Awww! Star that's awful. Think what it might have been like without the steroids! Yiikes! Did you have a large exposure do you think or are you just extra, extra seneitive? Poor thing.:l
Witt's we had one of the coolest Augusts I can remember and the Farmer's Almanac says we are going to have a bitterly cold winter. I'm no fan of the hot weather, but bitter cold is also not my cup of tea. Mr. D will be stocking up on the firewood. We heat mostly with fuel oil though so this may be quite an expensive winter. Maybe I shouldn't have retired.
Lav, your SIL is going to be a very lonely old lady. I wonder if she treated her family back in Holland as poorly over the years and has burned those bridges too. Wouldn't be surprised.
Picked the peaches and froze some. More to do today. Have a happy AF Humpday!