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spring september week 1
spring september week 1
“Your best days are ahead of you. The movie starts when the guy gets sober and puts his life back together; it doesn't end there.”
― Bucky Sinister, Get Up: A 12-Step Guide to Recovery for Misfits, Freaks, and Weirdos
Witts, no need to be sorry~ Spring and Fall (starting here Sept 22) are the best two seasons of the year. I'll enjoy hearing about your spring activities. Thanks for getting us started on September.
Star, no family cookout but we did have some old friends stop in for a long visit yesterday which was nice. We also had a good time on the boat, heading out early and actually had the gkids and son with us. The gkids had a great time! Star, I finally got really good use of my floating chairs which I bought earlier this summer at your mention of them. Soon after my purchase, the weather turned unseasonably cool. It was nice and HOT yesterday and they were much enjoyed by all. Star, I enjoyed the mini book report! Since I haven't got the time to read as I would like to, I would appreciate any book synopsis you care to share!
Pmom, sorry your blood work, BMI, etc were not particularly good. Did your doc mention meds for the cholesterol? I have been on statins forever, but this past doc visit my levels were really good and she suggested I cut back on mine. Anyway, I hope you get to feeling more energetic. With the name Papmom, you have to be energetic and frisky!
Rusty, you mentioned distancing yourself from a friend that has been sober for 10 years but you didn't mention why. You got my curiosity going so if you have time, could you tell why? You seemed to have some rather strong feelings about it. It's just odd, not knowing any of the circumstances, that you should be distancing yourself from someone who has gotten sober, as opposed to someone who is actively drinking. The reasons for distancing must not have anything to do with the drinking element.
Lav, have you ever considered going off HRT? Is it possible that the HRT might be prolonging the hot flashes? It seems to me I had a friend that went through a similar experience. She went off the HRT and after an adjustment period she was fine. Just a thought.
Our little town is having a Labor Day festival. It's a small affair but there is lots of good food and tonight a fireworks display. I will be enjoying the fireworks AF with a clear head and will be "present" for the event. I'll not have it blunted by alcohol putting me behind a thick hazy curtain that keeps me apart from the moment. As the quote says, life "starts when the [gal] gets sober and puts [her] life back together; it doesn't end there.”Dill
Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!
If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.
spring september week 1
Good morning friends & Happy September be it spring or fall
Thanks for the start up Witts!
Dill, glad you had some nice outside weather yesterday. It was so hot & humid here yesterday, a sweat factory really :H Had some big thunder storms over night & expecting more today & tomorrow.
I have made many attempts to go off the HRT over the years. My B/P went sky high the last time & it scared me. I have no desire to end up a cardiac cripple or worse
I hope you enjoy your festival today
Papmom, sorry about your disappointing labwork. You really should take the time to watch the 'Forks Over Knives' video on Netflix & check out their website. People are saving their own lives by switching to plant based eating. I have eliminated most animal products, my numbers are good & I feel much better. Except for the damn hot flashes :H
I have the FOK cookbook too!
Greetings to everyone & wishes for a wonderful AF day for all!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
spring september week 1
Good morning...
Wittsend, got the biggest kick out of your naming of the month. I love it! To think it is spring for you while here we are noting the changes of fall. Football yesterday, leaves on the ground, even through it was hot and muggy, there is a definite change. Thanks so much for your input.Worlds away the same things are important to us....being AF and healthy.
Dill, loved your quote about how life really starts once we make the decision and take the actions to be AF. Those floating chairs sound great, what a fun day. How lovely to have old friends stop by. Your summer has had its ups and downs, but lonely and boring it has not been! The Labor Day celebration will be fun, and all of you will be there to enjoy it. I have been reading like crazy due to inability to sleep with steroids, so my mind is filled with stories. History is endlessly fascinating to me, changing roles for women and the hell of being born into a royal family. Money yes, but no freedom except in the rarest of cases. I have been really thinking about the meaning of life, what makes it, beauty, riches or having enough, useful work and loving relationships. Fame and fortune are not what they are cracked up to be. Appreciating what you have, being mindful of the blessings each day, good health are what is important. I have got to get off these steroids.
Lav, I too have had hot flashes for years, I just get through them. They are worse and then better at times, just something to bear I guess. I totally agree with you about plant based eating, and know it makes all the difference in the world. Juicing too. Like I said in the past, my husband and I juice along with mostly plant based meals and the improvements have been mind blowing. Good numbers, low blood pressure for the first time in years. Really. Processed food, animal based food, tastes good (you may disagree) but it is so bad for your body it should be outlawed. I love eggs for breakfast with toast and jelly. Harmless enough right? Wrong, oatmeal, cinnamon and fruit are much better for me, sustains me, and is good for my blood pressure, lots fiber, no sugar, etc. You have really influenced me with fatfree vegan recipes, etc., so thank you so much Lav.
Pap, for me being overweight is exercise but mostly what I eat. I hope you can get a plan together with the pros, but just keep it simple. You will feel so good after a week or so of different eating, it will be life changing. You sound so much happier, busy, enjoying your pets, interests, job moving forward, I am happy for you. You are such a hard worker and warrior, great friend, daughter, sister, aunt, pet owner, MWO poster. Enjoy your time off.
I am relaxing today, cookout tonight, pool later, but still have PI and it is so annoying. I just have to wait it out. I was able to sleep last night thank goodness. One day at a time for me.
Enjoy your day, this first day of September.Formerly known as redhibiscus
spring september week 1
morning all
our footy is winding down finals coming up.....then the cricket and tennis will kick off
Star I also am making (trying) changes in my diet starting with Lemon water juicing for breakfast and lunch
cant do dinner by then tummy hungry for solids
I love oatmeal and cinnamon
Lav I would lov to try some of your vegan fat free receipts
I was hopping that the af would help with the weight loss but hasn't so far
have a good day everyone
spring september week 1
Hey Star, glad the PI isn't completely driving you nuts :H
Small dietary changes do make a big difference. I even have YB (a lifelong meat & potato eater) enjoying some of my vegan dishes. I only hope he loses about 4 dozen pounds :H
Witts, take a look at this:
Fatfree Vegan Recipes
It's kind of sad but I rarely ever eat an egg any more & that's pathetic since I have all those fresh eggs coming in every day - what can you do??AF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
spring september week 1
Good morning friends & Happy Labor Day!
Clouds & fog rule right now, thunder storms on the way
So my cookout is now a cook-in, oh well.
Have a great day one & all!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
spring september week 1
Happy Labor Day to you, Lav. We have another sunny day promised, I feel so bad that you are getting more rain. We could use some. Your cook in will be fun. Our door broke, so we have to figure out how we are going to fix it, and other than that, no plans. Our cookout last night was fun, hot and humid, but it later cooled off. I guess I am looking forward to fall. I love the change of seasons.
Wittsend, hope you like the website Lav linked you to, it has some amazing recipes. Pumpkin Chili that I made last week was just delicious.
Let's all make today a meaningful and precious day. Have fun and enjoy your day.Formerly known as redhibiscus
spring september week 1
Good morning all,
Lav, sorry your cookout is a cookin instead! We have possibility of storms today too. Have you ever done chicken in a pressure cooker? I never have but it seems like a really healthy way to prepare it. I watched a youtube of pressure canned chicken and it looked easy and delicious. After the pressure canner you broil it 5 minutes each side to brown it. It was totally no carb and no added fat. Just spices.
Witts, our football is just starting up! Baseball winding down.
Star, I think you and I enjoy the same kind of reading. Have you ever read any of Barbara Kingsolver's books? I think you'd like Poisonwood Bible.
Happy AF Monday!Dill
Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!
If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.
spring september week 1
Good Morning Everyone,
It's so nice to wake up on a Monday and not have to go to work. :-)
Witts-thanks for starting us off on our new month. I can appreciate your frustration on the weight loss front. I thought the weight would just FALL off effortlessly when I quit drinking, but no ma'am. I have lost 30 lbs. and that's about it. Another 30 to's maddening. Do you and Mr. W enjoy watching cricket? What's your favorite sport?
Dill- I am delighted you finally got to use your floating chairs! And to be able to use them when friends stopped by was an added bonus. Thank you for the quote. How true it is...and I so appreciate you taking the time to find these quotes and post them. Regarding my friend from whom I am distancing myself, it has a little bit to do with the drinking element. She has been a good friend in many ways, but in other ways, not so much, and I find it far too frustrating to maintain an ongoing relationship with her. I have no friends who are problem drinkers...they are all very moderate drinkers. Fortunately, my AF status has not affected these friendships at all. What bothers me MOST about this friend I am distancing is that she got sober through AA, and she knows that I am AF, and this is my choice, and that I became AF w/o AA, etc. Yet whenever we get together at her house, she offers me a glass of wine.When I ask her why she does that, she has no answer for me. Sometimes, I really doubt her continuous sobriety. All of her sisters are big drinkers, and although her husband does not drink at all, she keeps a fully stashed bar in her house. I'm sorry if that was more information than what you wanted, but thanks for reading and listening.:l
Pap-I know you're concerned about your bloodwork results, your weight, etc., and you have mentioned your long commute every day keeps you from working out after work. What about taking a walk at lunchtime? Now that the weather will be might be helpful to get away from the office. Buy a pedometer at Wal-Mart, listen to some peppy music on your Ipod, and walk for 45 minutes or so....just a thought.
Lav-I tell ya, you are jinxed when it comes to weather.:upset: Sorry you will be cooking in today. Regarding hot flashes, my doc put me on two topical creams that took care of those hot flashes immediately. One of the creams is testosterone.:H
Star-I hope you get your door fixed and can enjoy the lovely weather out there. Also, I have now seen "The Help" for the EIGHTH time.I never tire of that movie.
I have a relaxing day planned: a run/walk on the lake path, and then maybe one more jump in the lake since this is the last day of the season. I am also reading a paperback I cannot put down: Blame by Michelle Huneven. It's a book about a young woman who, in a drunken blackout, runs over two people, killing them. She begins to rebuild her life in prison and through AA, remains sober, and gets involved with an older man.
Cyn-come out, come out. We miss you.
Hope everyone has a lovely Monday.
spring september week 1
Hi All-stormy labor day here in central ma. Haven't gotten out of my jammies yet! heaven!
I'm planning on jumping onto the sewing machine in a few and continue work on my nephew's quilt.
I've done some laundry, sewed on buttons (these things have been buttonless for years! :H) so now I have two "new" tops to wear and I still need to do dishes.
I'm already getting anxious about going back to work tomorrow. Sigh.
Rusty-you are right of course. There is no excuse for not walking at lunch. I have 3 pedometers plus a fitbit that go unused and I have sneaker under my desk. We do only get 30 min for lunch but that is still enough. I will try to make that commitment starting tomorrow!
Lav-cook in/cook out-still nice to be with family!!
Witt, Star, Dill-enjoy your day! Only 5 more weeks and we get another holiday!! Whoo hoo!New Birthday: May 8, 2010
"Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe
KO the Beast!!
spring september week 1
Pap-I hear you on the Pedometer thing.I had two of them and could not figure out how to use them...they came as free gifts....but there were no directions!:H You would think that as many gym memberships that I have I should be super skinny. NOT. Good for you for sewing on's the perfect day to do it. It's great to see you ENJOYING yourself. I was watching Animal Planet the other night and agility and there was a segment on agility. It was so fun to watch!
Ok, back to paperwork. I will be back later.
spring september week 1
Hey Pap, how's that new machine you got working out for you? Have you been playing with it?
Rusty, thanks for expanding on the relationship and why you are going to distance yourself. It makes more sense to me now. On the other hand, her offering you wine makes no sense at all. And having a fully stocked bar?! What's that about?!! I went to my digital downloads site and downloaded BLAME. I won't get to listen to it until I finish the one I'm currently listening to, but I'll let you know when I get to listen to it.Dill
Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!
If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.
spring september week 1
morning everyone
I dont really go much on sport just hear how it's going with a house full of boys ...hubby will do the tennis when it kicks off
I prefer sewing and gardening ....some cooking
wish we could have some rain need it ground is so dry
Thanks for the that lav will check it out later
spring september week 1
Hey Rusty-wish I still had cable! I miss watching the elite agility trials!!
Dill-machines are being serviced-they were pretty dirty. Hope to get them back next week. Then PLAYTIME!!
spent most of the day quilting and some laundry. Still haven't done the dishes :H. I have all the blocks done for my nephew's quilt. Tomorrow I'll start putting the blocks together.
Watching America Ninja Warrior now. Love it!!New Birthday: May 8, 2010
"Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe
KO the Beast!!