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Monday 2 September AF daily

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    Monday 2 September AF daily

    Good morning all - day 2 here. Four day week at work this week, and spa day Friday
    I am recommitting to short term AF - no negotiations.
    Have a good day everyone.
    one day at a time

    Monday 2 September AF daily

    Hi Bear and all others

    I posted a bit today on yesterday's thread. End of the day here and I survived a challenging meeting.

    YahYah - Daughter has finished exams - but sits more again in Nov. She is only in the first year of her big high school exams - they last over 3 years with a lot of assessed course work thrown in as well. She has some marks back already - did really well in English so this Mum is very pleased - good science results too. She's a good kid!!!
    Hey your rapids adventure sounds wild!

    Hope you all had a lovely weekend - although its not over yet of course for those in the US

    SF - you sound so perky despite the big sleep in. Great to see you being this way.

    Mick - hope you had a good time at the Antiques Road Show :H:H. Only one programme seems more boring to me - the English one about Dog shows (hope I have not hurt your feelings)

    Cinders, Lav - and others - enjoy your BBQs and family chaos. Hope it all ends well as the sun goes down.

    Hi there Blondie -look at a map woman! PPQP will be laughing her sox off about your knowledge of Canadian geography. I wouldn't blame PPQP for thinking Australia was a tiny island off New Zealand:H

    Det - hope you enjoyed the shoot - and great that Dx is going AF. My partner had some wine last night (he does not usually drink these days) and it was awful to see the deterioration in communication - talking crap and being argumentative (thinking he was Mr Funny Guy) after a few glasses. Well we all know about that!

    Pauly - more hugs - you need a truckload of them with your problems - try to take it easy on Labor Day with the AL. You know what I mean.

    Bear - great that you are adopting a no prisoners taken attitude with AL - Day 2 - will be Day 3 before you know it.

    Samstone -love the wee neck of the woods your cabin is in - and also love the way it has meaningful history and memories for you. Thats what makes life special.

    So nite nite -I am not in the land of Nod yet - will do some work and then read or watch some rubbish.


      Monday 2 September AF daily

      mae everyone are we today?Firstly thoughts go out to you Pauly .. know it is no consolation, but my thoughts and prayers go out to you as I am sure does everyone elses here ..As for drinking you did it..its not the end of the world get back to as you were .If you need an ear to bend I am here you dont know me, and vice versa ..thats not the issue.

      Was out yesterday other pretty successful day..also found a wallet lying in the middle of the road on the way there was a young lads..some money and bank cards with driving licence....the address was on the driving licence so we took it round to the house...7 in the morning ..his mother must have thought ..who the hell are these 3 ragarses!!when I explained ,she offered me the money in the walllet for returning it ..I refused ...there must be the makings of a joke in there somewhere!"hear about the Scotsman that refused money?":H

      Tea n coffee on the go..struggling to get joke material at the mo but will keep trying.
      Morning bear are you?Aint getting into lectures or any of that , but unless you make the commitment to stopping aint gonna happen..this thread is here to support each other and to be honest ..I dont think it is used to its full potential...and here is a for instance..instead of coming on here and saying had a couple of drinks yesterday..why didnt you get on before and say.I need help ,I am dying for a drink..any suggestions quick..I am sure any of us would have helped out....and yes each and every one of us has been in that position either have to say I aint drinking and put up with the hard times or just crack on and bluff yourself.
      Iam sorry if this sounds harsh...but thats the way it has to be you do it or not..that choice has got to be yours ..we can help ,but not do it for you

      Morning SF are you? have you woken up yet or still dreamimg of Elvis the pelvis.what a cunning little plan ...getting woken up fro lunch as opposed to making it!!!

      Hiya Sam ..hows you today? ta for posting the pic ..interesting if you could get some details from it.who and where they came from

      Hiya are you today? your weedwhacker incident does sound pretty crappy ...literally

      Hiya blondie nice to see you again...So youve been watching the Big Yin have you? I remember when he first played Sydney ...apparently he got booed off the stage fo his joke do you tell real Aussies? from the shackle and hand cuff marks!!He has lost a lot of his glesga accent now but in his younger days no -one could understand him...not the first time I have had to translate for English folk!!Eye seems ok now..just a bit weepy now not as sore

      Hiya Lav how are you today?driveway done is it? just like brand new again...Any plans for today?have a coffee and think about it

      Hiya ppqp are you ? glad your visit went ok ..time for a brew before work? here you go

      Hiya are you today? certainly had a house full yesterday didnt you? you slipped up tho washing the table ..should have put chairs round it and sat everyone down ..then pressure washed it!!table clean chairs clean kids clean clothes clean problemo!!
      Aha the phantom wd40 sniffer!!yep Il ike the smell of it too so you arent alone.When Iwas in the prison service werent allowed to use it even tho it is great as easing oil on locks gives off a scent that is picked up by firearms dogs as gun oil..ha you can imagine the fun that causes!!aa nick full of shooters!Eye is fine ta for asking

      Hiya yah the rapid shooter!!glad it worked out ok for you that could have been pretty iffy...George Washington crossed it ..not drowned in it!!Few days off ..any plans for them?have a great time

      Evenin TT how are you this evening ? had a good day

      right peeps time to go ..take care and have a good one

      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        Monday 2 September AF daily

        MAE Abbers,

        Pauly, A year ago last August my daddy was put into a hospice for a massive brain bleed. He was not given food or water and allowed to go peacefully. Luckily, his cognitive functioning was very far gone and I believe he was unaware. One thing I remain so grateful for about that time was that I did not drink that entire time. It was his last few days on this earth and my mother and family were all around. My love and support was needed as much as theirs was needed by me. We gathered together in love around my dad as we watched him leave. If you remain sober for your loved ones, you will not regret it. :l:l

        Det, Eeek on the dog poop. I will remember that story as I whack the weeds around Poulan's toxic zone.

        I may pm you later about substitutes for the rice/pasta, etc in meals. I simply cannot eat them and hubby should not eat them. Time to learn how to manage.

        SF, I am going to check out the link you sent me. Thanks!! :-)

        TT, You are blessed to have such a wonderful girl and such a good relationship with her. Enjoy, they are grown before you know it.

        Mick, Glad to hear your eye is healing. Laughed about the Scotsman returning money. :H:H

        Kitchen is a wreck this a.m. I fell into bed last night without cleaning up. I guess I better set to. Lightening and thunder abound this morning. I love thunder storms.

        I hope all have a happy and sober Monday.

        AF April 9, 2016


          Monday 2 September AF daily

          Good morning Abbers & Happy Labor Day!

          Clouds & fog out there right now, thunder storms on the way. Not exactly cookout weather so I'm cooking in The gang will all be here so it will be fun anyway.

          bear, did you ever pick up a copy of The Power of Now? I really think it will help you quiet the mind chatter & keep your focus on the task at hand. Good on day 2!

          Pauly, thinking about you & hope you are OK.

          TT, sounds like your daughter is a smart kid & doing well. Just another thing to be grateful for, right?

          Mick, your picture collection is unique, to say the least :H
          That was a very nice gesture returning the wallet. Losing ID & credit cards just sucks.

          Sounds like your family celebration went well Cindi - hope mine does as well today. I am always exhausted when they all leave, I understand that :H

          I'll try to get a picture of my new looking driveway with no mulch pile. My life is SO exciting :H

          Have a great AF Monday everyone!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Monday 2 September AF daily

            MAE ALL

            Bear...good morning and thanks for kicking us off. There you are back on the right track just go for ODAT for now. And like TT and others have said....

   mean it's not a tiny island off NZ Here's a truly Canadian sport:

            Your daughter does sound like a good kid and I'm glad the exams are going well. Hope you're in the land of nod by now.

            Mick...thanks for the brew and like the US no work for me today. Trying to come up with a witty original joke but clearly I have not started thinking yet so this will have to do:

            A Scotsman and a Jew went to a restaurant. After a hearty meal, the waitress came by with the inevitable check. To the amazement of all, the Scotsman was heard to say, "I'll pay it!", and he actually did.
            The next morning's newspaper carried the news item: "JEWISH VENTRILOQUIST FOUND MURDERED IN BLIND ALLEY".

            Glad your eye is feeling better, I still haven't heard from my eye doctor's office yet but can tell the iritis is gone so not worrying about it. Does the hammering and banging things resume today? Have another cuppa before you start.

            Cinders...I'm a thunderstorm lover too. As long as I don't have to go out in it. Get that kitchen sorted yet? Did mine before going to bed, there's a first time for everything :H

            Lav...enjoy your get together today. A pic of the new driveway would be super. I still have a wee pile of soil to move before we flood the area for the pleasure skating rink. With temps up to 30 today, the rink is a distant thought.

            Not sure what my day will bring but if I listen carefully I can hear my car yelling "clean the inside of my windshield" With the smoking I do in the car and the angle of the morning sun I can get blinded out of nowhere. Good thing I can get to work and back with my eyes closed. :H

            Have a great AF Monday all and all to come....PPQP

