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Another August AF ~ Week 4

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    Another August AF ~ Week 4

    Awww! Star that's awful. Think what it might have been like without the steroids! Yiikes! Did you have a large exposure do you think or are you just extra, extra seneitive? Poor thing.:l

    Witt's we had one of the coolest Augusts I can remember and the Farmer's Almanac says we are going to have a bitterly cold winter. I'm no fan of the hot weather, but bitter cold is also not my cup of tea. Mr. D will be stocking up on the firewood. We heat mostly with fuel oil though so this may be quite an expensive winter. Maybe I shouldn't have retired.

    Lav, your SIL is going to be a very lonely old lady. I wonder if she treated her family back in Holland as poorly over the years and has burned those bridges too. Wouldn't be surprised.

    Picked the peaches and froze some. More to do today. Have a happy AF Humpday!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      Another August AF ~ Week 4

      Good morning friends & Happy Humpday

      Star, I really feel for you, you know I do!
      Yes, I would definitely get in to see your doc asap! I really hope you get some relief soon :l

      Dill, yes my SIL already is a miserable old lady & is making things worse for herself by the day
      I know for a fact that she has not always been 'nice' to her Dutch relatives & has occasionally blown them off for a year or two at a time. Right now they are putting up with her but I know it won't last.
      Yesterday I received a seriously nasty email from her daughter who is stationed in Germany. My niece is a notorious bitch! She is the twin sister of my nephew who visited here with his family a few weeks ago. Brother & sister have not spoken to each other in 2 decades!!!! My niece seems to think that I should have done more for her mother. Mind you, mother & daughter have only resumed speaking to each other 3 years ago when my niece had a baby (at age 40) that was not her husband's!!!!!

      I will NOT allow these two extreme women to destroy my peace of mind. I have worked too hard to heal myself & I will not allow them to drag me into their craziness!

      I heard the same yesterday about the Farmers Almanac winter prediction - swell. I heat my house with propane which is less expensive than oil but it still hurts to have that tank filled. I guess I'd better get used to keeping the woodstove going in the basement, I just don't like the thing.

      Going to Curves then meet my friends for lunch. I need a sane day!
      Greetings to everyone & wishes for a wonderful AF Wednesday!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Another August AF ~ Week 4

        evening all

        who would have thought I would reach 90 days 3 mths

        dill I feel so sorry for your poison ivy

        who knows what the weather will be like last year we satrted out with a drought and I went away for four days for funeral only to come home to floods

        better go have a heap of kids here


          Another August AF ~ Week 4

          Good morning friends,

          Good job Witts
          Life gets better & better without AL! We are nearly through summer here - it's been very hot with record rains. Hope you have a better summer.

          Star, how are you doing today?

          Greetings Dill, Rusty & all the missing

          I hope everyone has a good AF Thursday. I have to take the large dog back to the vet for a blood draw to check her thyroid levels & my daughter & granddaughter are coming for a visit - yay!
          I'm just now starting to put together a plan for a BBQ for the holiday weekend - geez.

          Tempest fugit, huh? :H :H

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Another August AF ~ Week 4

            When one takes action for others, one's own suffering is transformed into the energy that can keep one moving forward; a light of hope illuminating a new tomorrow for oneself and others is kindled.
            Daisaku Ikeda

            Lav, whatever damage your ex SIL inflicts on others you can rest knowing that you have done what you can to offset it. I know that you did what you could for your nephew.

            Witts, I don't have poison ivy, that's poor Star!

            Quiet day here. Happy AF Thursday one and all!

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              Another August AF ~ Week 4

              oops sorry dill hope your feeling better
              morning everyone
              hope you all have a good day
              thanks lav


                Another August AF ~ Week 4

                Good morning friends & happy Friday!

                Waiting for some sunshine, I hope it finds it's way here

                I had a nice day with my girls yesterday. It's really been an emotional week dealing with angry & somewhat psychotic relatives. I have permanently (I hope) distanced myself from my SIL & niece. I wish them well but I cannot deal with all of their drama. I need to stay positive & focused on what's best for me & my family.

                I am planning to gather kids, grandkids & yes even YB on Monday for a BBQ. The weather is looking kind of iffy but we will do our best.

                I need to get to Curves this morning, actually haven't been there since Monday for one reason or another. Wishing everyone a great AF Friday!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Another August AF ~ Week 4

                  Good morning...

                  I was unable to log in yesterday, or even access this site, so something was wrong on my end.

                  Anyway, back to the doctor, who gave me another shot and a week's worth of Prednisone. I am a mess, went to work yesterday, glad I am off for four days. If I had not gone on Monday, I do not think I could function. It is all over my face, neck, and arms. I can tell this is going to take some time to go away. I will stay away, I promise, from anything that even resembles three leaves. Wow, what a week.

                  Lav, I have inlaws with whom we have not really communicated with since '95. They are destroyers, liars, and troublemakers. There is no chance at a normal relationship, and thank goodness I do not have to try anymore. There own lives are a mess, and they want everyone else to hurt too. Stay away from abusive angry people. That is all you can do. I am glad you sound so firm in your resolve to avoid the drama. Sad to say some are incapable of relationship and protecting yourself comes first. Have fun with family. Barbecues are fun. I am going to buy some ribs to cook out.

                  Dill, are you regretting retiring? You can always do something part-time, right? We always have cold snowy winters so I don't worry about it. The Midwest winters are long, cold and snowy. I think that all the cares and worries with your family are just not what you expected. Think of working and caring for the kids, whew, that would have been exhausting. Hope you have time to relax this weekend and that your son is healing.

                  Witts end, it is so interesting that we are on different ends of the earth, different seasons, yet are so much the same in so many ways. Be proud of yourself, you are amazing!!!

                  Have a great Friday!
                  Formerly known as redhibiscus


                    Another August AF ~ Week 4

                    TGI Friday, Friends!

                    I am working for my biggest client at home today, and I took the morning off. I went for a run along the lake path and then jumped in the lake for a refreshing swim. It's been a productive week, and a gratifying one as well.

                    Witts-CONGRATULATIONS ON 90+ DAYS AF!!!:goodjob: I'm thrilled for you and delighted you are on our thread. I'm glad your husband loves your new gear.

                    Star-So sorry your week was hampered by the poison ivy. You must feel absolutely miserable.:l I hope this episode doesn't deter you from taking relaxing bike rides and walks with fall approaching. Enjoy your weekend off and with any luck the Prednisone will give you some relief.
                    They are destroyers, liars, and troublemakers. There is no chance at a normal relationship, and thank goodness I do not have to try anymore. There own lives are a mess, and they want everyone else to hurt too.
                    Star, you couldn't have described our oldest better than that. When he died, I grieved, only because of the people he had hurt (mostly my mother), stolen from, destroyed, etc., as well grieving for the loss of a relationship he could have had with me, and never did. He wanted a relationship with me, only when he needed money, which was all the time. I never gave him any money but he never gave up. We had no choice but to distance ourselves from him. You are sooo right in that some people are incapable of a relationship.

                    Lav-I admire you for your strength in dealing with your toxic niece, and I plead guilty to one count of cackling hysterically when you offered that info. that she had had a baby at 40 but it was not her husband's.:H

                    Dill-thank you for the quote. It has stayed with me all day. I hope your son is rapidly healing and that you and Mr. D can spend some quality time alone together this weekend.

                    Speaking of distancing ourselves.....I distanced myself from my friend who has been sober for about 10 years, and she went away for a while but now she has reappeared. When the time is right, the words that will cut her out of my life completely will just come squirting out of my mouth, but for right now, I have a list of excuses I keep handy for when she wants to get together.

                    Big hellos to Pap, Cyn, and anyone who drops by.....we need a name for September :-)

                    Here's to a peaceful AF Friday/Saturday.....ENJOY.


                      Another August AF ~ Week 4

                      I did a fair amount of yard work this afternoon & kept my eye open for anything that even remotely looked like PI.
                      Star, I sure hope you heal quickly although I know from my own experience(s) it can take a while. Why did Mother Nature provide us with such a crappy plant anyway?

                      Hi there Rusty!
                      So you got the karmic message about my bitchy niece? :H :H
                      She deserves all that & much, much more :H
                      Keeping these toxic people at a distance is work sometimes but necessary. I am protecting myself with all I've got!!!!!
                      Glad you had a good work week!

                      Have to think of a September name.....
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Another August AF ~ Week 4

                        Good morning to all...

                        Sassy September, Serious September, Seriously September, Simply September, So September, that's all I can think of this early in the morning.

                        Had a nice time yesterday, the only day I get to be alone. Cleaned, shopped a bit, library, then pool. It was HOT. Hope to have another relaxing day, have been reading a lot, really enjoying some good stories. Read a book titled, Last Queen, about Juana the Mad of Spain. She was not crazy, just reacted in anger and sadness over being imprisoned, treated horribly by her husband and other men. After a while, 46 years of imprisonment, I think anyone would get depressed. All I know, I am lucky to live now when I have rights, education, ability to work outside the home, and be a whole person. Really, I could see no way out for poor Juana.

                        Anyways, Lav, I agree that the PI is going to take weeks to go away. I am with you in that anything with three leaves stays away.

                        Rusty, what a great work day, having time to run and swim. Exercise is a real mood lifter, especially outside. In reference to relationships, they are messy, but some more than others. It is so important to surround ourselves with positive loving people most of the time. What heartbreak when a family member is impossible.

                        Dill, are you having a cookout with family or anything? Hope to hear from you this weekend.

                        Pap, busy with agility or family?

                        Wittsend, have a good weekend.

                        To all, enjoy your Saturday.
                        Formerly known as redhibiscus


                          Another August AF ~ Week 4

                          I vote for Sassy September!!

                          Hidy Ho everyone! Can't believe it's the start of a new month already but sure am glad it's Labor Day weekend. that means 3 days off for me! Yippee!!

                          It has been busy but not with agility unfortunately. I am soooo tired when I get home at nite all I can do is veg out in front of the TV.

                          However, I think I now have a reason for the fatigue. Had my physical on Tuesday and my lab numbers came back and they aren't great. Although I have dodged the Big D bullet, my cholesterol and Triglycerides are elevated. My BMI is horrendous but I knew that. I've already gotten an appointment with a nutritionist for October 2nd and my doctor has referred me to Bariatric Bootcamp (although I don't think I will actually qualify as my BMI isn't high enough!!). I have also signed up for a neat exercise class on Thursday nites though the local Adult Ed program. It's a combo or cardio, pilates and Tai Chi. Doesn't start until the 26th tho. I also had a hip xray because my provider was very concerned about the lack of range of motion in the right hip. I've had trouble with this for about 5 years and the diagnosis last year when I went for PT was tight IT band and hip capsule. The xray last year saw nothing but this year there are moderate arthritic changes. Arggghhhh! I have no idea what his plan of action for this will be but I so have a bone scan scheduled for next Friday. Not sure the 2 are related. So, lots to think about and plan.

                          I've had a nice day so far-walked Mickey, did some quilting and am off to a family BBQ in a few minutes. Last weekend was my first weekend back to the demo job and we had a nice birthday party for my little nephew out in Amherst. I made him 2 hockey pillow cases and bought him a cool book. Unfortunately my sister trumped my gifts with a fake leather bomber jacket and inline skates and accessories. :H

                          Tomorrow is a vet visit for girl kitty and then over to my dad's to start the decluttering process in prep for getting his house on the market by the end of the week. Monday is free. I think.

                          Work is ok-still not motivating but it's heating up with the implementation of my project in sight. By the end of the month I will be ready to head to Bar Harbor and decompress!!

                          Dill-I'm so glad to hear your son is doing better and finally home. I totally understand the difficulty of accepting that our health is totally in our hands. I will pray he will finally make the needed changes and that you and hubby will continue to have the strength need to help him through this. I am glad you've been taking some time to get out on the boat tho!!

                          Star-so sorry to hear about the PI!! I hope you feel better very soon. It's the most wretched of rashes!!

                          Lav-hope you have a nice time hosting the BBQ. I just love getting together with family these days!!! Hope also the hot flashes have started to go away finally. I am so sorry you continue to suffer.

                          Witt-new clothes? Yummmm! Congrats on 3 months!! You rock!

                          Rusty!! You sound so great! Your weekend last week sounded awesome! I haven't been to a beach, lake or seashore in soooo long. I dream of winning the lottery and moving near the water!! Hope you are not working too hard this weekend!!

                          Well, I think I am caught up and visa versa. Off to the BBQ!!
                          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                          KO the Beast!!

