a good job. But, they wouldn't call it work if it was fun! I think the perfect job would be two days, then the rest of the week off. Maybe when we get older we will be able to do something like that.

            Lav, raining here finally, we needed it. Our air has been on all week.

            Off to work today, a busy day. Hope yours is great.
            Formerly known as redhibiscus


              Another August AF ~ week 3

              Good morning all,

              Yep, hot, humid & rain on the way here too, yuck.
              I had yet another crummy night of hot flashes & interrupted sleep I continually search for new information on this topic but there doesn't seem to be any

              I'm on grandson watch for only 3 hrs this afternoon & I'm good with that :H

              Greetings to Rusty, Star, papmom, Dill, Witts & everyone!
              Sending wishes for a great AF Thursday for all.

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Another August AF ~ week 3

                Sorry for my absence the last couple of days. I swear, when it rains it pours! My son has been in the hospital since Monday with pancreatitis. So aside from all childcare falling to Mr. D and I, we've had to use childcare hours when we normally have a small bit of freedom, to drive to the hospital to check on him! The hospital is a 45 minute drive. So, that's why I've been absent. He may be getting released tomorrow but I don't expect things to settle down for another few days. At least we won't be having the daily drive to hopsital tho.

                Pap, the sewing machine is so exciting! Rusty's is right. It's good that you have so many interests outside of work. I feel for you with your dissatisfaction with your work life. I think for me my work was definitely a social experience and I looked forward every day to interacting with friends, colleagues and children. I would have a hard time with solitary work unless I could find a creative aspect to it.

                Star, how is your work life these days? Do you derive satisfaction in you work? Do you enjoy any of the people you work with?

                Rusty, Wisconsin is beautiful. I bet it is nice and cool this time of year but not too much so. Interesting client!

                Lav, I don't understand why you are experienceing hot flashes. I haven't been bothered by night sweats or the like in many years. Could it be a side affect of any medication or supplement you are taking? I'm sorry you're being bothered by them, what a pain!

                Hey Witts, don't wear yourself out with cleaning! Are you still happy about your AF choice?

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  Another August AF ~ week 3

                  Ah Dill,
                  I'm sorry to hear about your son. Pancreatitis is (as you probably already know) a side effect of ETOH, bad diet, smoking & all the stuff that cause digestive disease. I sure hope he's feeling better real soon.

                  The reason for my hot flashes is unknown ~ I'm just weird. I've been on HRT forever, avoid all the known dietary causes, I exercise, I quite smoking & drinking.....there's nothing left I can do. It's just a giant pain in the ass
                  Personally, I think it's my thyroid even though my thyroid tests are always in the low normal range. I really need to seek out an endocrinologist who could probably figure it out.

                  Just wanted to share some fun reading with all my friends here

                  Hold The Ketchup! 5 Toxic Condiments To Avoid

                  Scares me to read this stuff but we really do need to pay attention!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Another August AF ~ week 3

                    hello everyone

                    Dill sorry about your son

                    Lav I new a lady had hot flushes till she died aged 87

                    everyone else how are you all


                      Another August AF ~ week 3

                      Good morning friends!

                      I am going to be that old lady some day Witts :H
                      It's not funny though considering this has been going on for 18 years now ~ long time to go with interrupted sleep.

                      Looks like I'm having a day with my daughter & granddaughter, that's nice
                      But first, a trip to Curves to get my day started right.

                      Dill, I hope your son gets to go home today & you have a quieter day.
                      I meant to ask you - do you have Netflix? Although I don't park the kids in front of the TV or anything I do choose one of their favorite shows & try to get them to wind down a bit while I'm fixing dinner. Great babysitter helper

                      Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Friday!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Another August AF ~ week 3

                        Good morning all...

                        Lav, interesting about condiments. I have been reading labels and feel horrified by all the chemicals in processed foods. Until I found out about my allergies, I had wondered if I was allergic to a chemical and know that msg is bad for me. I can not have Chinese food again due to the msg and the swelling I had last time. Also, barbecue sauce caused me to swell and feel sick. Not eating much meat helps though. Really, whole foods are the way to go, most of the time. It is just hard when you work due to time constraints. The weather here is great for a few days, hope it drifts over to your neck of the woods. Hot flashes. Hmmmm. I have been getting them on and off for seven years. At all times of the day and night. I am able to go back to sleep, get through them at work, although it is uncomfortable. Sometimes are worse than others for no apparent reason. I take no meds or hormones, just get through them. I am afraid of doctors and there treatment due to my mom's death of ovarian cancer. So there you have it. I feel for you but have no recommendations.

                        Dill, so sorry to hear about your son. He is really struggling. So are you. Sending you strength. Hopefully staff will encourage your son to be healthy with good foods, etc. Please make sure you take care of yourself. Lovely women you worked with, made your days positive. My job is OK for the most part, I like the women I work with, nice office, no micromanager so it is much better than the last gig.

                        Wittsend, you sound good, keep it up.

                        Off to eat breakfast and take care of home business. Enjoy the day.
                        Formerly known as redhibiscus


                          Another August AF ~ week 3

                          Good morning friends,

                          Another not so fabulous night's sleep, oh well. This is why I am no fan of summer heat & humidity. My house is cool & comfortable but I'm not
                          I will hopefully start sleeping better in October, this has been the pattern.

                          Star, I know I react to chemicals in food, in medicine, in the air, etc.
                          Eating fresh whole foods, organic if possible is the way to go. It definitely takes more time & $$ for sure. I am a big fan of crockpot cooking, it's nice to come home to something ready to eat
                          I use a lot of College Inn chicken broth in cooking, fat free, reduced sodium & no MSG!
                          Avoiding doctors has been my life mission as well, don't blame you a bit.

                          Dill, hope you are OK!

                          Greetings Rusty, papmom, Witts & anyone checking in today.
                          This weekend was promised to be sunny with temps in the high 70's - yay!
                          Have a good day all!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

