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Saturday April 14th

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    Saturday April 14th

    Good morning all.
    Day 14 AF and still feeling good.
    It's a beautiful day here in sunny Scotland.
    I think I'll go out and enjoy some sun.
    Have a good one.

    Saturday April 14th

    Hey Popeye, that's brilliant. Day 60 for me - dunno how, something really has clicked this time!

    Happy weekend all

    "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


      Saturday April 14th

      Good for you Popeye!!!!


        Saturday April 14th

        G'day Paul & Cashy,

        Brilliant! Congrats to day 14! See time flies! And Day 60 for you Cashy. I gotta start counting again, I have to say. But I'm not beating myself over it. Stopped that a while ago. I did well on moderation, yesterday not so well, but I'll do ok again ...

        Anyway, today's a new day. In fact, it's nearly over for me in a couple of hours (3 more to be precise).

        Catch ya.
        Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


          Saturday April 14th

          Day 7

          Hi all,

          Wow Cashy 60 days, so proud of you!

          Popeye I am glad you jumped right back on the horse, you are doing great.

          Off to start my day with NO hangover! :h
          Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


            Saturday April 14th

            Well done Popeye and Cashy.
            Keep up the good work.
            I am almost 49 days.
            Feeling good


              Saturday April 14th

              Hey - everyone seems to be doing great. While Paddy is getting ready for bed, I am off to get my coffee! Day 35 and I think it is going to be almost 50 degrees. Wow - I might even walk today. Definitely I am going to toss my featherbed ... wah wah. Happy Camper convinced me it was a haven for dust mites too. Guess I will just have to buy an allergen rated one WITH one of those $$$ covers. Boo Hoo.

              Lots of P pple to send out congrats to: Popeye at 14, Patty at 7 (doesn't it feel great with NO hangover!!), and Paula at 49 days. Cashy you are doing great! I hope to be that far in May and then just keep on going. TOC hope you are doing okay ... been missing you in chat!

              Okay, I am off - Hugs to all,


                Saturday April 14th

                Good morning AB-o-riginies far and wide. The sun just popped out here...yeah!
                glad to hear the crew doing all so well. Got a b-day party to attend at a bar and grill....sigh. I'll be ok. At least it won't be as intimate as a private home setting so folks won't notice if I run for the door!
                be well.
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  Saturday April 14th

                  Good Afternoon!

                  Happy Birthday Lou!! You sounded so happy yesterday - hope it is a very happy 30th!

                  Congratulations to everyone waking up clear headed with no hangover this morning.
                  Sure feels nice. And good luck to anyone starting Day 1... tomorrow will feel great

                  I made it thru the drink a thon conference - thanks for all the positive thoughts sent my way. On the last day I had breakfast with a guy who had literally just come from the bar. He said he left the bar at 6:30am and then showered and came to breakfast. I was so grateful not to be him. He was fairly young but I thought - oh, boy what might be in your future if you keep going like that. Well, I guess we know don't we?
                  Anyway, it turned out to be a good conference with lots of interesting speakers so I had a good time.

                  Gotta run... meeting someone for lunch.
                  Have a lovely Saturday everyone-


                    Saturday April 14th

                    Everyone sounds so positive.
                    I have to start counting again too, Paddy.
                    Moderation just doesn't work for me, I can't have just one.
                    Patty, glad you feel so good waking up with no hang over. It's the best, huh?
                    Lisa it must feel good to be back home, and you did so oo well.
                    So Determinator, what will drink at this party, and let me know if anyone tries to get you to drink. I just hate that, when they put pressure on me to drink! Misery love company.
                    Have a great day, Cashy, Poppy, Pansy, Paula and Tireofcrying.
                    Lucky Ducky were are you? I miss you!


                      Saturday April 14th

                      Ahhh ~ Thanks for asking about me MonaKitty!

                      I am around and on the abs train too. Going to the gym @ night instead of having wine and it seems to be a great substitute. After the workout, I go in the dry heat sauna and sweat in an attempt to sweat all the accumulated toxins out of my body. It is my favorite thing and makes me want to guzzle water to re-hydrate and nothing else.



                        Saturday April 14th

                        Happy..... Congrats on 7 days.... Pansy... you are the woman 35 days!!! Great job everyone. Lucky, I am happy to see you posting here. How was the gym & sauna?
                        I will be off the boards for a while. I have a funeral to attend in Idaho. Thinking of you all.


                          Saturday April 14th

                          Well I'm off to bed now.
                          Another sober weekend.
                          Well done Cashy. 60 days is ace.


                            Saturday April 14th

                            just got back from b-day party that was held at a local bar and grill. first walked in the door and the smell of booze almost knocked me over. it was an easy night...not even slightly temped even though everyone was pouring it down (free bar) I ate a few snacks, had two odouls and was boring. and nothing had any garlic in it...sigh..
                            Happy Sat night ABers and we'll see yas in the morn for a no-hangover howdy.
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)

