BG: I too smoked the 70's. I particularly liked to smoke alone right before bed...surefire way to get to sleep. I stopped many years ago also because of the illegality of it. Now, it seems pot is increasingly becoming legal for recreational use. I'm so glad to have a program that helps me stay completely sober. I don't want any crutches at all. I have such a sense of self respect being able to stay completely sober even when the people around me are drinking...even just a little bit. Thank God there are no falling-down drunks in my life. Mary
No announcement yet.
AA thread September 2013
AA thread September 2013
BG: I too smoked the 70's. I particularly liked to smoke alone right before bed...surefire way to get to sleep. I stopped many years ago also because of the illegality of it. Now, it seems pot is increasingly becoming legal for recreational use. I'm so glad to have a program that helps me stay completely sober. I don't want any crutches at all. I have such a sense of self respect being able to stay completely sober even when the people around me are drinking...even just a little bit. Thank God there are no falling-down drunks in my life. MaryWisdom, Courage, Strength
October 3, 2012
AA thread September 2013
good morning mary! well, I think you are on the east coast, right? so good afternoon!
enjoy your meeting tonight.
I went to an all women's meeting yesterday...I like it. it feels like women are more genuine when men aren't around...I don't know. I like mixed meetings too, but sometimes its nice to have just women in a room.
I haven't heard from the woman who my cousin talked to me about. I decided that if she calls, I will talk to her about mwo, and other online groups (soberistas, smart recovery etc...) and listen to her talk. I wont give other suggestions, because that isn't my place really. I will tell her how I did it/am doing it and that that is all I can do for her. being 1200 miles away is not conducive to a sponsoring type she doesn't want to do AA, so...:H what can I do!?
anyway, have a good one everybody!
oh, ps, my husband is in seattle for a conference. his cousin lives there and called him from the er with swollen legs up to his knees, shortness of breath, and just feeling crappy ingeneral. well, ive thought he had a drinking iisue for years, and we kind of know that he does, but he was really sick and it's either liver disease or heart failure from looks like he'll be ok with medical help, but he wants to stop drinking now...he asked my husband about how I did it, and he is resistant to AA as well, but I told him I would gladly talk to him. there are tons of other resources in seattle for recovery...AA sure has a weird reputation, eh? I totally get it though, I don't always feel comfortable with it either, as you guys know! it's the whole lord's prayer and higher power stuff...that really turns people off.
ok, peace!:l10-06-2012
AA thread September 2013
BG: Yes, there are some people that are dead-set against AA. It's the ONLY thing that worked for me, so I don't feel that say the least. Tonight's BB meeting was "The Chapter to the Agnostic." I really don't have a strong feeling of God in my least not the traditional God. There were people at the meeting who felt the way I do. But, if -GOD: Group of Drunks or -GOD: Good Orderly Direction or anything else works, then I'd say give it a try. If your husband's cousin is in physical dire straits, it would be a good idea for him to try something. I do think there are other ways to get sober than AA. I'm not that much of an AA purist. It's just that nothing else worked for me.
I have an ornery little dog who really, really loves me. He's kind of a one-person dog (me). Sometimes I talk to him & use him as my higher power, as I know that he has no ulterior motives. Our HP's can be anything as far as I'm concerned.
Anyhow, I'm rambling.
MaryWisdom, Courage, Strength
October 3, 2012
AA thread September 2013
A very intense women's meeting today. One of the long timers, I guess three or four years sobriety, a sponsor, etc, left abruptly.
Her doctor told her to get out of town ASAP.
Apparently some abuse going on.
Many were sad at her leaving some pointed out that because of this program, she has sobriety and after much work, she also has the strength to leave a dangerous situation and take care of herself and her child.
My thoughts and prayers are with her.
I am grateful for AA and the life it helps us to lead.
CindiAF April 9, 2016
AA thread September 2013
I didn't get back Saturday/Sunday. Sorry. On Saturday night we talked about the spiritual awakening. It seems I've been hearing about God/spirituality a lot at meetings lately. I do try to pray the best I can. I'm not very spiritual, but I do find spirituality just sitting/listening at meetings. I hope all is well w/all of you out there. I'll be going to a speaker meeting I haven't been to for a long while. MaryWisdom, Courage, Strength
October 3, 2012
AA thread September 2013
I went to a meeting last night that I hadn't been to for a long time. It's very good for me to go to meetings off my beaten track. Anyhow, there were some speakers from an incoming group. All had great messages & recoveries...some from way down low. One woman spoke about her giving up pot & resetting her sobriety date. Her sponsor didn't approve of the marijuana maintenance program. I think I saw a few people squirming in their seats. I hope everyone has a wonderful day. MaryWisdom, Courage, Strength
October 3, 2012
AA thread September 2013
Last night's speaker was incredible...honest & filled w/humility. This particular Tues. night meeting is a little loose. It's held at a home for retired soldiers. Lots of men, both old-timers & newcomers, but gentle souls all. Last night we laughed & joked a lot. We walked out feeling uplifted. MaryWisdom, Courage, Strength
October 3, 2012
AA thread September 2013
nice mary! I have never been to a speaker's meeting...guess I should check one out, eh?
haven't been to a meeting in a week...just not feeling it. I don't have any desire to drink or "stinking thinking", just haven't moseyed in for a while