Tea and coffee ? all available at the moment.
Mick will be off on Sunday on his secret jaunt? What are you ? a sober celebrity minder that only works on Sundays? Cooking brekkie for HM? :H I have a few more serious notions but won?t pry. Just take care and safe driving as always.
Sunday mornings are when I like to go to for a walk. This stems back to a ritual me and my Dad had ? it was the one time of the week when he spent time talking to me ? or showing me plants/etc (our walk was always in the botanical gardens) and we always ended up with an icecream. He was always hung-over and may have been a bastard to my Mum the night before ? and most certainly would resume his horrible temper later on Sunday afternoon. When I became a teen ?it was ?get me out of here? and I spent time with my friends. I even did my exam revision and homework in the garden shed or tiny glasshouse to get away! I think this is one reason why I try to make sure my daughter has a calm and cosy home environment. Of course one day she will be outta here too.
Lav ? still having the hots? Poor you. Don?t get scared Pauly ? I managed to avoid any hot flushes and this was after a life of severe menstrual pain, PMS and ?self-medicating? that with AL. We are all different in the body/hormone dept.
Lav- I bet you have made the Enchanted Broccoli Forest. I did this a few times and thought it was really over-rated (and under-consumed by the littlies). Umm ? broccoli pakoras are nice but fattening!
SF ? glad you enjoyed the concert. Not for me, my dear. I hate large gatherings and packed concerts. That's why I don?t go to the rugby here. You do sound perky so that's wonderful.

Yah ? the group practice sounds interesting as well as providing some much needed income. May I ask what kind of work you do ?but no worries if you prefer to stay discrete.

PPQP ? well as I said we are all different. This is a pig free home here but I have spent a lot of time in cultures where pig is an important feast food. Great that your visit with your Dad was so positive.
I know Det will post later on ? so hi there! Big weekend greetings To Samstone too.
Not sure if I will get a walk in today as the water is doing vertical things and the temperature is not so flash. No excuses ? I have a good rain jacket!
Savour the rest of your sober and silly weekend folks. Pauly ? I hope you have got out of those jammies! That's not a very glam Vegas look!
