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af Saturday 5 October

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    af Saturday 5 October

    MAE ? abberoosters ? its Sat morning already. Have the tea made ? and coffee coming up.

    Eeek ? you people do have some active wildlife where you live. Stinkbugs? Will have to look that one up on google ? as they are not part of the local ecology here. Neither are cockroaches ? but I have had many a close encounter with them on my travels.

    What did you get up to for YB?s birthday Lav? Seems that even though we say we won?t (bother with their birthdays) we still remember and feel the need to do something. Yes ? motivating a teenager is, as I am fast learning, a slow and delicate process. Prison warden tactics do not work here ? is that right Mick? To make life more interesting in that area ? daughter had her first ?outing? alone with a boy. She didn?t call it a date (not a term we use much here). Well she is 15 and a half years old so I have to expect this ? my wee baby is growing up.
    Look what you have to look forward to Accountable! Pancake brekkies will seem so easy looking back. It sounds like it was the right thing to take the AB ? and maybe look for some part-time work ? esp if you are getting bored and cave-bound.

    Pauly ? yes, be careful with the supps. I mentioned charlatans yesterday and the supp industry is another area to treat with caution. Bit like the moisturisers and anti-ageing face creams in my cabinet:H:H

    Another interesting finding ? we all know about the placebo affect ? well apparently it can be just as affective even when those taking it are told they are taking a placebo.

    Placebo effect works even if patients know they're getting a sham drug | Science |

    But this was just a small study and it could be argued that such trials are still biased. Also it doesn't work with expensive beauty products:H

    How is your Friday night going Bear? Hope its relaxing? You too Mick. Special plans for the weekend?

    Hi there SF. Det ? I expect you will post later. How?s things YahYah? Siblings still causing grief?

    OK - offski to make the coffee. Be kind to yourselves and maybe think like a placebo - if you think it works and you go through the ritual to get it and take -maybe it will work. I will give this a go - as I face organising the house, people and animals I encounter today:

    af Saturday 5 October

    Morning everyone - very relaxing evening tv and curry then falling asleep watching game of thrones! now drinking coffee with oh and cats gearing up to clean and tidy the house ready for friends arrival. I've realised I need to project plan cleaning,decluttering and redecorating - my house is stressing me out with the clutter,and I want it to look nicer - will be nice to come back to a cleaner,tidier house.

    Off for a girly spa evening and they have a vacancy for another Swedish back neck and shoulder massage - they couldn't get knots out last night so am trying again today.Next Friday I am booked in for myofascial release.Was stressing about the money then thought I would have spent that much easily on booze and it's for ME.

    Happy to be sober - not happy to be anxious but hey ho, nothing lasts forever - think was panicking about being anxious - trying to sit with it and let it wash over me to an extent.

    Happy saturday everyone
    one day at a time


      af Saturday 5 October

      mae everyone ..tis Saturday in non upside downland too!!how are you all? weather over here is pretty good so been out in the garden doing a bit and cleaning out the rabbits..not here tomorrow ...away on my usual travels ..fingers crossed will be worth the journey .

      Tea n coffee on the go ..Ive just had porridge too

      Evening tt was your Saturday then? Well well well....Other side of the world and I have found a Guardian reader!!!There is a lot to be said for placebo meds..Remember when I first started in the prison service.. there was no such thing as doctors and nurses on nights was basically down to the the prison officer on nights to sort any issues out unless it was a life threatening job.The only meds we were supposed to give out were paracetomol ...but the number of times on nights I have colored paracetamol tabs with a felt tip pen to make them look real special is unbelievable..and they worked for all sorts of aches and pains!!
      As for prison routine working at home ...forget it certainly never did in this house !!!

      Morning bear are you today? day 14 ..well done you said you binge drank at weekends that case today is Wednesday for you!!have a good one.

      Morning Lav are you today? ok I hope apart from the stink bugs!!heres an extra large coffee ...if its crap ..chuck it on them ...theyll soon move!!!any plans for the weekend?whatever ..hope its a good one for you.

      Hiya Pauly are you today?what are you up to ? anything?whatever you do I hope it goes well for you

      Morning afm are you ? firstly ..glad to hear that the cancer is in remission..excellent news ..Secondly not into that ra ra school shit? well have just won a year as the head of the parent teachers association!!!:H ha love to see the changes that would bring ..Get yourself busy..ditch the boredom any hobbies interests..(that is apart from curricular school activities ..not!!) least you dinnae want to drink so well done.

      Hiya Det hows you? out fro the wekend ? enjoy my friend..yep the S&W revolvers ...they fire dum dum rounds too !!

      right peeps ....late in the day now so will get this posted ....have a great weekend

      I went to the shop to buy 6 cans of sprite...
      ... only to realise when I got home i had picked 7up.

      So to celebrate the Halloween season..

      ... I was going to go to a 200 year old building that was apparently set up with shriveled up old corpses, dangerous bandits, bloodsucking vampires, hellbent soulless demons, and the like. But it turns out the Capitol Building is closed for tours until a budget resolution is reached.

      What do cubs fans do after they win the world series?

      They turn off their Xbox.

      I'm dating an x-ray technician...

      But I don't know what she sees in me.

      In the beginning was the plan, and with it came the assumptions.
      And the assumptions were without form, and the plan was fiscally unsound,
      hopelessly flawed, and completely without substance.
      And darkness was upon the faces of the rank and file Employees.
      And they became angry, and spoke ill of the plan amongst themselves, saying,
      "This is a crock of shit, and it stinks."
      And it came to pass that some Employees went unto their Supervisors, saying,
      "It is a bucket of feces, and none may abide the reeking stench thereof."/>And the Supervisors went unto their Managers, saying,
      "It is a pail of strong excrement, and it's odor is such, that none may abide by it."
      And the Managers went unto their Regional Directors, saying,
      "It is a container of fertilizer and none may deny it's strength."
      And the Regional Directors went unto their Vice Presidents, saying,
      "It is a vessel containing that which aids plant growth , and it is powerful."
      And the Vice Presidents went unto the President and CEO, saying,
      "We believe It is very powerful, and contains that which promotes growth."
      And the President and CEO went unto the Board of Directors, saying,
      "This new, powerful plan I bring you will actively promote the growth and
      efficiency of this organization, and in these areas in particular."
      And the Board of Directors did need not look upon the plan to know of it's worth.
      As there had been many staff meetings, and memos too numerous to count.
      And Management agreed, and it came to pass that the plan became policy.
      And verily I say unto you, this, is how shit happens.

      Hey Ladies, are you ready to lose that fat asshole once and for all?

      Call 1 800 divorce right away.

      I want to make a gluten free cereal and name it "NO FUCKING WHEY!"
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        af Saturday 5 October

        haha - like the idea of it being wednesday - but one off work!
        Feeling bit perkier as cleaned house and everything feels more possible/achieveable. Waiting for friend to arrive, need to buy few bits at shop and make leek and potato soup. Spa evening and I am also driving so zero temptation tonight - never drink at spa anyway - heat treatments and booze = bleurghh!!

        Garden needs major sort out but that can be next weekend's job - this weekend will de-clutter and sort bedroom - and I'll make a start on the kitchen if there is time/go to tip.
        one day at a time


          af Saturday 5 October

          Good morning Abbers!

          I'm loading up on coffee to prepare myself for another day of stink bug battling :H

          Here TT - this is for you:

          Teenage daughters & dating, oh boy.....I wish you the best

          Hi Mick!
          I am finally going to move my chicks into their next home today. The chicken coop has a section separate from the older birds & today is moving day. I'll get to that as soon as I clear out the current crop of stink bugs :H

          bear, anxiety was my primary reason for drinking & also for quitting. I couldn't live with the out of control anxiety that AL was causing. I pretty much had to take a leap of faith that I would be better without AL ~ and I am

          Greetings to one & all. Sending wishes for a great day for everyone!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            af Saturday 5 October

            late check-in from garlic breath ABerooooos near and far!!!!!!

            so much for recreation, ended up doing a welding/metal fabrication job for a friend. oh well, at least it was good to be productive. gotta few new aches and pains so I think I'm not stretching enough. better do some carpet yoga.

            TTops, that's fascinating about the placebo effect. I just love this kind of thing.... learning new fun facts about our crazy brains

            our excitement for the week was getting a new vacuum cleaner. wooooo! it really sucks LOL

            well, next week I'm on the road again so building my sobriety muscles up once again.

            Bear, keep up the great work. don't get too distracted, if we make sobriety goal #1 every day it tends to work much better (at least for me).

            only thing I know for sure is that I'm going to sleep in tomorrow

            be well loves
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              af Saturday 5 October

              Lav, ditto on anxiety. AL made that malady a downright crisis for me. like trying to put out a fire with propane.
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                af Saturday 5 October

                Yes, alcohol made my anxiety way worse.

                Just listening to the geese flying south for the winter. Love it, and also some sense of sadness that summer is over!

                Going to bed. Yes at 6:08pm. Took and antabuse, on Thursday, did lots with Little AFM, and we are both tired.

                Lots of love to u all! xo


                  af Saturday 5 October

                  BTW, bear - awesome for you. Yes, you would spend such money on booze but will treat yourself to a Swedish Massage, etc - how awesome!!! My family is from Sweden - husband's side, child 's side. Boden... So every time I hear about something Swedish I think of IKEA! J/K. Ok, no, how about Swedish Meatballs with lingberries - j/k again

                  good for you, for sticking with your guns! So happy to see you here with us. I know for me, after all these years..... I am here again, trying! xo


                    af Saturday 5 October

                    Going to bed at 6:08 pm AFM?
                    I am damn sure I have never done that - ever :H :H
                    I'd be up by midnight, confused as hell :H

                    Got lots done today including getting the little chickens moved into the big house! They just went crazy running around, flapping their wings, doing chest bumps :H Life is good!!!

                    What kind of vacuum did you get Det? We had a Nutone central vac installed when we built this house, love it. We had put one in our last house while we were remodeling & didn't want to go without one here.

                    Have a peaceful night one & all.
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      af Saturday 5 October

                      Evening all
                      been a hot one today, went up to our cabin area yesterday, found an area hiking around covered in periwinkle, found an old road bed followed it up a small ridge and there was an old graveyard, only field stones, no names or dates. Forgot to take pictures, dang it.

                      Made salsa today, canning tonight. All in all a quiet good af weekend. Hope everyone is doing well
                      Liberated 5/11/2013

