Lots of coffee for everyone and it smells and tastes good.
A quick start today as I have mountains of work to do. Holiday over but its still school hols. Lots of driving yesterday but we had fun stopping at some op-shops (charity/goodwill) in wee country towns - so the girls could have a fossick. Daughter scored a punkish sort of tutu - goes with her the second-hand leather jacket she bought last week (and her Docs). You get the picture. But without any make-up or hair - so its all pretty tame so far.
I hope that none of my US friends here are being hit by the government crisis there - I guess in one way or another it will.
Mick - hope the week is going well - hey did you see that Pauly called you Mice - on another post :H:H because of her new phone
Pauly - I am not a Redneck in any way - but I do use recycled plastic containers for all sorts of things. Speaking of Vegas I watched a sad doc about Jayne Mansfield last night and there were plenty of Vegas glamour shots in it . The lady was a serious alcoholic - as well as other more obvious things
Accountable and Bear - good on you both for building up your sober days and keep it up. :goodjob: We are cheering in the sidelines :applaud:
Glad you had a quieter day Lav and its sounds like you and Sam and many others are busy with autumnal chores
Sam - my sister has now sort of retired so just has a small farm-let. She is a goat farmer but they also used to have sheep and sometimes pigs, some young calves as well. Her hubby had a major tractor accident some years ago - it rolled on him. He is a habitual gin drinker in the early evening - which causes tension between them - but it seems to be manageable.
Hi there Yah, Det, SF and the person(s) whose name has slipped through my decrepit brain cells.

I will be checking on you sober luvvies later and you all have a delightful day/night/whatever