Bad news in the South Pole. US Antarctic research is being shut down (due to the govt shut down) and this may also affect the Kiwi research there as well.
Good to see you PPQP and that you have been dealing with the extra stress AF. So we have you, Cinders and Yah in new jobs ? well not totally new but with new roles and responsibilities ? if I have it right?

Glad that you too Bear are on top of things. The month is whizzing by AF for you.

Mick ?hope you tackled that housework with vim and vigour - (and some cleaning pixies:H) we are behind in that dept here and those of us working at home this week are very busy. I am also supposed to be on light duties with manual work as I have a strained wrist.
Sam and Pauly ? hope your day and evening is going well too. You have a great Thursday,
I am feeling a bit miserable today as yesterday the tension and tears from my daughter?s school work became pretty tough. It's the school holidays and she must get a biggie done (this year is very serious for high school qualifications). She is working really hard but its still a long way off and it's a creative piece so it can?t be hurried. I find it hard to be encouraging/loving and not sound too bossy at times. I also hate seeing her having a bad time and her prolonged tears really upset me. It just turns my gut. I just want the best for her. I told her that I have to change in my attitude but she said no I don?t.
Really sorry to prattle and prattle but it can be gut wrenching being a parent as many of us know here. If she is sad I get sad too. I am also having a big dose of missing the wee girl I could bundle up in my arms and cuddle to pieces. So does her Dad as he told me.
Well on that cheerful note ? I will leave it to see what Det is up to as he always posts last although now I see that Cinders has joined the late gang. Cinders, are you very far away from your hubby and the rest of the family? Hope that is working out.
Best for Thursday and the sober revolution:dragon1: