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Tuesday 17th April

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    Tuesday 17th April

    Didn't drink last night and bloody well wanted to!!

    That's up to 61 days or something - wow.

    Think i've hit a plateau like on the biggest loser!

    Love you all

    "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon

    Tuesday 17th April

    Wow, I would love to be the biggest loser in the race. Well done Cashy! :goodjob:


      Tuesday 17th April

      Cashy, you are doing so well. Sorry you had those nasty cravings, but you did good, to resist. We love you for it. Have a great day.


        Tuesday 17th April

        Hi Cashy,
        Sounds like yesterday was really tough for you. You did well not to give in to the cravings and stay true to yourself.
        Well done.

        Day 17 AF for me today. Not too shabby.


          Tuesday 17th April

          Well done Cash! That was a fantastic result.... things could have been so different today if you had given in! :l

          It is such an upwards struggle. I am finding things very difficult just now and have, not to the surprise of the wise few, had a couple of wine "spritzers" in the last few days. I am sure that a few of you spotted my impending fall.

          I also feel a bit sad in that I feel that I have lost a few good friends on here..... not sure what I have done but feeling a bit like being ignored in the playground.....:teeter:

          Oh well.

          Watcha Pops! :l 17 days? Not shabby at all.


            Tuesday 17th April

            Well done Cashy

            I,ve just got the creeps from reading about cirrhosis of the liver...its enough to put me off the wine anyway!!

            Keep going Cashy thats an amazing amount of sober you feel more confident?

            Regards Cassy


              Tuesday 17th April

              Some days are better and easier than others. BUT, each day you make it through that "bad" day and wake-up the next morning, what a relief and accomplishment you feel. Hugs!!!!


                Tuesday 17th April

                Well done you!


                  Tuesday 17th April

                  Well done Cashy, what a loser !! you must feel fabby.....

                  Hiya Bluebell.......have had a few 'spritzers' myself - you are not alone.

                  Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                    Tuesday 17th April

                    Day 10

                    Cashy you are doing great!!!
                    Pops day 17- you are 7 ahead of me!

                    Bluebell you haven't lost anyone here what the heck are you even talking about? :h
                    Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                      Tuesday 17th April

                      Blue, do you need me to come sharpen your pencils?
                      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                        Tuesday 17th April

                        61 days, WOW, tremendous.

                        I feel humbled being on day 11, but surviving so far.

                        Hey, Cassy, I know someone just diagnosed with cirrhosis - not good. Been in Hospital twice in last 3 weeks, had 6 liters of fluid drained both times. Was told if he did not follow the doctor's orders to the letter for the next 2 years, well, you can imagine the downside.

                        Keep up the good work everyone!!


                          Tuesday 17th April

                          good work cash, and popeye that is awesome!!!

                          I still like ya bluebell!!!!
                          It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                          James Gordon, M.D.


                            Tuesday 17th April

                            Bluebell, what's going on? I still think you're the sharpest pencil in the there!
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              Tuesday 17th April

                              Landshark, that's creepy about your friend with liver did they know they had it? I've got this weird thing that's bothering me....after a heavy meal if I push in below my right ribcage it makes this "squirt" noise....?? like there's fluid in there.
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

