This is all fortification for the Great Cat Hunt - not a Paleo one but a modern day one. yes, taking the critter to the vets for his annual check and he has done what all domestic cats seem to be genetically trained to do - hidden somewhere in the house - they seem to be able to find hidey-holes we never knew were there. This is amazing because we do not nor have a fancy house and its even a bit tidy at the moment. Perhaps we need some amazing bird tiles on the fireplace (great work Mick! :goodjob

Guess this will be today?s exercise as its really pissing down outside.
SF ? hope you have survived the 24 hours work-a-thon. Although we have different work and life patterns I am inclined to agree with PPQP and Lav ? and say, go easy on these big disruptive sleep sessions. They usually creep up and can disrupt your well established sober patterns. I know only too well about writing, creative deadlines and bursts of energy but I don?t think it works well for most people. Many of the folks I have known over the years who do all nighters ? end up taking drugs of one sort or another ? and their personalities suffer. They can also be hell to work or live with (not saying you are my dear!) some expect others to work in this manic way. Also ? sleep is so important, not just for the body but also for the mind ? and it really helps creativity, problem solving and information retention.
That's my sermon from the mount (well it is Sunday!).
Welcome ps677 ? I don?t quite know what to make of your post. I suggest you also check into the Newbies Nest on MWO and also look at the Toolkit. I don?t know how to post these links so can someone else post these for 677?
Meanwhile check in here every day and we all know how much of a struggle quitting is.
Hi there Lav! I don?t need any more new hobbies or interests as my life was and is pretty full on. But one plan I do have ? as I have mentioned ? is to get off my butt and exercise more. Starting today with the Cat Hunt! Another plan is to take time to reconnect with people from the past who I really value ? before they die. This is not me being morbid but a reflection of ageing. I also need to deal more with some of the grief of the deaths of loved ones in my life (not talking about AL) ? especially my mother.
How?s it going Samstone? Good weekend?
PPQP ? just get on with the job! Sounds like you know what you are doing. I do hope your visit is going well. You too Yah - we have an amazing shower going on here - outside ? but no babies or pregnant Mums.
I think I have said morning to all the regulars here ? Det, helpppp!!!! ? I need you on my Cat Hunt! :waving:
Where is Blondie? You haven?t posted for a while.
Have a wonderful Sunday ?wet or dry (haha - I mean the weather! :H:H Not the other).