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Friday 13 Sept AF daily

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    Friday 13 Sept AF daily

    Hey everyone - I'm up ready for the final day of the week.Learnt so much at conference and feel so buzzy with ideas of what to do/what we could do - and a little overwhelmed.

    Day 6 here AF and feeling good - apart from cold that's on it's way - but not feeling awful, just a bit sniffly and I have got an irritating cough. Tonight is going to be a lazy evening -cats/curry/clean kitchen/bathroom floor and a quick dust of downstairs with dusting wipes.
    I've set time in diary every Sunday to cook soup for lunches/plan food for week and plan tidy/clean evenings - love the getting organised bit of getting sober.

    Have a great day everyone
    one day at a time

    Friday 13 Sept AF daily

    Bear....glad to see you in the right frame of mind. I cleaned out my closet again tonight....finally got rid of the "if hell freezes over I might wear this again".

    I am off to bed....


      Friday 13 Sept AF daily

      Mae all...and how are we today? Friday the 13th.. oh boy.Well just got to get a hutchcover now and thats them ready for the offski int their new abode (rabbits).
      Was out last night ..and believe me I need go exercising later on!!!Food was absolutely brill..again the bit that bugs me is ?4.25 for a pint of syrupy carbonated water..allegedly called coke!11 st 8 on the increase of 5lbs!!!drank a lot of water during the night tho..oh well salad tonight!!!
      So we all set for the weekend? lets go

      Evening tt are you doing?Isnt it weird how our lives change since we quit? hiding bottles attitudes etc?you any plans for the weekend ...go on where is other half taking you as penitence for amnesia!!!

      Hiya are you? wow that pic of the chicks is lovely....lets see them in 3 months again! have the others gone to the farmer yet?Have you any plans for the weekend ...apart from this coffee? Kid free zone???

      Hiya Sam (aka doin de do !)how are we today ? ok I any plans for the away fiddlin anywhere? sounds dodgy ..but you know what I mean.that chicken ranch for want o better words is smart well done mate do those turtles cause your chickens any harm?

      Hiya are you today down in sunny ally bama? was your day serendipitous then? where did you dig that word up from? First used in Britain in 1754...means pleasant surprises (ish) taken from the princes of Sarandip in Ceylon...there you go how to make sure you are never invited to parties can bore them all with facts like these!!!you have a great day

      Hiya bear how are you doing? ok I hope still on track ....excellent well done odat!I have 2 rabbits..both rescue the female is a large brown lop and she is pretty strong..Male is white and more cunning and inquisitive.

      Hiya ppqp...yep invite here can come out any time are you? just b careful and dont burn yourself out ..theres plenty of time..Yeh lets meeet at Lavs gaff How far away is Banff from you?As far as dressing up goes...when Iwas working..spent my army days in uniform,then in the prison service in uniform for a good few yers then suits and ties when I l left ,I ditched the lot so nowadays its jeans, tracksuits, jumpers t shirts etc..Struggled to find "good clobber" to put on last night but did eventually.You have a good day take this brew with you

      SF ..morning to you ..and well done on the choice mat or a box o gloop? no contest ..and yes you are right ..very sage words a thought is just that ...a thought ...until you turn it into an action...that when the fan gets a bit smelly! so well done you..oh and dont forget to remind hubby how lucky he was that you said yes all ? those years ago !!!:H

      Right thats it offski before the woman from upside down land gets here first have a great weekend


      Just checked ...beaten by bear and sf ...both on organisational cleaning and sorting out sprees!!!

      What did the writer say when he glued himself to his book?

      That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

      During her annual checkup, the well-constructed miss was asked to disrobe and climb onto the examining table.
      "Doctor," she replied shyly, "I just can't undress in front of you."
      "All right," said the physician, "I'll flick off the lights. You undress and tell me when you're through."
      In a few moments, her voice rang out in the darkness: "Doctor, I've undressed. What shall I do with my clothes?"
      "Put them on the chair, on top of mine.

      what?s the difference between an old greyhound bus terminal and a lobster with 36B breasts?

      one?s a crusty bus station and the other?s a busty crustacean

      A Man was being interviewed for the post of a Commando in Army.
      Interviewer: "We want a person with a suspicious mind; always alert, merciless; ready to attack; high sense of hearing & most importantly; having a killer instinct. So Do you think you are eligible?"
      Man: "No Sir; but can my Wife apply?"

      After a disasterous earthquake in New York, a wee man from Glasgow headed off across the Atlantic to aid his American friends in the clean up operation.
      After many days of making little progress, Joe heard that President Obama had arrived to thank everyone who was digging in.
      That afternoon Joe felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to find himself face to face with the President.
      "I'd just like to say that your help here is greatly appreciated," Obama said.
      "Aye, nae bother!" said the Scotsman.
      "That's an interesting accent you have there. Where are you from?"
      "Glasgow," Joe replied.
      The President look perplexed. "Glasgow? Sorry, what state is that in?"
      "Oh, pretty much the same as New York is now."

      God went around the world looking for a nation to give his commandments to...

      First he tried the French. "Would you be interested in my commandments?" "What's in 'em?" "Well.... There's 'thou shalt not commit adultery'" "No thank you."
      God then tried the Romanians. "Would you be interested in my commandments?" "What's in 'em?" "Well.... There's 'thou shalt not steal'" "No thank you."
      Then god tried the Germans. "Would you be interested in my commandments?" "What's in 'em?" "Well.... There's 'thou shalt not kill'" "No thank you."
      Finally god went to the Jews. "Would you be interested in my commandments?" "How much?" "How much..? Well, eh, technically they're free, but you must maintain-" "We'll take ten!"
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        Friday 13 Sept AF daily

        Quick hello as I am getting sleepy. Just watched a Hitchcock movie, had curry ( thanks for the idea Bear), and a bubble bath.
        Will try to post in the morn but you all have a great day esp SF enjoying her wedding anniversary:h:h. It will be so special with your sobriety in the bag as well

        Nite nite I am going to read about Hitchcock now and some old movie history. One of my interests.


          Friday 13 Sept AF daily

          Good morning Abbers & Happy Friday the 13th

          Partly sunny here but a bit cooler, yay! Last evening's rain helped.

          Greetings TT! Hope you are getting some sleep

          bear, you are doing great, keep going!!!

          SF, cleaning out closets is what I need to do - great idea. I schedule Purple Heart to come pick up stuff I no longer use. Maybe I'll get started on that this afternoon

          Mick, great pics there buddy but I do not/will not ever eat one of my chickens :H
          I just paid $3.51 for gas this week, somewhat better than it has been all summer.
          The older hens are still here for now, I need to whip up the nerve to hand them over to the Amish henchman, but I will. I'm only supposed to have the boys here for 2 hours today & that's OK with me.

          OK, off to Curves to get my day started right!
          Wishing everyone a great AF Friday.

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Friday 13 Sept AF daily

            hello all
            well as Churchy used to say in "Pogo" Friday 13th came on a Friday this month. So far all bones are still in tact.

            Lav, Amish henchman?? Sounds like an oxymoron to me.

            Hey Mick, no foul play to the fowl, it was just passing by.

            have a great weekend everyone.
            Liberated 5/11/2013


              Friday 13 Sept AF daily

              whew! a very exhausted greetings fellow ABers. was nodding off driving back from the tradeshow tonight so I stopped in Pleasanton and got a hotel for the night. better off late than dead i reckon. just haven't felt 'my self' this week. very very tired and sickly feeling. also had a HUGE al craving out of the blue this evening which really gave me a fright. I'm ok now but yikes, it was a bad one.
              will try to catch up with you all tomorrow. be strong everyone
              and be well. zzzzzzz
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Friday 13 Sept AF daily

                Det hope you are asleep. Maybe the craving also came with being tired. Take care

