It is Monday Arvo here and I have FINALLY managed to get the internet working AND have a spare nano second to plug into MWO....I thought I would read all the back boards first and see wot's been goin' darnnnn since my last appearance, but it would be quicker to read vols A-Z of the Encyclopaedia Britt. than to trawl through them sorry if anyone needs a hug or a prayer and I don't mention it...take all you need darlings, I haven't got much time, so am just touching your base (hahahahahahaaaaaaa)......
Work with my young man is going very well...very tiring, but we like each others company, and his mum seems to be having a well deserved holiday with his brother and sister so all's good....I go home again in another two weeks, so enjoy the sensible posts until then, when the Melon will finally be back to normal, and will be able to pour drivel into your airwaves EVERY DAY again.....yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Hope everyone is well....I really MISS being here regularly, but will see you all in a couple of weeks!!
Licky love and a smattering of strokes...oo er missus.....Weewayoutfrommywayoutmelon
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