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Tuesday 10th Sept

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    Tuesday 10th Sept

    morning are we today then? ..oh and evening to the upside down people too are you all?ok I hope .well been up since about 6 this morning playing about with the rabbit hutch I am making..reckon I will be finished it tomorrow...then quick break and then on toi the greenhouse before autumn proper.Just been out in the garden the rabbits are out.One of the plants I have got is a not blue grass!!!:H..Just watched one of the rabbits..he has bitten through the plastic fencing really low on the ground and pushes his head through for a feast.Thats not the best bit..I then watched him cover the cut bit of fencing with dirt!!!Spent 25 years stopping prisoners doing this sort of thing be beaten by a rabbit!!!!oh well.

    Tea n coffee on the go

    Evening TT how are you? how was work ? go give em hell Kincaid!!Has your daughter finished all her exams now?have a good evening

    Hiya Lav are hyou this fine day? ok I hope.Well watched the last of the Amish programme breaking Amish last night was like the post mortem , you know when they all get interviewed..they were all there ..boy oh boy..if that was ever a true story..its a belter..knocks the socks off our corrie ,eastenders,the Aussie home and way and neighbours soaps gang!!
    So far ,I have resisted rushing up to Ikea to buy any wooden jigsaw furniture!!just think I will have brew and think about to join me? you all ready for the chicks arriving?

    Hiya are you..doughnuts for the firemen??musta missed something here..have a quick brew ..hows work going ? still enjoying it.?

    Hiya Sam ...glad you had a good weekend ..and moreso the fact that you did it with no bevvy...well done mate :goodjob:

    Hi yah how are you doing ...glad to report heating wasnt on this morning..its gas central heating ..dont like it ..dries the air up but its controllable heat...things seem to be picking up for you ..really pleased .

    Hiya bear how are you today? good I seem to be more positive ..go for it

    Hiya Det and hows you today?ok I hope..still on the road or are you working local?Yes we dont eat anything but free range eggs either..well I hardly eat eggs at all now ,because of the cholesterol ..pity cos I love em!!
    New series of sons of guns on over here..the start of it doesn't look that interesting ..looks staged..firing a competition Sterling smg with magnifying glass sights?

    righty ho peeps ..for the offski..back to doing up rabbit mansions!!cya all

    A man?s wife disappears and he?s accused of killing her. At the trial, his lawyer tells the jury, ?Ladies and gentlemen, I have amazing news. Not only is my client?s wife actually alive, but she?ll walk through that door in ten seconds."
    An expectant silence settles over the courtroom, but nothing happens.
    ?Think about that,? the lawyer says. ?The fact that you were watching the door, expecting to see the missing woman, proves that you have a reasonable doubt as to whether a murder was actually committed.?
    He sits down confidently, and the judge sends the jury off to deliberate. They return in ten minutes and declare the man guilty.
    ?Guilty?? says the lawyer. ?How can that be? You were all watching the door!?
    ?Most of us were watching the door,? says the foreman. ?But one of us was watching the defendant, and he wasn?t watching the door.?

    In Texas, there is a town named New Braunfels, where there is a large German-speaking population.
    One day, a local rancher driving down a country road noticed a man using his hand to drink water from the rancher's stock pond.
    The rancher rolled down the window and shouted: "Sehr angenehm! Trink das Wasser nicht. Die kuehe haben darein geschissen." (Translated: "Glad to meet you! Don't drink the water. The cows have crapped in it.")
    The man shouted back: "I'm from New York and just down here campaigning for Obama's health care plan. I can't understand you. Please speak in English."
    The rancher replied: "Use both hands."

    This elderly couple is watching one of those television preachers on TV one night.
    The preacher faces the camera, and announces, "My friends, I'd like to share my healing powers with everyone watching this program. Place one hand on top of your TV and the other hand on the part of your body which ails you and I will heal you."
    The old woman has been having terrible stomach problems, so she places one hand on the television, and her other hand on her stomach. Meanwhile, her husband approaches the television, placing one hand on top of the TV and his other hand on his groin.
    With a frown his wife says, "Ernest, he's talking about healing the sick, not raising the dead."

    A man asked a Native American what his wife's name was. He replied, "She is called Five Horses." The man said, "That's an unusual name for a woman. What does it mean?" The Native American answered, "It's a traditional tribal name. It means... NAG, NAG, NAG, NAG, NAG!"

    There are only two things you need to worry about in life;
    Either you are well, or you are sick.
    If you are well, then there's nothing to worry about. But if you are sick, then there's two things to worry about;
    Either you will get better, or you will get worse.
    If you will get better, then there's nothing to worry about. But if you get worse, then there's two things to worry about;
    Either you will live, or you will die.
    If you are going to live, then there's nothing to worry about. But if you are going to die, then there's two things to worry about;
    Either you will go to heaven, or you will go to hell.
    If you go to heaven then there's nothing to worry about. But if you go to hell...
    You'll be so damn busy shaking all your friends' hands you won't have time to worry, so why worry?

    A bus full of housewives going on a picnic crashed with no survivors.
    People cried for a week. But there was a man who was still crying after 2 weeks. When asked why he is still crying, he replied miserably: "My wife missed the bus
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Tuesday 10th Sept

    hey everyone - had long day at work, 2 days at conference - no booze in my line of work at these things which I am grateful for.Had difficult one to one meeting with team member, mentioned fact others had overheard her making negative comments in the office and she cried. Felt a bit like crocodile tears but still not nice, anyway we talked it through and things feel a bit better. See what happens, I can't control her, just react to her and communicate what is/isn't ok.

    I was all set to cook healthy dinner tonight - gnocchi with tomatoes,basil, mushrooms and cheese. Instead bought bag of chocolate honeycomb popcorn when I picked up milk and ate the whole thing on way home,then had 2 slices of cheese on toast.Veg for dinner tomorrow then!Feel a little bit sick now. Got a lazy evening planned - load of washing in machine and that's it, some TV later then early to bed.

    Really feels like Autumn is drawing in now and probably not long before I have to dig out hats,scarves and gloves - I love September - it feels more like a fresh start than January to me. I fancy treating myself to a nice new winter coat this year - a decent quality one.Can use some of my booze/fag savings, in fact one month off the sauce would do it - there's an incentive.

    Hope everyone had a happy Tuesday and we're almost halfway through the week tomorrow if you didn't
    one day at a time


      Tuesday 10th Sept

      Hi, Abbers,

      Just a quick check in.

      Interview went well. One to application and sent out references this morning.

      Continuing to send out resumes to other firms as a back up, though.

      It was great to travel sober. I spent years traveling pouring myself out of hotel bars and airport bars.

      AF April 9, 2016


        Tuesday 10th Sept

        Happy Tuesday ABsters!

        very busy with paperwork here, then back on the road tomorrow. zoom zoom.

        Mick, please don't be scared off of eggs. they will NOT raise your bad cholesterol. I've done dietary intervention help with a bunch of folks and what we find is that either your blood cholesterol remains virtually unchanged, or your good cholesterol goes up in relation to bad cholesterol. either way a 'win'. if you want to substantially reduce blood count of bad cholesterol there is one simple thing you can do: reduce consumption of simple carbohydrates. simple and more effective than drugs! there are many folks with well intentioned advice, but the blood tests don't lie.

        with that.... I think it's time for some eggs!

        Bear, no wonder you feel ill! that's an odd meal you had

        shouts to Lav, TTops, Cinders and all who dare to walk proudly with the AF'ers!

        be well
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          Tuesday 10th Sept

          Det thanks for that case its poached egg on wholemeal bread for brekkie in the morning
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            Tuesday 10th Sept

            link for more info Mick: Three eggs a day keep the doctor away!

            we'll work on that bread next
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              Tuesday 10th Sept

              MAE ALL...

              Late check in for me. I am on the go from the minute I get to work till I leave at the end of the day. The way the setup at work is now, MWO is tricky to get to. I'm thinking I might even start posting on tomorrows thread instead.

              Mick...thanks for kicking us off this morning. I think your rabbit is hilarious. Sure it's not a female? I'm still enjoying my job but have to work on my routine. Hitting the grocery store at 5pm is a lot different than at 1pm. Going to have to do some meal planning and get organized for the week.

              TT...hope you had a great sleep. You've probably already started tomorrows thread now.

              Lav...did you get the call? I'm excited for you.

              Bear...I'd feel ill too if I ate that. Glad you were able to talk to the team member. It's always better getting things off your chest. Good job on the no booze and that's a great incentive. Never quit quitting.

              Cinders...good to hear the interview went well. When I interviewed with my current boss it had been 23 yrs since I'd done that and boy was I nervous. I used to tell myself I felt ill because of the change in water when I traveled. Yeah right!

              Det...thanks for the info and the link. Now I want a poached egg. I need help with "the bread" too.

              Just a bit of down time before cooking dinner. We're having chicken, stuffed potatoes and mixed veg's from the garden. Will try and post in the morning tomorrow will depend on when I get the brain thinking. Have a great AF Tuesday evening all.....PPQP


                Tuesday 10th Sept

                I DID GET THE CALL PQ :H
                Really wasn't expecting the new babies until the morning but you know how that goes

                Here's one quick pic - more tomorrow: (Was expecting 30, actually got 32)

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Tuesday 10th Sept

                  Awww....thanks for the pic night is complete. :H


                    Tuesday 10th Sept

                    Completely adorable! :h Cheep! Cheep!
                    AF as of August 5th, 2012


                      Tuesday 10th Sept

                      they look great. Isn't it amazing how they survive the mail ordeal. Looks like there are others besides the buffs.

                      I believe somewhere you asked if we sell eggs, yes we do, sometimes they are hard to get rid of, but not too often.

                      Have fun with your new babies
                      Liberated 5/11/2013

