Eeek ? you people do have some active wildlife where you live. Stinkbugs? Will have to look that one up on google ? as they are not part of the local ecology here. Neither are cockroaches ? but I have had many a close encounter with them on my travels.
What did you get up to for YB?s birthday Lav? Seems that even though we say we won?t (bother with their birthdays) we still remember and feel the need to do something. Yes ? motivating a teenager is, as I am fast learning, a slow and delicate process. Prison warden tactics do not work here ? is that right Mick? To make life more interesting in that area ? daughter had her first ?outing? alone with a boy. She didn?t call it a date (not a term we use much here). Well she is 15 and a half years old so I have to expect this ? my wee baby is growing up.
Look what you have to look forward to Accountable! Pancake brekkies will seem so easy looking back. It sounds like it was the right thing to take the AB ? and maybe look for some part-time work ? esp if you are getting bored and cave-bound.
Pauly ? yes, be careful with the supps. I mentioned charlatans yesterday and the supp industry is another area to treat with caution. Bit like the moisturisers and anti-ageing face creams in my cabinet:H:H
Another interesting finding ? we all know about the placebo affect ? well apparently it can be just as affective even when those taking it are told they are taking a placebo.
Placebo effect works even if patients know they're getting a sham drug | Science |
But this was just a small study and it could be argued that such trials are still biased. Also it doesn't work with expensive beauty products:H
How is your Friday night going Bear? Hope its relaxing? You too Mick. Special plans for the weekend?
Hi there SF. Det ? I expect you will post later. How?s things YahYah? Siblings still causing grief?
OK - offski to make the coffee. Be kind to yourselves and maybe think like a placebo - if you think it works and you go through the ritual to get it and take -maybe it will work. I will give this a go - as I face organising the house, people and animals I encounter today:
