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Spring September ~ Week 3

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    Spring September ~ Week 3

    I thought I'd move us into week tonight so I could share a great website I found today. This is specifically for those of us still suffering in hormone hell:
    Nourishing Menopause - Home

    Download the free .pdf on the best Superfoods & get signed up for the podcasts

    I'll be back with a chick pic.
    Here it is - One week old & ready to fly

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

    Spring September ~ Week 3

    Good actions give strength to ourselves and inspire good actions in others.

    Thanks for the kick off to week 3 Lav. What a great picture! Thanks for that, too.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      Spring September ~ Week 3

      Good morning...

      Monday, Monday! Lav, thanks for starting us on week three. I agree with you about getting toxic people out of your life. It is useless to argue and constantly be in conflict. We don't have to do that anymore. It is sad when you have to cut family out of your life, but if they disrespect you and cause pain, what is the point anymore? We have an entire side of the family we don't see and this has gone on for years: drunks, mean, abusive. It is a great relief to me, I cannot stand all that chaos. I think part of staying AF is making choices for ourselves that are good for us. I think it is so cool that Kaslo was there for you. The chickies are cute and getting big. How fun for you to watch them grow!

      Dill, what a lovely day. Relaxing walk. We just watched football. A lot of football. I read books and relaxed.

      Ready for work today. To all,have a great day.
      Formerly known as redhibiscus


        Spring September ~ Week 3

        Good Morning, Friends!

        A cheery hello from Alexandria.

        Guess what happened to me just now at breakfast? A businessman in the restaurant asked me out to dinner. I am having dinner with my relatives tonight and will be unable to go but it was nice to be asked.

        Dill-thank you for the quote. Good actions do give strength. I also feel that your friends mirror you, and if you are a good person, you attract and seek out like-minded people. Our friends mirror us, I think. I guess that's why I like coming here. I am so glad you and Mr. D. had a relaxing day yesterday.

        Star-it sounds like you had a leisurely day yesterday, too. Have you tried your new elliptical?

        Lav-love the chick pic-wow...he/she has really grown in the last week. Regarding mean and nasty siblings: my closest friend has two brothers just like yours. As the baby of the family and the only girl, she did not suffer the physical and emotional beatings her older brothers took at the hands of their father. They grew up resenting her since she was exempt from that...and like you, she had to cut them out of her life and focus on her husband and son. Her brother sent her a Christmas card one year and signed it "SCREW YOU!!!!" She finds comfort in her friendships, since her parents are both dead. Regarding toxic people, I HAD to cut 3 toxic people out of my life if I were to continue to remain AF. Out of the HALT triggers....anger was a HUGE factor. I am so much happier since I have gotten these people out of my life.

        Cheers to everyone else. Have a wonderful Monday.


          Spring September ~ Week 3

          Good morning friends!

          The sun we enjoyed the last few days seems to have gone elsewhere, oh well!

          Rusty, it's nice to be noticed out of the blue like that
          Maybe you'll run into him again!
          Honestly, I woke up yesterday with the thought 'my little brother is an asshole' & carried that around with me all day
          I just cannot afford to keep people like that in my life anymore. Mind you this is coming just a few weeks after I had to rid myself of my toxic SIL. What the hell is wrong with people anyway??

          Star, glad you had a relaxing Sunday. YB was here yesterday afternoon watching the home opener of the Phila Eagles (they lost as usual) :H

          Dill, I'm glad your son is feeling better. What kind of work is your son looking for? I hope he considers a civil service job as I mentioned before - there are usually job openings there. Glad you had a good weekend too.

          I have a busy day lined up for myself including work, exercise, trying out a grain free lavash bread recipe (gluten free for my daughter), animal care & keeping all toxins (human or not) out of my life :H:H
          Have a great day everyone! Greetings cyn & witts!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Spring September ~ Week 3

            Rusty-please tell us you weren't anywhere near the Navy Yard today!!! What a horrific event! My thoughts and prayers are with all the victims and their families. My school is putting on an Active Shooter response training program for staff at the end of the month. I find it surreal that we have to go through this training at all. Shivers.

            Lav-the chicks are soooo cute! Another cycle of life huh? Glad the hotflashes dialed down a bit. I don't know about you but one week after we hit 97 degrees, we have frost warnings for tonite!!!

            Star-nice score on the Elliptical!! I love bargains like that! It will come in handy this winter!

            Dill-I really really hope your son finds something soon. I can't even imagine what he is going through!
            Yes, I got my workout done yesterday and today went for a 2 mi walk with DD. I managed to drop both my small flashlight and my Fitbit so had to spend some time looking for the fitbit. The flashlight was still on so that was easy :H. Didn't even know I had dropped it tho-that was weird! I have to get up at 4:30 tomorrow to get the first day of week 2 in. It is tough getting out of the house with DD and keeping LM from barking. I feel like sleeping in my workout clothes and sneakers! But I am determined to do it. I just can't be late for work and today I skated in right under 8am. Wish me luck!!!
            Rusty-please check in!!
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              Spring September ~ Week 3

              Evening, Everybody,

              Wow, what a day. I was at my client's office just a few miles from the Shipyard. My client has 150 employees at the Shipyard, at Bldg. 197. Miraculously, they all got out safely, thank God. The second time in 12 years his employees have dodged a bullet (pun intended). Their office was on the 12th floor of the Twin Towers when 9/11 happened. All employees climbed down to safety.

              Pap-great job on the exercise.:goodjob: Is it getting any easier? I'm proud of you.

              Lav-I have no idea why siblings can be so cruel other than deep-seeded resentments. Was this the situation with your brothers? How did the gluten-free recipe turn out?

              I have more to say but I am exhausted....hope everyone has had a lovely AF day. I'm going to bed. See you tomorrow.


                Spring September ~ Week 3

                Rusty-so relieved you were not in harms way and that your client's employees were able to get to safety. What a story! Hope you find sweet sleep tonite. We'll "see" you tomorrow.
                I wouldn't say the exercise is getting easier but I'm really trying to stay motivated and determined. I'll let you know how tomorrow goes.

                Lav-doesn't your son work in DC? Was he on duty today? Praying all is well with him.
                Nite all.
                New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                KO the Beast!!


                  Spring September ~ Week 3

                  Good morning to all...

                  Rusty, thanks for checking in and letting us know you are safe. What an experience, being that close to the problem. Nice you were asked out. Would you have been interested if you didn't have other plans? Yes, I have used the elliptical, but for a really short time. I have to build up to it, it is really hard.

                  Pap, I know how you feel. I try to exercise in the am too. You will be so happy you stuck with this as you get in better shape and the weight starts to come off. Plus, I always just feel better when I exercise and deep breathe.

                  Lav, good for you leaving your brother alone. His behavior reflects on him, not on you. But, it hurts to have family members say cruel hurtful things. Sorry your brothers have disappointed you, not been there for you. Love that you focus on your kids and grandkids who love you and appreciate you.

                  Greetings Dill, Wittsend, Cyn.
                  Formerly known as redhibiscus


                    Spring September ~ Week 3

                    Good Tuesday morning everyone

                    The sun seems to be back, nice!

                    My son was in DC yesterday morning, just coming off his 24 hr shift. He said they tried to keep him OT but he had already exceeded the maximum amount of OT allowed for the month of September.
                    I was grateful he was able to come over with his family for dinner last night
                    My thoughts are with all those victims, so very sad.

                    Papmom, great that you are sticking with your program, yay!
                    You have to post a pic of yourself when you're back in your skinny jeans :H
                    Seriously though, exercise is so important to a healthy lifestyle!

                    Rusty, the flat breads turned out pretty good. My daughter will be here later today so we will have a chance to use them. Baking with coconut & tapioca flours is unusual for me but also very interesting.
                    I thought about you yesterday being in the DC area, glad you were safe.

                    Star, I was kind of PO's after all that nonsense with my brother this weekend. What a tool, huh??
                    It was nice to receive a call from my nephew last night (the one who visited recently).
                    My brothers probably are holding resentments but shouldn't be punishing me. We all grew up in the same crappy environment. They just haven't started looking for the light yet. I hope the remaining two brothers can finally begin to pull their heads out of their butts (that's putting it nicely). In the meantime, I'm not going to be their kicking post.

                    I have work to finish up before my daughter & granddaughter arrive. I hope everyone has a great AF Tuesday! Greetings to Dill, Witts, cyn, et al.

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Spring September ~ Week 3

                      Greetings All,
                      Rusty I am so glad you are OK. What a terrible thing. It's unbelievable that your client has been directly affected by two horrible events like that. On a completely different subject, I want to tell you I finished listening to Blame. I really liked the story line and the characters in the book. I also liked the emphasis on AA and recovery and amends. What a twist the story took tho! I didn't see that coming. Another reason I liked the book was the author's way of depicting men. So many times the books I read more or less bash men, I think unfairly. This one treated men and women the same in terms of being capable of good and bad. Does that make any sense to you?

                      Star, I think you would like that book too. I am impressed that you are getting on the eliptical. Those things kind of scare me!:H I am sticking with walking as my main form of exercise but I also want to add yoga. Don't know if I'll look for a class or a video to try at home. I'll keep you posted.

                      Lav, listening to you talk about your brothers reminded me that that is another thing we have in common: all brothers. I had 4 but sadly am down to two. I really miss my departed brothers. This is the time of year I lost each of them. My eldest brother was an irascible curmudgeon, but he was my brother and I loved him anyway! The other brother was loving and kind and loved music. He and I used to harmonize together when we were kids. They were both extremely bright.

                      Pap, you are doing great!!! Hang in there. It's actually not a bad idea to sleep in your work out clothes. It would simplify things in the morning. Are they comfy enough to sleep in?

                      Off I go to the store. Have a happy AF Tuesday one and all!

                      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                        Spring September ~ Week 3

                        Wow Dill - my brother who just passed away in July was a self-proclaimed curmudgeon too
                        My younger brother is a self-proclaimed pain in the ass.....
                        The other one just pickles himself in beer day after day after day....
                        THIS is why I have felt like an only child all my life
                        None of them realize(d) that they had a sister who actually cared about them - regardless.
                        OH WELL - can't change them.
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Spring September ~ Week 3

                          Lav, that would be really hard...three brothers and not one interested in a loving relationship. Sorry he again tried to bully you, good for you in not putting up with it. Hey, are you still having comfortable weather? We are and it is so great.

                          Dill, I will have to try and get Blame, it sounds like a great book. Sorry for the loss of your brothers, too. I don't see mine much, but enjoy them. One is kind of annoying, but I still love him. The other I find easy to get along with. We must be more alike. Are you enjoying your first fall off? Hope so.

                          Pap, sending you encouragement, have a good day.

                          To all, enjoy being AF, working towards peace, and health. :P)
                          Formerly known as redhibiscus


                            Spring September ~ Week 3

                            Good morning friends

                            I heard last night there was a frost warning so I put the electric baseboard heat on in the garage for my chicks! No frost this morning but it was 39 degrees when I woke up!

                            I have always been kinda jealous of people who have close relationships with their siblings Star. But we all know you can't force that sort of thing ~ it's there or it isn't. Makes me wonder why I chose to marry a guy who is also not able to warm up in a relationship At this point I am pretty much convinced that I have learned the lesson I came to learn in this lifetime

                            Papmom, hope this morning wasn't too dark or cold for you :cheering: :cheering:

                            Greetings Dill, Rusty, et al.
                            Have a great AF Humpday everyone!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Spring September ~ Week 3


                              hello everyone
                              I'm fine just frustrated been in getting fixed
                              Ipad wouldn't let me log in again and again so waited for my computer to come home only to find i have the same problem and kept getting locked out i have registered again ......note the new name .... but witts will do had to have something similar
                              as i dont have much time to play with this morning but am so glad to be back on line

                              I'll have to check and see where i'm up to

                              hope you are all well :thanks:

