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af day 18 September

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    af day 18 September

    MAE lets hope I get this posted before we go back to August again :H:H
    Mick - congrats on your daughter - thats great. But I don't know where you got the idea that I was sick- no I haven't been ill -just very busy with work. I just don't have time to post much at the moment - but sometimes browse a bit - so I am keeping my eyes on you!

    However it does sound like Cinders and Det are not well (anyone else?) so thats not good. Hope you are on the mend as I write this.

    Yah - finally a great Aunt! I became one at least 20 years ago and have quite a few greaties. Good news about the house.

    Pauly - glad you are feeling more sunnier. I thought the sun always was shining in Vegas:rays: Sunny here too but cold.

    Lav -it doesn't matter if graduates do work outside their area of study. University is about learning in general and not just specialised knowledge. I guess it could be different in some vocational subjects. But I know ex-midwives who went on to do other things besides the midwifery (Mick - don't worry your daughter will do what she trained in!!!!)

    Sam - your research sounds interesting.

    SF - yes, just put those AL thoughts away - you did the right thing. If its possible you can always walk away from exasperating situations but thats not always possible when its kiddies involved.

    Greetings to all others - sorry this is a bit rushed butI have a few things to do before I horizontalize for the night. I love when its time to not be vertical !!!

    Catch you later boys and girls

    af day 18 September

    Mornin all ..oh and the upside downies how are you? stopped raining so the rabbits are out for a bit....went swimming yesterday was absolutely goosed after it ...couldnt see why I wasnt losing weight..then I looked ..I have started eating a lot of dried fruit ..dates /apricots recently..until I looked at the calorie content 30gms is about 80cals..I was eating at least 300 gms per day!!
    anyway off we go ..tea n coffee on the go..had a coffee this morning ..probably the worst one I have ever made!!

    Hiya tt hows you ? for some reason I thought you werent well..ooops apologies!!have a good nights sleep

    Hiya Lav ..hows things today?whats on the cards for today then? anything special?Yep same as ..lots of toms sitting doing did the chickens do?ok?heres a coffee while you watch them..would love to say that August was a deliberate mistake but .......duh!!

    hiya Pauly are things with you? I know its early days ...but are things any better for you?:l

    Hi Yah are you today?ok I hope..good idea with the chickens ..but dont think I have got the room at the mo.Just started replanting brassicas..did you know copper kees slugs away? it sends a current through their body with the working on that one now whats neem oil?

    Cinders are you ...fingers crossed for you that the dui does not affect your chances.glad you are feeling better.

    Hiya Det ..hope you are feeling better today..have a good trip this weekend.

    Hiya Sam what an interesting job you have ahead !!love to do things like that!and you are right the derail and work that went into writing was unbelievable..especially over here...early English ,Gothic, copperplate.

    Hi SF....well done for not giving into the booze ..did you find it difficult?Tried to read Stephen King..but couldnt get into it at all!Glad you have got more of a voice without the al

    right time to go..see you all later good

    A 72-year-old man goes for a physical.
    All of his tests come back normal so the doctor says, "Harry, everything looks great.
    How are you doing mentally and emotionally? Are you at peace with God?"

    Harry replies, "God and I are tight.
    He knows I have poor eyesight, so he's fixed it when I get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, poof!, the light goes on.
    When I'm done, poof!, the light goes off."

    "Wow, that's incredible," the doctor says.

    A little later in the day, the doctor calls Harry's wife.
    "Mrs. White," he says, "Harry is doing fine but I had to call you because I'm in awe of his relationship with God.
    Is it true that he gets up during the night and poof! The light goes on in the bathroom, and when he's done, poof! The light goes off?"

    "OH GOOD GRIEF!" Mrs. White exclaims, "He's pissing in the fridge again!"

    On Friday, A hooded robber burst into a bank and, at gunpoint, forced the tellers to load their cash into a plain brown bag.

    As the robber approached the door, one brave customer grabbed the hood and pulled it off, revealing the robber's face.
    Without a moment's hesitation, the robber shot the customer.

    He then looked around the bank and noticed one of the tellers looking straight at him.
    The robber instantly shot & killed her also.
    Everyone in the bank, by now horrified, stared down at the floor in silence.

    The robber yelled, "Well, did anyone else see my face?"

    There was a long moment of dead silence in which everyone was terrified to speak.

    Then, one old Australian named Bernie cautiously raised his hand and said,
    "My wife got a pretty good look at you !!!!."
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      af day 18 September

      Hi again. I decided to chill out by watching rubbish tv programmes on you tube so I watched Extreme Couponers and then an episode of Tots and Tiaras. I hope I am not offending any of you guys but I was shocked. I guess each to their own but the child beauty pageants were an eye opener.

      Yes Mick dried fruit is high in calories. Thats partly why muesli bars can be calorific (but yummy). I am sure your swimathon burned the cals unlike my sitting at a desk


        af day 18 September

        Good morning Abbers & a Happy Humpday to one & all

        We had a frost warning here last night but didn't actually get any frost. It was 39 degrees when I got up this morning, glad I turned some heat on for the chicks They are starting to sprout some feathers but not enough to stay warm.

        TT, I absolutely refuse to watch all that crap on TV - honestly, Toddlers & Tiaras??? How dumb is that?

        SF, hope you have a kinder & gentler sort of day!

        Mick, I love dried fruits but only in tiny doses. They have a tendency to do a number on my delicate GI system :H Mostly I chop them up & add them to something I'm baking.
        I think I have a kid free day today so I'm going to Curves first then come back & do whatever I feel like doing. Don't have much work going on this week so I'll probably create a fabulous pot of soup or something :H

        Sam, nice to hear you have such interesting work going on - good for you

        Det, I made the grain free flat breads for my daughter & they turned out pretty good. I used fresh basil & lots of garlic to flavor them. Interesting that I was able to mix up & roll out a dough made with no eggs or added fat. I browned them up in a little oil on my cooktop.

        Greetings to YahYah, Cindi, Pauly & everyone dropping by today.
        Have a great AF Wednesday everyone!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          af day 18 September

          Morning all
          enjoyed the coffee, Mick.

          Lav looks like another stellar day. The wife and I were talking last night about frost around the corner... time to dig sweet potatoes!

          TT, no idea the show you're speaking of, what's involved? I don't have tv reception. (my choice)

          Cindy, Det hope you're feeling better.

          Howdy there Yah Yah, Pauly, SF. Enjoy your day.

          Liberated 5/11/2013


            af day 18 September

            mae everybody,haha what an ass Bernie is! that was funny mick,tt,i agree that toddler and tiara show is terrible exploitation at its worst,you dont spray tan a 2 year old,or give a 3 year old red bull! ive only watched it twice,scared to know what else those parents do to those poor kids,supposed to go in 2 weeks to bury grammas ashes,tbh,i kind of dont wanna go,its in my hometown and i dont know if you remember how my family is a huge trigger,plus crying again,i just want this shit over! i am being strong though,i have to be if only for myself,its ok,ugh sorry for the rant too much coffee and lack of sleep! you guys have a great day
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              af day 18 September

              MAE Abbers,

              Feeling somewhat better today. I think I am on the mend.

              Have a full day with mom and doctors, etc. Not looking forward to this.

              I have been reading the Walt Longmire series by Craig Johnson. I became interested when I started watching that show on tv. I am hooked, now. Interestingly, the show and the books have diverged quite a bit.

              My daughter and I have both read quite a bit of Stephen King. Several of his books I can't stand but many I love. I have read The Stand several times. She liked the Gunslinger series but I found them too dark. (Go figure, a King book is dark. :H:H)

              btw, he is a recovering alcoholic, himself.

              I'll check in later when I am back from the appt with mom. Very nervous about it, actually. Serious decisions may have to be made. Personally, I am hoping I don't have to make any. We'll see..

              Sam, your job sounds so interesting. A look into the history of your county. Maybe you could put some ideas to a book about the property you are researching.

              Take care all and have a wonderful day.

              AF April 9, 2016


                af day 18 September

                Mornin' all.

                Doing well. Just getting over some sort of bug that is around the schools at the moment. It wouldn't have affected me so hard if I had not of compromised my immune system drinking that last bender.

                Det, I have thought about going to AA. Just as it can be a lonely life not 'relating' to a lot of people who don't have alcoholism. I will check into it more. I think for me, it is just fear of going. I went about 10 years ago and it wasn't a pleasant experience... and such... but willing to look outside the box this time around.

                So weird about Facebook. I am finding there are quite a few of gals that are pretty open lately about being in recovery that I had gone to school with. For some reason that gives me comfort knowing I am not the 'only' alcoholic that left was amongst them. Stupid thinking I know.

                Lav & Rusty


                  af day 18 September

                  Hello AF Daily-ers,

                  Do you mind if I pop onto your thread without a formal invitation?

                  There are a few people on this thread who are near....or not so near....and dear to me, whose posts I read daily....Lav, Cinders, and AFME.:l

                  Lav is the youthful matriarch of our Monthly ABs Thread and her wisdom keeps me focused. I'm watching you, Lav.:h Thank you for all you do for so many of the forums here.

                  Cinders-I am SO proud of you that have over SIX months AF!:goodjob: I have followed your journey for a long time, and I feel badly that the last time I was in Huntsville, that I ended up having NO time to get away and see you. I know you appreciate books on addiction, and I just finished reading, "Blame." If you haven't read it, read won't be able to put it down. Your contributions to MWO are innumerable. Your perseverance in beating the AL beast kept me afloat on many occasions, and comforted me when I fell off the wagon. I am very grateful to you.

                  AFM: I'm so glad you are back on the AF journey. I think of you a lot because my very dearest friend died of breast cancer....but......she KNEW she had a lump on her breast for 5 years and did NOTHING about it.:upset: I am so grateful that you were way wiser and much more courageous. I wear one of my pink caps a couple of times a week and I always think of you.

                  Hi to Tree, Mick, YAH, and anyone I may have missed. Thank you in advance for allowing me to be here, and if you don't want me here, PMs are a good way to go.:H


                    af day 18 September

                    Rusty, I kind of do feel like someone is watching me & following me sometimes - thought I was just being paranoid :H
                    Post away here, no formal invitations needed

                    Sam, I live in an area surveyed back in 1763 by a couple of guys known as Mason & Dixon! There's all kinds of interesting historical nooks & crannies around here. Glad you have such interesting work.

                    Pauly, be kind to yourself!

                    Cindi, I hope everything with your Mom went well today.

                    AFM. it just feels right having you back - stick around now

                    I am on early grandson duty tomorrow morning & will be out of the house before 7 AM - oh joy!!!
                    Have a good night all!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      af day 18 September

                      Rusty, now why in the world would any of us NOT welcome you??? Of course we want you here! I'm looking forward to getting to know you better.

                      AFM, welcome back. I'm sorry you had a relapse, but I am glad that it was relatively brief and you are back here. It is amazing how many people in your life do have a problem, isn't it? I'm glad you are finding support in unexpected places.

                      Lav, it's funny, but I think of you as a bit of a matriarch, too. :H A rather contemporary one, to be sure.....I think we are pretty close in age, TBH.

                      Anyway, nighty night!

                      Hey to any I missed!

                      AF as of August 5th, 2012


                        af day 18 September

                        Getting to bed for my seminar tomorrow.

                        No I did not find it hard to pass on the al.....I think I really wanted duct tape!

                        Cindi.....I've only read a few of the GunSlingers....I find them slooooow moving. SK writes about his drinking/drugging in "On Writing".

                        Anyways off....seminar ends early...and getting a much needed haircut! I'll have more time tomorrow!

