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af day Wed Sept 24th

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    af day Wed Sept 24th

    mae everyone ...wowee the house was pretty empty yesterday..... 3 of us!!how is everyone today then?

    more coffee for us then ...big cups all round!!

    Lav thanks for the chick pic they are growing up pretty did the paid work go ? have the other brood gone yet?spent a lot of time in the garden yesterday..tidying up before winter starts to come yourself to a big brew.

    Hiya are you doing?not in so much of a rush today?have a good one.

    Hiya Sam ..hows you today? out working ?Same as you ..I lost one through greed and I want syndrome....and again like you that bridge was well burned many moons ago.

    Well to see my friend today ..the one who was my boss before we both left its like 2 old biddies gossiping!!

    take care all have a good one

    The over fifties gang you remember these?

    When a woman taps him on the shoulder and says "Excuse me Sir, but where do you keep the broccoli?" The man replies "Well ma'am we're out of broccoli today, but we get some more tomorrow so come back then." The woman nods and walks away while the grocer continues stocking the carrots. A few minutes later the same woman taps the grocer on the shoulder and asks "Sir, I was wondering where I could find the broccoli?" Confused, the grocer says "Well ma'am we are out of broccoli today. However, we will have more tomorrow morning. Come back tomorrow." The woman smiles and thanks him as she walks away. Shaking his head, the grocer turns his attention back to the carrots. Moments later the woman again taps him on the shoulder and asks "Pardon me, but do you know where the broccoli is?" The grocer looks at her angrily and says "Let me ask you something. How do you spell dog, like in dogmatic?" The woman replies "D-O-G" "Okay" says the grocer. "Now how do you spell cat, as in catatonic?" "C-A-T" says the woman. "Perfect" the grocer replies. "Now how do you spell fuck, like in broccoli?" Confused, the woman says "But, there is no fuck in broccoli." The grocer says "THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN TRYING TO TELL YA LADY! THERE'S NO FUCKIN' BROCCOLI!"

    Johnny and Ruth are mountain biking down a hill

    ...Ruth hits a tree. Johnny continues, ruthlessly.

    Why didn't the one handed man cross the road?

    Because the second hand store was closed.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    af day Wed Sept 24th

    Hello All
    hey Mick, yes I remember, had a few of these items. The last fiddle fest I went to, they had a twister game going about 2 am. Pretty funny.
    Nice cool morning here. Been reading up on honeybees this morning. I've had them since I was about 10 years old off and on. Things have changed so much, pest wise. It is a little discouraging. Time to get educated I suppose!
    Been bush-hogging a field that has lots of briars, my arms are full of tiny stickers, like I've been rolling in insulation, rubbing alcohol feels so good but oh that familiar smell, made my arms drunk! Today, witch hazel.
    Hope each of you has a good one.
    Liberated 5/11/2013


      af day Wed Sept 24th

      Good morning Abbers & Happy Hump Day

      I hate to confuse you Mick but it is the 25th day of the month over here :H
      I had a nice day with my girls yesterday, totally unexpected but fun nonetheless. I really do need to get back to work today right after I fill up on coffee & make my trek to Curves
      I will likely be moving my chicks out to the chicken house this weekend. I have an area in there separate from the older hens, so they'll be safe. The little eating machines are growing fast!

      Greetings bear!
      Self discovery is a wonderful thing! Trying to drink moderately is a huge pain in the ass. It's just easier & all around safer to go AF. I wish you the best!

      I hope everyone is OK & drops in when they have a minute!
      Time for me to get going!

      Oh - hi there Sam

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        af day Wed Sept 24th

        mae everybody,i remember a few of those items also,trolls made kind of a comeback in the 80's i had several,sam i love the smell of rubbing alcohol,to me it doesnt smell boozy but clean,like a hospital or something,have fun with your friend mick,hi lav,where is everybody else?hello to whoever pops in later,have a great day guys
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          af day Wed Sept 24th

          Quick pop in as it's 3am on Thursday here. Woke up but I am sure I will get a few hours more before sunrise.
          I have been very busy with work - so what's new? But off on Friday for a holiday. Hi there to you all - I hope Det is OK on the road.
          Cinders - you OK? You seem to have gone quiet lately

          Otherwise all well in the underworld but I have not seen any trolls there.

          I better try to get some more sleep.


            af day Wed Sept 24th

            Hi Fabbers! Sorry I've been MIA--just very busy. Six clients in a row today, which is exhausting, but tomorrow will be an easy day, so I can catch up with stuff. I have been reading, but I guess I'd better starting posting more, since it seems to be getting very slow here on the daily abs thread.

            Bear, I'm glad to see you will be joining us again, soon. Moderation is so hard!

            Cute little chickies, Lav!

            I hope you got some more rest, TT.

            Heya, Mick! I remember ALL of the things you pictured. Part of the upper 50's crowd here.

            At any rate, hi to Sam and Cinders and anyone else who is lurking.

            AF as of August 5th, 2012


              af day Wed Sept 24th

              The troll dolls were a favorite of mine

              The FUNNY thing is back when the Dave Clark 5 band was popular -
              the teeny boppers called my home day & night to giggle - my Dad's name was Dave Clark & he didn't think it was funny at all :H :H

              glad to see you kicking some serious client butts today YahYah
              I have both of my machines running full tilt & can't hear a damn thing right now :H
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                af day Wed Sept 24th

                happy late check in to ABeroooonies near and far!

                Thanks TTops, yes I'm ok tired but AF and happy about that. I didn't make it back to my hotel room from yesterday's demo until 2am. yeesh! now thats a bitch of a work day. I really need to put some time/energy into pursuing another line of work that's not such a grind on the road, but I'm not sure what that looks like just yet.

                Lav, thank you for the meditation links, will check it out tonight.

                well, that's all my battered brain can think of at the moment... having a 'duh' moment I guess.

                oh.. i can't seem to get on chat anymore for some reason. dunno why.

                hope to catch yooos all soon,

                be well
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  af day Wed Sept 24th

                  ps... I remember playing spirograph! and lightbright. those were so cool and 'space age' at the time. and I grew up listening to and enjoying a lot of the Beatles.
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)

