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October AA Thread

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    October AA Thread

    Thank you Mary :l
    I will definitely keep going. There seem to be some perfectly wonderful women there.

    So... how does it work? Getting a sponsor? 'Starting' the program... as in working it? Sorry, if that's a stupid question...
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      October AA Thread

      Hey Sunny!
      I realize now, that what kept me away from AA, was the knowing that joining AA might mean the end of my drinking career, and I wasn't ready for it until 5 August last year.
      My rock bottom was spiritual.....
      Arriving at my first meeting, I saw all these people chatting, laughing!! I just KNEW they had to be on something else!!! No sober person could be that "gay"?!?!
      THEN I realized it MUST be a sect or cult..... mmmmmmm
      Keep coming back?
      Work the Steps?
      Get a sponsor (my local brewery?!?!)
      Didn't have a CLUE what they were on about.
      Almost 15 months in "ze programme", and I am a committed AA'er.
      I am sober.
      I have NO desire to drink.
      I am finding my self-worth again.
      My life has purpose....
      So.... WHY SHOULD I STOP GOING?!?!?!?

      It works if you work it.
      So work it, you're worth it!!!

      Sol xxxx

      PS. A wise man said to me: "listen for a sponsor, don't look for one".
      Got you Big Book? Read up to P64 (Step 3)....

      Keep coming back, daaahrlink xxxx


        October AA Thread

        Sun: Sol said it so well & wittily! Getting a sponsor can be somewhat daunting for women, as, in my area at least, there are many more men than women. I saw a woman about my age who had many years sober, & I asked her to be my sponsor. Keep your eyes open for a person (men are supposed to be sponsored by men, women by women) who has what you want in terms of sobriety, serenity, & balance. At the end of the meeting, approach that person & ask if she would be your sponsor.

        A sponsor is supposed to help us go through the steps. That process can be as difficult or as simple as we make it. For me, it wasn't all that difficult, but it is life-changing. Through the steps, I've learned so much about myself & how to change for the better.

        Good luck, Mary
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          October AA Thread

          Thank you, ladies :l

          There is a new meeting tonight, women only, 5 minutes from my home... I will be there, for sure.

          I guess it's because I'm a 'fixer' and impatient to boot, that I want to get started NOW :H
          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

          Winning since October 24th, 2013


            October AA Thread

            Sun: There's nothing wrong w/wanting to start right in w/the program. Procrastination is sometimes a problem for people. M
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              October AA Thread

              LOVED the meeting!
              There were only 5 of us... the title of the meeting is 'A Woman's Way through the 12 Steps' (a book written by Stephanie S. Covington). We covered step 2 today. I have some reflecting to do.
              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                October AA Thread

                Sun: We have very few women's meetings here, so it's excellent you found that one. Most of the meetings in this area have 30 or more people attending. A small meeting allows the shyer person a chance to share. Step 2 doesn't have to be difficult even if you're an agnostic. I try not to overthink the whole God/HP thing. I just know that before I went to AA, I couldn't get sober. So, there must be some kind of HP at work in my life through AA. Good luck. Mary
                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  October AA Thread

                  4th meeting, 2nd time with the same group

                  I'm starting to get the hang of it a little, I think. All in all, it feels like a very warm and safe environment. The big word somehow is safe.

                  Grappling a bit with the higher power issue... I'm hoping that I'll wrap my head around this eventually.

                  I wish I had gone much sooner. I really do.
                  Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                  Winning since October 24th, 2013

