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Wednesday 11 April BEAT YA CASHY!

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    Wednesday 11 April BEAT YA CASHY!

    Good morning!

    Nothing much to report here.... all well.

    Just wanted to beat Cashy.

    Hope you all have a splendid day!


    Wednesday 11 April BEAT YA CASHY!

    Now, that was a bit childish.

    Okay, now that I am all grown up I will start the thread properly.

    Had a bit of a stress out yesterday with the new purchasers coming to have a look round my place (a week and a half before they actually move in ... oh well). I got the place looking quite respectable despite the boxes, bags, etc lying around. Felt quite worn out, picked up the kids from school, took them to the beach to try to kill an hour (the hour the purchasers would be at the house). Stayed at the beach for about one and a half hours, 10 minute drive home with STARVING, wet (they wanted to run straight into the sea with their school uniforms on.. and I let them! It was fantastic fun! I suppose it would be the equivalent of running into the sea with a business suit on! Fab!), anyway, starving, wet, sandy, tired children and two drooling dogs. Got back here..... the buggers were STILL here farting about ... as if they owned the place! Over two bloody hours they were here. I just drove up the drive got the kids into the shower, and went about my business..... fuming until they left. REALLY felt like a big glass of wine.... was on the verge...........

    I'm still going to speak to my doc about moderating.... I don't think I'm cut out for abs.

    Nothing much else to say apart from


      Wednesday 11 April BEAT YA CASHY!

      G'day World,

      Nothing to report either. Aside from Anita Ward in my ear ringing my bell, grin ... Topa side effect. But Sami (see under General Threads) got me to hang on to my 200 mgs after all. The side effects should go away after a couple of weeks. But I'm really tired with all that ringing in my ears aaaaaaaaah. Anyway ..

      Other than that, still sore from the bike accident, but in good spirit (non-alcoholic, of course). Hey, by the way, what happened to Alaskan Mike (MikeupNorth)? Haven't heard from him for ages?
      Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


        Wednesday 11 April BEAT YA CASHY!

        Hi Bluebell and Paddy and all to come. Bluebell, sounds like thoses people like your house! Paddy, ringing in your ears? That must drive you nuts, hope it goes soon.
        Well i had a really interesting dream last night. I have only just started dreaming again since being off the poison. I dreamt that i was searching for hours through a busy town for my car! I couldnt find it. It was very frustrating. I looked it up in my dream book and apparently it means that i am suffering a loss in my life and i need to replace it with something else. I know that is about alcohol! There was alot of traffic in my dream and that indicates that i am trying to solve a problem alone, when i should be requesting help! Well that is what i'm doing. It is a lonely old business this drinking thing!

        Anyway, have a good day everyone and it is sooo good to be back.

        Bella xxx


          Wednesday 11 April BEAT YA CASHY!

          Bluebell, come on now, yeah ya wanted a drink - for all the wrong reasons - drink when you want to, not when you NEED to - then you can moderate.

          Sticking my nose in again - but then again according to the numbers i'm a number 2 (a little s...t!?)

          Love ya, drink at a party for chrissake!!!

          "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


            Wednesday 11 April BEAT YA CASHY!

            Oh and i'm having an awful day too - yeachhh - and this would be a great time for a drink -NOT. My wedding anniversary this weekend - now that would be a nice time perhaps???

            Who knows, not planning on it and probably wont do it.

            Oh i'm such a goody 2 shoes

            "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


              Wednesday 11 April BEAT YA CASHY!

              Then again I might.....


              "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                Wednesday 11 April BEAT YA CASHY!

                Oh Paddy...what a hassle...should wear off fairly quickly.

                And hiya Bella - what a dream.

                "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                  Wednesday 11 April BEAT YA CASHY!

                  Day 5

                  Hi all,

                  Not much today, doing alright. Trying to get my kid's health issues sorted out.

                  When that doc stupid called at 10pm on Monday, my day 3, I almost had hubby bring home a bottle of wine but I didn't.
                  Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                    Wednesday 11 April BEAT YA CASHY!

                    I am back on abs train. Day 2 for me. Went to gym last nite @ 8 p.m. and it was a huge help. Goal is to do that each nite. You are all inspriring. Thanks for being here.


                      Wednesday 11 April BEAT YA CASHY!

                      Ab Ab and day 35. Feeling super darn good and my stupid knee is getting much better so I'm walking almost homospien-like again.
                      Buebell be careful! that's all I'm going to say
                      Paddy, I hope someone ansers that telephone in your head....
                      Bella glad you can figure out your dreams, mine weirder.
                      Cashy, yes you are the goodiest of the two shoes you good example you,
                      Happy and Lucky, good day and quack to you. Exercise? At this rate I'll be back in jiu jitsu hopefully in another week or so......can't wait...driving me nuts.
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        Wednesday 11 April BEAT YA CASHY!

                        Happy Camper, good for you, not to cave into the temptation while you are stressed. Our favorite coping mechanism, huh?
                        Lucky, that's a great way not to drink at night, caring for your body instead! I am so happy to have both you and Patty with us, you MWO old timers on our AB's train. Stay with us, please....
                        Bluebell, I wish I could have been a fly on the wall, watching your kids go right into the water with their school uniforms on!
                        Cashy, Happy Anniversary, how many years?
                        Bella, Interesting dream, but at least you are waking up now with a clear mind.
                        Paddy, my experience with shoulder injuries is they heal slowly, so hang in there.
                        On the road again for business travel. Long distance driving is easier for me now that I am not always hung over.
                        Have a great day you all.


                          Wednesday 11 April BEAT YA CASHY!

                          Hi all

                          And a good wednesday to you all....Bluebell, Paddy, Bella so good to hear you all sounding so well.
                          Cashy nice to see you chick!!
                          Camper hellooo and Lucky i love ya to bits welcome back to ye olde abs train!!!
                          D...You seem to be a law unto yourself...good going mister.....Hi mona cat.
                          Hope i aint missed anyone.

                          Much love to you all

                          Lou-Lou x x x x
                          "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                            Wednesday 11 April BEAT YA CASHY!

                            Hey all, I have just started having dreams again too...wierd, I was wondering if they would ever come back.

                   are doing great!!!!!

                            See ya later guys

                            It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                            James Gordon, M.D.


                              Wednesday 11 April BEAT YA CASHY!

                              Hi all, day 6 of the abs ... so far so good. Yesterday was harder than today, bad day at work, better today - some good news on the project I'm working on.

                              Sometimes it's hard working with stubborn, difficult people (I was going to say idiots, but that was too nice) and it seems like a reasonable excuse for a drink, don't you think?

