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Tues 8th Oct

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    Tues 8th Oct

    mae ebberybuddy ..and how are we all today? ok I hope .Well not doing a lot today ....he says laughingly!did some serious work yesterday which left me absolutely done in ...satisfying but done in.

    so here we go ..on with the show ...sheer poetry again tea n cawfee on the go.

    Evening tt are you ?having a good evening ....? well so now all your colleagues know you dont drink..wonder how many of them said either out loud or to themselves..that they couldnt do far as what they think ..when they start paying for your life ..then they can possibly have a say ..until then ..who cares? as for the tea episode ..that was a belter!!.

    Morning bear .how are you today?..yep you are right ..2 or 3 glasses of wine aint acceptable..probably is if you have got a right thats enough button fitted..but most of us havent thats why we are here! keep to nothing cant go wrong!! have a great day.

    Morning Lav ..hows you ? and heres a brew..You accdepting volunteers ..ok stick my name
    down for whatever it is !this stink bug situation seems to be going a it crazy.As far as YBs clothes not fitting him...Im the same tho mine is the other way ..weight off not on! have a great day

    Hiya Det are you today? how did you get on in the hotel gym ?as you say we aint fitted with on /off switches.

    Hiya Cinders..glad that your first day went well..looks like you have got a good routine going there..hope you really enjoy it.

    Hiya SF .hows you today? ok..its a great feeling when not drinking is the norm lying no thinking or sneaking in drinks....and yet it is still the"acceptable illness" cant get my head round that one...maybe one day that will change..mabe when the economy is not so reliant on a tax return from booze.

    Hiya Sam ..hows you today? did you find anything more out about those graves?And you are at the mercy of the tinternet gods..oh well have a good day matey.

    right to do a bit and then go to the opticians for an eye test..its new glasses time ..have a great day everyone

    Morris Schwartz is dying and on his deathbed

    He is surrounded by his nurse, his wife, his daughter and two sons, and knows the end is near. So he says to them:
    "Bernie, I want you to take the Beverly Hills houses."
    "Sybil, take the apartments over in Los Angeles Plaza."
    "Hymie, I want you to take the offices over in City Center."
    "Sarah, my dear wife, please take all the residential buildings downtown."
    The nurse is just blown away by all this, and as Morris slips away, she says to the wife, "Mrs. Schwartz, your husband must have been such a hard working man to have accumulated so much property."
    Sarah replies, "Property shmoperty...the schmuck had a newspaper route."

    A 5 yr old boy went to visit his grandmother one day.
    While playing with his toys in her bedroom while Grandma was dusting, he looked up and said, "Grandma, how come you dont have a boyfriend?"
    Grandma replied, "Honey, my TV is my boyfriend. I can sit in my bedroom and watch it all day long. The TV evangelists keep me company and make me feel so good. The comedies make me laugh. I'm really happy with the TV as my boyfriend."
    Grandma turned on the TV and the reception was terrible. She started adjusting the knobs, trying to get the picture in focus. Frustrated, she finally started hitting the backside of the TV, hoping to fix the problem. The little boy heard the doorbell ring, so he hurried to open the door, and there stood a man.
    The man said, "Hello, son, is your grandma home?"
    The little boy replied, "Yeah, but she's in the bedroom banging her boyfriend."

    So a Dad builds a lie detecting robot that slaps anyone when they lie. He's been suspicious of what his son has been up to lately.
    So they are sitting at the dinner table, the mum, the dad, the son, and the robot. The dad asks his son "So where were you last night?" The son replies "I was at the library" the robot slaps the son Son: "Fine, I was at Geoff's house" Dad: "And what were you two doing?" Son: "studying of course" robot slaps the son Son: "ok we were watching movies" robot slaps the son again Son: "Fine! we were watching porn ok?" Dad: "I'm disappointed in you, when I was your age we didn't even know what porn was." the robot slaps the dad Embarrassed the Dad says "Well I certainly wasn't watching it!" the robot slaps the dad again The Mum starts chuckling at the end of the table and says "He's definitely your son" *And the robot slaps the Mum"

    Paddy's firework party was a complete disaster.

    "I don't understand it!" He said. "They all worked fine when I tried them yesterday,"
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Tues 8th Oct

    Good Tuesday morning Abbers!

    The rain is over, the sunshine is back along with seasonal temperatures ~ nice!

    Mick, I think the stink bug invasion has slowed down, thank goodness. The bug magnet I ordered arrived yesterday so I will get that set up on the deck today. Hopefully it will attract the rest of the herd & prevent them from coming inside
    Good for you losing weight - it's healthier. YB has always been a big guy but now he's just getting fat & lazy - his choice.

    OK, I have hungry animals staring at me & a day's worth of work waiting in my shop.
    Have a terrific AF Tuesday everyone!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Tues 8th Oct

      Hi Lav and Mick! Greetings to all to come.

      Things have been busy in my head around here. LOL I've been busy in my life as well. I've been realizing that I've been a big participant in being too enmeshed with my family of origin, and it is time for me to work (again) on being more emotionally separate from them.

      Cinders, I am happy to hear that you are feeling positive in your new work setting, and it is good to see you posting regularly, SunFlower.

      It was great to have some good rain yesterday. We really needed it, and the predictions of severe weather didn't materialize in my neck of the woods. I don't know about Lav's area.

      Mick, it sounds like you are busy, as usual. I hope you enjoy being just a bit less busy today. So you've given us a clue that your Sunday jaunts are some kind of volunteer thing. I'll have to put my thinking cap on again.

      The fall blues have caught up with me. I am feeling like I could just cozy up and sleep, sleep, sleep. I don't feel depressed, just tired and sort of wrung out. It's probably just fall out from all of the upheavals of the last few weeks. But I can't hang around being lazy, I've got work to do today, so I'll sign off.

      Hugs to all,
      AF as of August 5th, 2012


        Tues 8th Oct

        I can see its been a busy day for all of us!

        The Apple store visit was pleasant.....I forgot I live in the south now! Good thing.....I was there for 3 freaking hours downloading stuff!

        Mick....its ok to sell alcohol and consume it.....not acceptable to be addicted to it. Then you are just a big loser And if you don't drink because you were addicted to it.....don't tell anyone! High five for not smoking, giving up caffeine or sugar. Such a catch 22.

        I could walk around and tell anyone who would listen that I was addicted to caffeine and gave it up.....say that about alcohol....and you are given the "poor you, look of shame". Its just silly when you think about it.

        Lav glad you got the sun I sent your way!


          Tues 8th Oct

          ahoy ABerooooos!

          missing a few folks? hope they are well.

          at least I'm in the same hotel tonight all the restaurants are pushing their Oktoberfest drinks on patrons I see. started to feel annoyed, then checked myself and faring just fine.

          might sneak over to the jacuzzi...haven't done that in years.

          be well m'loves
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)

