How are the sober people on this Sunday. Misty here but it will be sunnier later in the day.
Mick - you will be off today on Mission Top Secret. Hope the day goes well.
Hope you enjoyed the spa Bear. I have a confession -I have never got into spas. The whole 'pampering' thing has gone right by me. I do go to the hairdresser - out of necessity and vanity - but I have never found it relaxing. Quite the opposite -I get very bored, restless andI hate the noise and smell.
Speaking of smell - thanks for the breakfast treat Lavande (its brekkie here now). We have had some immature stink bugs in NZ but very few. Our border security is one of the toughest in the word for plant/animal detection - and now I can see why.These critters seem to not only pong but also cause lots of damage. I sympathise greatly with your personal mission there Lav!
Not many others on the thread so far yesterday - so I am a bit out of words

Hope all are doing well - Pauly, SF, Det, Sam, AFM, Blondie, PPQP, Cinders - and all others far and wide, sober and super-sober. I am off to make some pancakes for the others. :baaah: (thats the sheep outside)!!