How?s the rabbit hutch Mick? Don?t overdo it. Hope you enjoy the egg! Did the rabbit lay it?:H
Good to see you PPQP and I hope you find a way to post. We need your updates on the thread. Work sounds hectic for you.
Bear ? great that you are staying sober. As others say, don?t stop stopping. Buy the coat instead.
Cinders ? so glad the interview went well and yes, sober travelling can be lots of fun. No more locking oneself out of hotel rooms!!
Have your wee chicks arrived Lav? Can?t recall if it was you or Cinders who posted about hayfever ?but it's horrible around here at the moment. Its because of all the introduced plants the colonialists brought in during the 19thC. The indigenous plants are not usually a worry.
Greetings to Det, Sam, Blondie. How are you doing Pauly girl?
Me, I was 11 months sober yesterday and today is my first birthday in yonks that is AF. Sadly my partner and daughter forgot about it being my birthday ? they remembered as they were leaving the house ? but I was already upset by then. No presents, no cards, no cups of tea! Partner asks me as he goes out the door what I would like and I told him to just forget about it ? too late as far as I am concerned. This has happened before ?and I do give them gentle reminders ? but I am giving up. I have to work late tonight too. I guess being sober is my birthday present to myself but I would have liked a fuss from my nearest.
This is not a cry for attention but I am getting it out so that I don't fester about it. The MWO way!
Be good and sober today!